~·~~~--~~~~~~------~ Sermon 1• ofthe Ho l Y Ga os r. 597 ~Typeor Figt~rt,_ in rhefmndand thirdYerfes. , And then, as it is expo!n'ded in rrurh and in deed, mrh~ fotmh. . . P In Type or Ftglm symbgltce; and chat 1s rwo wayes, agrce~ble eo rherwo ;hiefefenfes, 'thehwing, and >rhejigbt. •To the HearJIIg, by a[aund, in rhe fel {e •TorheSi~hl,byafhervmrhethtrd, . &un• ~e~~rheHwing,byafot~nd,inrhe(econd: Afoundofawind;A wind,•frtdden, , vehement, lthat cameftom heaven, and 'I jlledthatplace where they (ate. . . ~ To rhe Sight, by af/JCJv mrhe thtrd: There appeared, 'Tongues;, cloven ; ·t vereo(fire· •,vbich (ate upm e~ch of them. Thus farre, rhe ftgt~re. 3 "' 1 ~b<n i>i rhefwth, followerh rhc thing it felfe. Which ver(e is (as it were) a ~ommentary ofrhe two former. . I. Of theWindinward, in the firll: pa;t,of ir,and rhefewords: Tbey 1vere alljllcdiVtththe Ho L Y G Ho s T. .3 Ofrhe Tongs~es out– ward, in the hrter, and the[e words: They began to j}eake wtth uther tongtles, '"the Spiritgavethemutterance. , , , The one, toreprefent the inward operation. The other,the ~ntwardmanifejlattor. ,f thtSpirit. Thus ll:andeth the order ; The[e are the1' arts• THefirft pointis theTitiuof His comming ( tha1 is) The d4y ofientecoff. I. I Why that da~ ~ The day ofPentecojl was a great Fea!l underche L•w: 'i'b<Timt._ . And meet it was,thts Commmg lhould bear fome great Feaft. • Thefir!l: De- Whenrb•a•J Jicationof CH 1\ r s T' • Catholike Church on earth; , The firH j~tblijhingthe Go/fell; ~!',:~:!1 l The firft prodaiming the Apof/les Commifion., vi'ere fo great martel·s, as it was not · rnett, rhey fhould be obfcur~ly carried; !lolne as it were, or done in acorner. Much lay upon rhem: and fit it was, rhey lhould be done in as great.an Ajfembly as might be. And fo theywere: even in acvn,·ollr[e (as in the V. Verfe itis) of every Nation under heaven; That fo, notice might be taken ofit, and by them carried all over the world, even eo the utmoll corners ofthe earth. Saint Paul faid well to King Agrip- A!t-•6.,6, pa: This i; "'ell eno11gh knowne; Thi5 w,u not done in"corner. z At agreat Feajl, itwas meet: bur, rhere were many greacFei.Jis; why at this Feajl, the Fe.jl of Pentecofl? . . It is agreed by all Interpreters old and new; ( * Cyprian is the firll:, \VC fin.de it in) i A;,L, Ft<,1 That it was to hold harmony, to keepecorrejpondenciebetweene the rwoTef/aments, •I givi•g lb< theoldandrheNcw. Soitwas,at CH a rsT's Death(w.efee•) Hewasfiaine,not ~C~prian.seri onely, M the Lambe wdf; but even, when the LamGe w,u fiatnetoo : On rhe Feaft of dt spirit": theP•ffeover, then was C HR r s T imr Faff:over offered for us• 'Coq. 7• . Now,fromrhatFeajlofthePaff<~ver,reckoningffrie dayes, they cametoSi– nat: And rhere on that day (the day of Pentecojl) received they the Law: (a memo– rable day with rhem, an high Feaft; even for fo great aBenefic: and is therefore by. themcalledrhe.Fea.ftoftheLaw.) . And, even rhe very fame day (reckoning from CH 1\ 1 s T our Pillfeover,ffti~ Jayes)rhatthe Lawwas given inSinai, The 'lery fame day doth rhe new Law here goeoutof Sion (as the Prophet Efay foretold, exibit de Sitm Lex;) which is nothing EC.y "-~el!e~ butthe promulgation ofthe Gofiell. The Royal!Law (as Saint Iam!S callerh it) bmcn. i;& asgtvenby CH R'I s T our King: The orher, bur byMqfh, a fervanc : And [avou.- reth therefore oftheSpirit of bondage, the feare of Servants- As rhis doth, of the p;,t.p.t>, Prmcely Spirit,che Spirit ofingem<itie, andadoption, the Love ;f children. Ro.,,S_.•$, _OntheFeajlof Pentecopthen;becaufethen, wasgiventheLawofC HR Is 'r_ lVnttenmourheartsbythe HoL" GHost. . Hh h Jq