Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Of the NATIV 1T n. Sermon5. ""-- 40 ~---------------------------------------- Now, as in the Name So.vioua there was, fo is therelikewifeioyinthisName C H a Is -r; and that, many wayes : 1. Fidr, that wee {lull hang no more in expedatiZJ<h.9.a on, We !hall be no longer, Vinc1i !Jei, Hopes prifoners. He that fhordd come, is come. The promifed SAvIouR, The SAvIouR, whichri CH RI 5 -r, is now borne, and when_ .fjes becomes res, then ourjoy is (t~!l. l. That now, there is a Saving office erected; one Anointedto that end,a profeffed SAvIouR, to whom all may reforr. We /hall nor beto Al'ts 4·•• feeke, there is aNamegiventmder Heavcn,wherby we may be fure offalvation,the Name of Cn RI s<-r. 3· Tlmtothisourfaving, wee have the joymc<:>nfentandgoodwillofall parties; in this Name CH a I s T. C H1t I s T (that is) rhe Anointed, what perfon i.s He~. The So N N •, rhe(econdPerfon. Anointed, bywhom~By the FA T n c R: f<!!_em unxifti, (vfas 4· 27.) thejirjl Perfon. Anointed, with what ~ With the H 0 L y G " 0 5 T' ( Afis " " ·Ia.J8.) the thirdPerfon. So a concurrence of all Perfons in this Name; all willing an<( wel1-p1eafed,~virh theworkeof our Salvation. 4· Ifwe would be faved 1 we would be fa• C•nc. '·'· ved,unll<ione,by Oile,not by Vineger. Et ungruntum ejfuftm•, Nomen, Ejus: And His Name is C HR I 5 T' one rhar-faveth byanointing. ) . And ifbyoile, (there be hot oiles) witlt a gentle lenitive oile. And the oile which He ufeth, wherewith He is anoilited, is, the oile of gladnqfe. Gladnejfet~erefore muft needs goe with this Name. Which oile ofgladnelfe is norfor Himfelfe, burtor11s: nor for Htiu[e, but for •urs· So He faith Mimfdfe, in His firll: Serltjoll at; Nazareth, upon His text out ofEfay 6x.z. The anointing (this Oile ofgldneffi) w.uupon Him to beftow it upon us, and ofus: Vpon themefpecially, that through a woun– ded confcience, were troubled with thefpirit ofbeavinelfe, to turne their heavineffe into joy. Glad then·; that He is come,rhat by His Office is to{ave : and come with the good liking of d· all: rofavtusby oile: and that, tbe oile ofgladnejfe. · ·'3 A11d yet to makeourjoymorefielt, rhevfngdladderh the third. A SAvI ou a which Clml!!he is C H.R 1 s T; CH n. I s r the L oR o. For neither isthis all. He is not CH R 1 s r on.' Lord. ly. Wemuftnotftaythere. ForrheName CH RI s r willagree,-hathbeene, and may be imparted to orhersbefides. Many a King, in Scripture, lmh had the honour to carry the Name of Chri.fl ;But with a difference. The King, Chrijlus Domini, the Lords Chrift; He llcb. 7·1· chrijltu Damin11s, the Lord Chrift, or Chri.fl. the Lord. Confider then,how great this childe isi whofe Anointed, Kings rhemfelves are. For 1fthey beChrifti Domini, the Lords Anointed; H u they are, for He is the L o R o. The L o R " abfolute wirnout any addition ; yee may. putittowhatyewill, Lolt o ofmenandAngels, Lord of Heaven andEarth,andallrhe Hoft~ofrhem,Domimu chrijlomm, and Dominiu Dominom,., LoRD para11mmt overall. Bur, why thelord~ Becauferhis Name of Cbrljlwill fort with men. Nay, as Hds chri.fl (that is Anointed) He is Man only. It isHisnamcas Man,for Go o cannot be Anoin-, · ted. But He that {]10uld fave us would be more thanMan; and, fo morethanChrijl. Indeed, 1leb. 7 ., 8. chri.flcannot fave us. He that muft favc us muf~ be the Lord. For, fuch a Saviottr it hehoo. 'l)eth H< to h.ove, as might riot begin the worke ofour Salvation,and leave it in the middel±,but goe through with it, and make an end too; which the former Saviours could not doe. For~ merly, evertheir complaint was, that their Saviorers, their Chri.fls died ftiU, and left them Heb. 7 ., 3 , to feeke: their Kings, and Prie.fls,and Prophetsdro~t away.ftill; for, they we;e notft<fferedto .>4· endterehy feafon ofdeath. But thts SA vI o u R, thts Chnft, becaufe Hee IS the .CoR o, . endrtreth for ever, hath an everlajling Priejlhood, Kingdome and Prophecie, and fo u abl<per~ fec1ly to(avethem,thatcometo Go n by Him. This is one reafori, why, hirherweemuft come at the !aft,to chri.fl the Lord, and till we ae at it, we be not where we !hould,Elfe,our. Saviours will die, and leave us deftirutc. Bu.t, rhe maine reafon is fer downe by E{ay, Egoft•m, Egofmn, (faith Go o Himfelfe~ & pr,zter me, nonejffervator .. Iris I, I that am the Saviour, I itm, and hejides <..Me, th<re uno Savio11r. None tndeed, no trueSav1011r, but the Loa o. All other are lhorr, Vana fa– ~~~s hominis, faith·the Pfalme, Mans falvation i1 vaine, anyfalvation is vaine, ifit be not the LoR n 5. I. Thofe Chri.fls, tharwerenotthe Lo~t o, couldnotfavebtltrhehodie,and noroneofrhemqt~ickenhuownefoule: CH 1t I 5 -r, thatisthe LoR o, canfave(otelesand bodies, His 01vneand others hoth. z. Thofechriffs,rhat were not the L oR o 1 coufd favebut from carnal! enemies, with arme~ of fle{]l: Hee, from our ghoflly enemies, even fpiritllall fl)ickedne![es in heavenly places, from vfbaddon the great dc!lroyer of the bottomeleffe pit.' , 3• They