Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

I II. The J<qt~t/t. l 3 Luke ~.14. ofGodthatrvanvithlls, Bothwayes,itistruc: what He wotkes bv"'" d h tH k · H k ' F / •"eworkes· us;an w a ewor esmus, e rvor rsoyus. or,<"rl'"''"fl'iitakenot IQ the other, butfiand well together. Thisforthedoing. away one · Now forth.:·worke: Ineverygoodworkewe doeHis will: yet (itfeemeth)de r there are. For, here IS menuon of~''"~""· H1s w.Il; and befides it of;,. g ~es good pleafitre, and this latter fotmds , as if it did import more tha~ a ·fi~~~;· -% Ones goodpleaforeismore? than His barewill. So, in the Ch.zpterbefore, He,:fu: eth ""-Tf!ou.ul'"r'•~<,(that Is)we may ferve and pleafe: (that is)may fo fer 11 / that wemaypleafe. Accettahlefervice then, is more than any, fuch as it is. Theas is no queflion, but that, as of evil! workes fome dif;leafe G on more than otbc:: fo, ofgoodworkes, thereare[omebetterpleafing, and that He takes amore fpeciallde: ~~ . And, ifyouwouloknow, what they be: above, at the XVI. vcrfe, it is faid ' that, to_doegood ""1~o dijlrib~te, (that is) dijlrih11tive ~oing good• . It is more than~ ~rdmarse fervtcc: _lt IS a facntice every fuch worke. It IS of the h1ghell kinde offer. vice, an~ that With that kindew"f";;,' (ou~wurdhere) G on i5highly ple.(td. So doth Same Pa11l call the bounteous fupply111g of h1s wants from the PhtlipPians ~•.;.,"""'',a(acrijice right acceptable mdpleafing to God,and ''"'"' ••~J'i"', amuj delight: fit!/Jiucetfavour. And, that you may fi11l fee,He lookes to theRe[urrec1ion,Hefairh: the l'hilippians had lien dead, anddrie :t great while, as in winter trees doeufe. Bur when that worke ofbo11wty came from them,they did i••i<iM«• (that is) (hootforth 111 ,; frefb ,growgreeneagaine, as no\~ at this feafonplanrs.doe. That fo, the very v;rrue of C H R '. s r s re(~rreflton ~1d _llJew ~orrh It ~clfe ID them. So fitting Naturesre– /ll~rdltow.flme (the nme _ofb~mgi~g thm~s, (asIt were) from th_e deadagaine) IVith ri11S of C H 1\ xs r. Whtch nme 1stherefore the mofi pleating nme, the time ofr1 1 e· greatefi pleafure ofall the rimes ofrhe yeare. So, we know, how to doe that, isplell– fmgin Hisfight. . ' Yer, even this plealing;and all elfe,is to conclude (as here it doth) with1lmugh I • s v s CH 1t 1 s r our L oR n: He is in, here coo. In, at thedoing: ln,atrhe making them to pleafe G o n, Yt fociat quiff!tper C H 1t I s r u M qtml placed!ptr C H l\ I s r u M, that, what by C H l\ I s r i5 done, by C H a I s r maypleafe when it is done. In,atrhe doing, infimdewdogratiam,gratiam aflivam, by infuling ot drop– •.ping in Hisgrace ac1ive; making us abkandft to doe, and fo to doe them. Inatthe pleafing; aJ!imdendegratiam,gr.riampAjivam, by powring on His good grace andfa. vourpa.fivt, as it might be fome drops ofHis bloud,whereby it pleafeth being done. Gracing His worke(as wee ufe~of.1y)in GoDs fight, that(o, HeofHisgr«e may crowne it. i (). We have gone through with both points; Now comes the hardell point of all, thefeqHele, to couple them andmake them hang well together. . Firfithen, they be afrribed to the Go n of peace. There are butthreethmg> to be done in the Text, and l'eace cloth them all. And, ifPeace; then Go o, by no orhertitlethanrhe Gon of peace. •Peace hringtthfromdeath: For, Warre(l am fure) bringeth todeath many a worthy man. There is little quellion to be made of this: that the Go n ofpeace doth the one; but theDive!!of di{>orddoththe other. Secondly, PeaceJets in joynt, Warre brings all out ofjoynt: WArreis not good for thejoynts, as we fee daily. l'eacedoth them no hurt, . . Thirdly, Peace makeSiu {it for good: Warre, for all manner ofevtll workes(lalth Saint lames in the Ill. chap. ver[eXVI.) Therfore the Godofpeace, fay we. (And, if He take it from us for a time; that He bring it quick!y backe to us agame.) For when He was firfi 6ro11gh1 into the world; among the living, at His birrh, Iamu was fhut: the v.tngt!s, thcyfung Pence "fio'!_earth. And, when He \Vas hm1ght •z;.:;