.,___6_o_o_______ O_if_t_h_e _S_E_N_D_I_N_' n_ Sermon 1,· Elay J8.J6. Abac.~·3• they did n?t looke for Him,the fame afternoone; nor frayed but till rhe mo-;:;----– ter A{ce/JfhmDay; nor (as the&thuliansilint was)foureorjive dayes, atthe fa~~ t and then waxed wearie, and would wait no longer: But, as Hewilledthem tot. e. ' fo they did wait ;norjive dayts,but five, a~d five : And focontinued wairia ;~lt, ufque dum Complmntur, tiUthey were ammplifhed: And then brake not up nei~h ven keepe Holy-dAJ, bur held on their waiting, Holy-daye1, and all. . . er,to We fay before; this Fe.afr had divers names: •The Feaftofrhe Law,' The Peaft ?fharvejl, l TheFeaft of Pentecoff: We ~ayput toafourth (otit ofDwt,r6, 9 .) le rs tbere. called 4the Feaftof Weeke~. lt1~not hot~res wll~ ferve the uune, noiyer dayes: rt mufr beweekes, and asmanyweckes as be dayesm aweeke, to make itPtn. t:coft (that is)jiftie dayes. Thus long they fare by it (as it is in the next verfe) aild tar. ned p~tiently the L oR o' • leafure, till~e came unto them, .fl.!!j crediderit ne [tjli. net (farth the Prophet E[ay) He that heleeveth, let hzm not he haftie : And,fi mor.., fmrit,expefiA Eum (faith AhAcuk) I fNehappm toflay ,flay fsr Him. And fo we !hall ifwe call to minde this, that He bathwaited for us and our converfion, moreyeares' than we d?edayes .for Him. And this.withal!, veniendo veniet; fray Hee may for; time, but 1f we wart, cw;e He tPtll certamly; and when Hecomrneth, Manehitvobis; 3 .tternum, He will never forfake us, but continue·with us for ever. Dum tompltrt»t•r Jhall h.·v ·His accomplifhmenr. And in this manner dorh theScripturebear~ witneffe.ofthem,they rr>ereprepmJ, and that they [ped oftheSpmt ; and let us of lrkepreparmg, looke for like f•mf{e. The Mann~r, And nowwe come to theManner, ofHiJ c~mming• And that, firfi in type fenft.· q';:{uP"''·. bl}' ; rhus defcribed. •There came ~found; •There werefeenetongues; ·which is a fen– ~ ;' ""''"''g fible kinde of Comming. . . , · '"YP•· And that is acommiog rare, and nothingufuallwirh the HOLY Gnosr; which as an invijihle Spirit, commerh (for rhe mofr part) invifibly.S.faith ~ob: H~ commeth to me, and I {ee Him not; Hepajfeth hardby me, and I perceive Eimnot. ltwas Ch'p ,o.v., 4 . thus here,forthis once: But afieri we fee (in the tenth Chapter)He cam: upon C9rne, Chap.,.•. luu and hu company; And after that, upon the Twelve at Ephefm (rnthemmh Chap.) Bur on neither, that ought couldbefeeneor heard : Onely difcemed by fomeclfed, Hewroughrinfuem. Hdh:ubefl:knewtheSpirit (Cn" I sT) fersusdownethe manner of His comming; Spiritut fPirAt,fednif"ci!Nndeaut quo, He tlothcomeandi~ JPir~, bt~t how or which way, that know yoi• not, Yechere, in this prefent cafe, for this once, it was meet, Hefhouldrhus come in nate; and that there fhould be a folcmne, fer, fen!ible defcending ofir. . . I Meet : that no leffe honour done to this L~wof Sion, than to that ofSinli, which was publike, and full ofMajeftie; and fo was this to be; ~ Meet: That having once before beene, and never but once,upon C axr ~ r the He•d: it 010uld be fo once more, on theChurch too, the Bbdie. It pleafedH•m tovouchfafeto grace theChnrch His ~eenewith like folemne inaugurati~n to that .of His owne, when the I;I o L v GHos T defcended on Him in like11<ffe of aD0111; that fhee might no leffe, than Hee Himfelfe, receive from Heaven like fokmneat: tefl:arion. . d· 3 Laf1:ly, meet it was, it fhould remaine to the niemory of all ages teflifie, that a day there was, when even apparamly to fenfe, Mankind wasvilltedfro:n ° 0 high: And that thisWindhere, and rhefe Tongsmcarne not for nought, at fo hrgha Fea.ft,infogrearanAJ{emhly. d This Comming then ofHis, thus in Stare, is fuch, as it was bothto be heAYJan Jeene, To the e~re and the eyeboth. So faith Saint Peterof it after (Yerfe 33·) Bet~ thtuexalted(fanhhe o[C a "I s T)andhavmg recewedthep~omifeofthe Father,h: hath jhedforth thu; whtch yot~ now hoth fee andheare. And wnh go?d r.eafonf,b(,tof Toborhfen{es is the J:I o.i. l' GHo s ~ prefented.Toth~ earewh1ch rsthe en ~J, faith : T.o the eye, whrch 1S th~ fe~fc oflove.The eare, that IS the groun~ ofthe ~hie• Yfhichisaudible: the eye, wh1ch IS the ground of thc:Saframms, wh1d1are'l'iji TO