Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

... Of theRE s VRRE c T ION~ The forCe or fulneffc ofrheApojtles Simile (ont ofjoynt) you flull,never fully con~ . ·11you rake in hand feme good worke of fome moment: and then you fhall c;e1ve, u b k h h b t · d" for cerraine. For,doe ut mar eme :,en, ow m_any ru s,bets, tmpe •ments, there "llb asitwerefomanyputtlll'gsouto; }oynt, yer~tcan e roughttopaffe. Th!s Wl e,or thatwants: one thing or other frames not. AJinew fhnnkes, a bone is our wanes, d 1 · · · l ' E. h ·' [< vhatisawry: and what a oe nere 1s, yerwecan get lt ng 1t. tt erthewtll i~~~~[e, and we havenomindeto it ;or thepo!Ver is fhrunke~nd the meanes ~aile us; or rhe time ferves noti orrheplace IS n?t meet, ort?e pamcs to be ~ealt w1th, we jjndethem undifpofed. And the m1fery IS~ when one IS got m, the other IS ot<t againt; That, the wirofman could not have devtfed a fitter tenne, to have exprcffed tttn; This fortbe dtfeafe. . . . . .. . . . . · What way doth Go o take, to fetus nght ~ Ftra oy our Mmif/ry and meancs; For,it is aparr of our profcJl!on underGo o, this fame.,.'T•PT~'!'!',:o fe: the Church in, and every member that 1S out of}oynt. (You may re~de tt, m tl11Svery term~ (Epht[.IV.XII.) <>e)<r,g.'T• And that we doc,by applymg outwardly thtsTejlatlll»tand rhe blortdof it ;Two fpecia\1 splints (as it were) to keepe all araight. Out of the1eftament, by the !Vord ofexhortation(as, in the next Verfc he cals it :) praying us Vcifc ;;,; 10 fuffer the Splinting. For it mayfometimcs pinch them, andput themtofome · p 1 ine, that are not well injoynt, by prefling ir,and putting it home. But both by de– nouncing, one while the threats oftheold Tejlament, another while by laying forth the promifes ofthe Ncw,ifbyany meanes, we may get them right againe. This, by cheTejlament, which is one outwatdmeanes. The Blo11dis another inward meanes•. By it, we are andper[eO(choofeyou whether :)and that fo,asat no time of all our life, we are [o well injoynt, or come fo neere the flare ofpcrfectnelfe,as whed we come new from rhe drinking ofthat blord. And thus are wemadejit; Provided, that ... 1~~.r.~, do end (as here itdoth) in,,,;.., and "''.'l'o/' rhat, all this ·ii"7 ;.,..,;;:.: fit makingdo end, in doing and in a!Vorke: that [omeworkebe don~. Fot, indoing it is '';'· to end, ifit end aright; ifit end, as the Apoftle (here) would have1t. For, thisjittin<>, Toe Pf .&f!"' isncit roheare, learneor know; but to doehis will. Wehave Jjeene long at Tea,;h :/,; thy will, atthatleffon: There isanother(inPfalme CXLUI.) Teach me to doethy Pfi.IH·'~· will; we mull rake our that alfo. Teach me thy will; andTeach me to doe thy,vi!l, are twodillinCi lelfons. We areallourlifelong about thefira; and never come to the fecond, to'",;"""'""· Iris required, weflJouldnow come to thefecond~<7'"'"ii=· We are normadejit(whcn we arefo)to doe never a whit the more: K•7aPTi""' is to end in"""'"' (which is) doing: and in l"~JP' (that is)inaworke. . . Inworke, a11din every good IVOrke. Wemua nodlip rhe collar there, neither. For, • '"'rr<•rf¥ ifwe be able to fiirreour hand but . way at1d nor another,itisa figne, it is nor well I< attgood fer in. His, that is well fer, he can move it to and fro, up and downe, forward and wort«· backward; every way and to every workc. Therebe that are all for fome Me IVOrk; thadinglefomeonepeeceofGo os fmiice ; wbolly addicted to that, but cannot skill of the rea.That is no good figne.To be for every one;for al forts ofgood worl:es, for every parr ofGoos worfhipalike: for no one more than another; that (fure)is thenghr; So choofeyour Religion;fopraCiife your IVDrfoip of Go o. Iris not C1fe, to doeorherwt[e; nor to ferve Godby S]nechdPche: but o,..,b7<,to take all before us; llut,in the doing ofali or any,beftde our part( '''·7~ "'""'"') here is alfo """'''' "~'''' rz,~·,;.J~,: aWorker belides. For, when G o o hath fitted us by the outward meanes, there is Tb,femd A, . nfr all. _Hdeaves not ~1s. t? ~ut felves for the rea: but, to that ?utly~rd ap~lication '" 1 • 0 hours,Joynes HIS '1>0/U '"' up.• v, anm!VardoperattOIJ ofHts owne mfptnn<> HIS grace l ~:cJ~~ isnothing bur the breath ofrhe E_I olJ Gho~. Thereby rnlightning~ur mindes, 1 ngour wtls;workmg on our affechons, makmg us hommes bon« volrmtattS :that "'. len we have done well, we may fay with the Prophet· Domine univerfa opera nojlr.i Efap6.I:i. ~:~atiiSes jnnobi<: Lo" o, all ~ur good workcs thor< hat/wrought in re. Ottrworksthey . yec,o[thy workmg. And wtth thevfpojlle: We did them ;yetnot we,but thegrace • Cor.t p <>. Ggg ~ uf