Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

r-59-8-----------0~V~~7e~S~E--N-D 7 . -I-~--G------~---~ ~------~~~~~--~------~----- ' To this clothChry[offome joyne a fccond lllnnony. !hat as, under t~ 'sibtFta/Jof 11tt,;m,i1tgof Eajltr. th1s Feaff, they _firfi put thezrjicle to the Corne; (Harveft, mt?at Climate, b~ in~~at With them mthis Moneth ') the fir(I fhlits whereofthey offered at EaJ/er. ~ dmg called therefore by themFeflnm mefis: In like fort we fee, rhat this veryda~ ths Lo xo of theHarvefr fo difpolina it, who not long beforelifting up H 1' eyes, ~~ Johni·lf· looktng on the regzens roumlabout,_/nv them whzte and ready to the harveJI; His tirQ Mauh.s 3. 3 s. Workemen,thc.Apoifles, d1d put In their firfr fide mtothe great Harvef/,Cuj;u 4 17 Vcrfe r ejl Mundtu, whereofthe worlduthefield, and the feyer,all furrowes of it all the~ ·· ' , tionsunderheaven. On the Feafr of Pcntec1f, then fecond, becaufe the~ beganth. great Spiritual! Harvejl. e Tbr 'Fea/1of To thefc two doth *Saint .Attguffineaddea third,taken out ofthe number inthe Miltt. very name ofPentecojf, and that •sfiftte. Wluch bemg all along the Law thenu 111 A•t".fl·'l·"~· ~er ofthe Iu_hilte (which was the time offorgivi~g of debts, and reftoring~entothn; jirjl eflates) Jt falleth fit w1tb the procla1mmg of the Cojpelt (done prckorly herein the 38. Verfc ofth1s <;:haptcr) which is an AYof Go o's mofr gracious gm~Jt jreepardo11 of all the finnes, ofall the finnersin the world. c1,;t. car. •,. And noleffclit falleth it for our Refiitution, whereuntoCyril applyethexce!lenr. Ffll. 1 • 0+·Jo, lytheXXX.Verf~ofthe Cl V. Pfalme, Emitte Sp_iriwm '"""'drcnahuntur,(; renovahisfirciem terr"· Shewmg,there was firfr an em1llion ofthe Spirit inrom•n at his Creati.n; Which, being lince choked with finne, ~nd fo come ro nothing: rh~ day, there is hereafecondemifronof the fame Spmt mto man, fuliytorljlm, and renew him, and in him the_whole Maffe of the Creation. On the day of Pmt"oft then !aft, becaufetherem,.Js the true ntJmbcr and force ofthe true Ju6ilee. Thi1fortbe choice of the time. IY. The Number thus ferlcd, wee delccnd ro thefecond point, ofthe Manmr. And )'he manntr. firll: on their pans on whom the Ho L y G H os ·r came: how Hee found them 1 fram.ed, and fit to receive fuch a Guefr. le is called by the Fathers, Parafrevt o.,.,;, P" 1'· S P r R 1 r us-, Theprepar&tion (as there was one for the Pajfeover, fo here) for ~hnc.1r prtpara· Ptntecojl. 1 Theywe:re aUD{tmttn· tDrd. .E:zck.37·7• 8, ll· It is truly faid by the Phi!ofopher, That .A{fm aEiivor11m{rmt inpatimtedif}lfttl; if thepatient bepreparedaright, the Agent will have his wurke, both rhe foonerand the better. And fo confequemly, the Sptrit, in His comming; if the parriesto whom He commeth, be made Perj}irable. And this is three-fold, fet downe in thcfe words, r. They were allwithl/lur– cord. 2. They were allin oneplace. A double Vnitie : 1 Vnitie of minde tfois ~l"'lvp.a.J'Iv,'lvp.>') or ofhearts (fo is accord, cordium.) • And fecondly, unitie ofp/,re. 3• And thirdly, thefe two, dr1m complerentnr; Patiently expecting, whilohtfftie dayes wereaccomplifbed, Vnitie is the Jirfr: uniticofminde. And f'orir, takebutany.!Jirit,thatisro give life to a narurall body; Can any [piritanimate or give life to membersdifmem• bred, unlef[e they ·be lidl: united and compact together ~ It cannot: !'mtte mull prepare the way to any fPirit, though but natural/. A faireexampk we have, m E z ~ K I E L, chap. X XX V I I. A fore of fcmered dead bones there lay: They were to berevived. Firfi, the honescame together, ev<ry bone to his bone; then, the jinewesgrew and knit them: then, thejlejh and skinne, aTJd covered them : and then, when they ••ere thtu united, then andnot before, called Hee for the Spirit fromthefm; winds, to enter into them and t•givtthem life. No Spirit, Notthe ordmary,natttf4 Spirit will come, but where there is a way made and prepared by accordand unme ofthe bodic. . . Now then take the Holy Ghoff, theSpirit of ali f}irits, the third~erfonin 'l'rt;"' tie: Heis the very tjfmtiallrnity,Love, andLove.knot ofthe two Perloos,che Fat'1 d and the Sorme ;even of G o 1> with G oo, J\nd He is fent robe theYmon, Lwean -· - LO'VIt_