A SERMON P -REACHED- BE~ FORE "fHE ICINGS MAlE-. STIE AT GR E E N;VV I C H, p N · the Ylll. of June, d. V. M o c v 1. being . WHITSVNDA Y. Acts Ch;~p. II. Ver. I, If, Ill, IV. ~nd -when the V ay of_Pentecofi was come(or, when thefifij dt{Yes werefulftUed) they were aU'With one accord,in one place. ~nd there came fodaine{y from heaven the found ofa m;ghty Wind; anditjiUedthe place where they fate. d'nd there appearedtonguer c!oven,as tbey hadGeene,ofJire,and . fate ueon each ofthem. !ndthey were aUjiUedwith the HoLYGHo s T ,andthey hegantojjea~withother tongues,as the SI.'iritgave them utterance. 595 5. arethis day (betide our wcckely due of theSabboth) to renew, and to celebrate the ye01rdy metl)orie, of the fendingdownerhe HoLY GaosT. Oneof the tM4gnalia Dei (as they bee termedafterinthe XI. Yer1e; J I:! ne or t\oc~r••' andwonderful! Benefits Vcrfe tf; of G6d; Indeed,a Benift,{o great and fo wonderfr•U, - - · as rhere. were not tongnes enow, upon earrh, eo ce· lcbrate Jt Wtthall, but th~re were foine to bee more tent from heaven, to he!pe to round it outthroughly : Even anew fupplyof tongues from heaven. For all :he tongues, in ·earth, were noc fufficieot eo magmfie ·G o o for His goodnelfe, in fending downe to Ho~oYGHou; , :rms.