- Sermon r., of the Ho L Y GHos T. Torheeare, in anoi(t; To theeye, inajhew: Anoife,ofamighty Wind; A lhew, ofjry Tongues. The m•[r,fervmg as aTrumpet, to awake the World, and give them l ·n" He was come. Thejry Tongues; asfom~nyLzghrs, tolhewthem and to warn t~' · · rli · · ' 6ol let themJeethe Day of that thm ~rrtat~on. . . . To beginwith rhe /irft: TherecJme ~folfnd. Whrch very(cund, rs tolh~~, that Th"e oome; the s irit, whereofit is the fote-run~e:,rs nodumbe.JPmt bur vocal!: And fo lt 1s: the {o-.d. . foHnJtberevf is nor onlygone :nto all'Lands : but hath beenebeArd,'." A!!,,ges; before Rom.ro.rs•• the Flo"d itfounded in ' EnocbaPriljhet; and ~ Noe a Pr~acher of ;tgh~eoufnejfe. All aiude ·~· h Law lon" itfounded in rhem, by whom ' U11ofef w.Upreached every Sabbath day. b • P«.•. f .• t e "'· . f h ,/lo " . • h' fi . d d t · ' d b c cCtup.•j . ''· Thevery begmmng o t e Go 1 r'"' was Wit a oun '· Voxc a"?antrs: an , ut zQr dllhoth.J + . thisfo•_.dSaint PaU/knoweth not,how we!houlddoe; 'HowjbQu/dthey beleeve(farth • ll.olll.lo.•.t· he) in Him, of whom they have not heard? and wrrhomaformd, rhere1snoliear:ng. - :Bur we /hall come to this againe in the apparition ofthe t<Jngrm. . 'Thcrecamea(ormd: and not any found ; it will nor be: amiffe,tci weigh what.kind Around z,6 0 : of found is exprcffed in the word here u[ed [i;x&] you know,whar fmmd ~riEcho is: "'ifi, afo.ndat the[econd hand, afound at the rebound. VerbumDo,. 1 N r vemt ailnos; 'IheWerdofthe L oR o commeth to us: there is the firfHouod,To us: and ours is but the Ec-ho the rifleBion of it to you. G q o 's lirft, and then ours fecond. For, if it come from us directly; and not from Him to us lirft,and from us then to you (echo. wife) it is to befufpcttcd. A found it may be; the HoLY G 11 os T commerh not with it: His fore-runner it is nor; for; that is rix&. Therecameafound, and it was the found ofawind: and this too,vety fidy. For, AioundofI theWind,whichisherethctypeoftheHoL Y G lios T, ofallthecrea.tures, dorh Wmd. beft expreffe it; . . . . . . . . . . . r For /irft, ofallbodllythmgs; rttstheleafthodtly, and cO!nmtthneatefito the nature ofafiirit: inviftble as it is~ . . . . . z And[econdly,qrlickcandaflive; asrhe.JPirit.is. OftheWinditisfaid, Pftjue ~aeo tgit, ui nift ~g.t non fit: fo atlive it is, as no ftirring theaik, noaEiion, no wind: ·evenfo, nooperatien, no/}irit; So like, as both have but one.name: nay, all three -but one: 1 Thewindin the wide world; • thebre.tth incur bodies, 1 and theSpirit iri th' myi.Hi:all Body (theCh11rch: ) and much adoe we have, to diftinguiih them iri ·many places; they be taken fo one for another•. · . . . " Now, this Wtnd that came andinade this formd, is here defcribed with foure 1 Ttcamci.a: properties; 1 Itfell(uddenly: •It Wd4 mightie or violel'{t :, lltc/tmefrom Heaven; •lt tl<nl]. • ftlltdthatplace ovheretheyfate; that place,andno ot\m. Of which, the two firft arc ordin•ry, and (like the wind) i:ommon, 1 To beJt•dden, •andto be violent. The other two, not fo; but diflike: l To tome ftpm Heaven, ;, and to keepe it feife within one ptm; and that ofnogreat compaffe•. . ,It fel!fuddenly, ~~·~ .~•ap.tm [o doth the wind. It rifetH cifrentlmes iri the midfl: .A Wind. ofacalme;giveth no .warping, but rufileth~p ofafi!ddeli; and evenfo doth theSpi- • Th""'"' "t: F?r, tHat commet~ notbj o6ftrvatt.onne~rher (fazthour~ A v i o u R ; ) you can t;f';;_: 1 :· 7 • •o, ~akcno fer ruluof it; you muft watt for rt,as well wh~n1t 4:ommeth nor,as when - it com.ts. b M~ny timesi~ is fotind.of them tha: feekeit not.; and therefore little. ac: Hfay&p; count make of lt; and therefore little d,eferve lt; 'Cectdtt fuper ettm spirzttu, rs[o , , Sam.,o.•~. comtnonm both the 01<}_, and ,New Tefiamenr, as we can make no doubr of this. ••·'!· Wh1eh fuewerh, it foils f"ddenly ;, it creet>es not: ftrpentif eft ferpere. Commonly, Cbap. 1 o. .jt, ~otrons that come frotn theSerpent, creepe upon us : but, nefcit tarda molimina s;i, rttm Sa~[/,gratza([ar~h Amhrofe.) d Velwter cumt fmno Ejus, His Word runneth J mi.r4r.•r; Jt ~'J,/"''(tlJ, and' Hrs Spmt cbmmetbwtththewings of the Wind. And rhcreforB ol'f;d. •!:~~~· I' a en (farth Gregory,) becaufe, things, if ,they bee not fudden, awake us nor, ~fe us not; but, Repeminavaldemuidnt,fudam thirig>Jlartus, and make uslooke up,(. And~ therefore(udden (fairh'heeagaine) that men may learne, rlor to defpife prc entm_ottons ofgrace, though f"ddenly riling in them i and though they can give ~lo ~taln~reafon ofthem : but.rake rhe windwhile·it h!oweth, .and thewAter, while 11 nge mo~•eth tt; as not knowing, when it will, or whether ever it will hlow H h h 3 agalne,