Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermrm18. Ofthe.RuvRRECTioN: 5 s 9 ------~--~--~~~~~~--~~-~~~dead, thisday, He wasno foo~er ri[en; but the firfi newcs was,theSouldiers rAnveallaway: Afigneof pc.rce. :'\nd mdeed, 'Yhen He hadjlamehAtred,it was mo!1: kindly then,to bringpeace. As,this even~g, With ~·s ?woe~ourh,He fpake it one~ . . and twice, Pax vgbJ5, over and over agame: Which IS theA!oflles bmedzflio 11 here. Io!m ,., u .: : So Reji 1 rrel1ionand Pwe,they accord well. ,. , , . . . . . ... . 'Now for the fiqt~ele of good worku upon C _H ll Is; s bm:gmgftomthedead. Being to inferre goodJVorkes; He would never put mall this, o[ CH "I.' T s bring, ing bMke ag 4 i1 1 efomthe dead, if there had n()t beene fome fpectall operauve force ru or towJrd them in C H R I s ·r s Refurreefron. If C H R I s T s rifingmade.not for them, had not 'come Cpeciall_ reference to them, f~me pc;culia.~; inrerefi in them, all thishad not beeneadidem,buttdle,and befide the pomt qUite. We !l'ufi ta~e hee.d of ,chiserrour to thinke the Ptifi'ion, or Re[urreefitinof CH R t s T (though ttbeafitM trA~~jitns, ;bat with ;bedoiltg paffeth aJVay) that it bath not avertue and force verma~ nent; that it left not behinde it a vertue and force permanent roworke contmually Comegrace in us; as,to thinke,His Re{11mefion to be Ac1mfoifmf"", an act tohav~ his effect at the latter day, and inthe rrieane time to ferve for qothing, but to hang in nubibm (as they fay.) Butthat,thisday,it hathanefficacic continuing, thadheweth forth it felfe: And as the rule is, inthe[oule, beforeitdothonthebody. Weewili leave theHcathento their habits, andh~tbitnalities: But,with us Chrij/ians, t'pis is Curei Whatfoever, in us, ot by us is wrought, thatispleAjingto Go o; iris fo wrought by the venue of CH 11 ISr's Refimelliop. Wee have not thought of it perhaps; but, moO: certaineit is, it is fo. So Go o bath ordained it. Whatfoever evil! is truely mortified in us, it is fo, by the power of C H R I s T s death; and thither 'to be re- · ferred properly. And, whatfoeverg~odis revived or brought againe anew from us; it is all from the venue of chrifl.rrifing againe. All doe rife, all are raifld, thence. The fame power, t~at did createat firft, the fame it is! that makes anew creature. The fame power, that ratfed Laurl/4 the brother, from lmgraw off/one : thefame raifed <.Mary Magdalenthe fi{ter, from hergrAve offinne. From one, and the fame power both. Which keepeth thismethode: Worketh firfi, to theraijingof the[ollle, from thedeath ofjiNne;and after, in the due time, totheraifing of thebody, from the dl(/& -f death. Elfe, what bath thev.fpoflle faid, all this while~ , · . Now, thispoJVer isinh.mnt in theSpirit as the proper fubject ofit:even the .eter~ 1Mfl Spirit, whereby chri/offered Himfllfe lirfi unto Go n, and after raij(d him– felfeti:omthe dead. Now, as in the texture of the naturall body, ever there goes the Spirit with the bloud: ever, with aveine (the verfell ofthe one) there runnes alongan ~Yterie (the veffell ofthe other:) So i~it in Chrifl; His bJoud, :ind His &piritalwayes go together. In the Spirit isthepower: in the poJVer, vertually, everygood JVorl:e it producetl1, which it was ordained for. IfwegettheSpirit, wecannot faile ofrhe power. And, the Spirit, that ever goes with thebloud, which never is without it. . This carries us now to thehlottd. The veryJbeddingwhereofupon the Cro!ft:~ prmmm&ante omniawas the nature ofaprice. A price: fi1fi, ofour .-anfoi/Jefrom death due to our finne, through that His fatisfaction. Apriceagaine, ofthepurehaft, Hcmadeforus,throughthevaleofflismerit, which by His Tejlament, is by him pnffed overto us;, . Now then,His hloud,after it had,by the very powring it out, wi-o~ght thefc two ~lfeCls, Jtranne not wafie, but divided into two fireamcs. I: One into theLaverPf Tit. 1 .r: ;e new bmh(o~r Baptifme) us outwardly to take away the fpots ofourfin. Luk.u.•o: }he other, mto theCtif ofthe 7{swTejlament inHt5 bloud, which inwardly admi- · ~ red,fervet~,as to purge and clet~nft theconfciencefromdeadJVorks,that[o live wo:ks ChaP-9-lf; hay grow up mthe place: So, to endue us With the Sptrit, thadhall enable us with ~ e\~'her to bring them fotth. H.ufunt E,·clefi-e gemin"Sacr4menta :thefe are (not y:,O J t! Sacraments, but) the two twin.Sa"aments ofthe Church (faithS. Auguj/ine.) fi ~ wuh hlsthereare two Rules. I. One, ff2!!.icqllidfacrijicio Djfertur,Sacramentocon- • er Hr; what the Sacriji;e offiretb.,that theSACramentobtaineth. z, Theother,.fi!!!,kquid Ggg 3 Teflamentl i'