Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

6olOJ.the SENDING Sermon I! againe, or ftirre any more. Ic is •~·~ ~•e;p.b•, it fell~ ;. A "Vtbtmmt Itwasamightyor vehement wind. TheWindisfo;ap.d theSpirit u fo ·b th' ~<nd. · this well forced together. . · 0 m . OftheWind, it is a common obfcrvacion, that being nothing elfe but apuff f 1atre, the thinnefr,chepoorcll,and (to bur feeming) ofthe leall force ofall creacue 0 fi'C:ll.48.7. yet groweth it to that vi~le1m, andgathererh fuch llrength,as iri ratrlestogechC:~' gt .Reg.•~-~~~ great jbiprof Tharfis, as g #rents andrives infrmder mormtaines and rockes: pu\lsu e . , ·· trees; blowes downe huge p.!es ofbutldmg: liath moft llrang~ ;u_1d wonderful\ ef. fe&, which our eyes have often feene: and all this but al~ttle thinne airc. · AndJurely, n?le!fe obfervable, or admirable ( nay;.mnchm?re) have beene and arc the operatwns o~che Spmt. Even pre[emly after this, th1s Spirit,inafe" poore, weake and fimple mllruments (Go n knoweth) waxed fo (ull and forcibk b • Cor. 10.4. as it h caff downeftrong holds, brought into c•ptivitie many A» e:ca{ting thought,; mad~ i !Iohn H· aco~quert of t~e wholewerld, even chen, when it w:).S bent fully in maine oppofition agamllit: as1thachfetall men m a mazecoconfider, howfo. poore a beginning lhouldgrow cofuch might; that, Wifdome, and Learning,andMighr,andMajefiie ~ Lu1<ett. to. and all have !looped umo it: and all was but Go n's k littlefinger; all L the brwb I~Thcfr.•. s. ofHismouth. Verily, the Wind was never fo .vebement, asche Spirithathbeeo– . and is, in His proceeding. ' Thde two are commonwith the Wind; and forchefe two, it mighthavebeene no more,but even a common wind.The other two arenocfo; but lhewiccobemore than awind: 3Tbe,conimingftom Heaven, 4 thejilting but of that oneplace. Inthef~ two, it is di!like; as, in the former cwo, like the ordinary wind that blowcrb. 31 , e1me from It cameftorn Heavm. Winds (tiatbrally) come not from thence, bur our ofrhe f!tav<o. caves and holes of the earth: they blow not downward, but-movelaterally from one GOall or climate colanother. To come dire(lly downe, not only<k [ur[11m, from above(fo it may be; from cl;le middle region of the aire) but de co;Jo, from Heavenit J'fal. , 31 . 7 • felfe; that,isfr•pernatttca!l, furc :that,is aWindout of G o n's owne Trea{ "'1 indeed: that, points usplaindyto Him, that {5 afcended "Pinto Heaven, and now [enderhit downe from thence. And therefore fendeth itftom Heaven, that it may fill us wirh the breath ofHti vm. For, as the .vindis, fo arc the bla!l:s, fo is thebreathofit: and, as is cheSpirit, fo are the motions, it ufcth ;fo are there~fons, it is carried by. To dillinguilh chisWind from others, is no hard matter. If our motion; come Jtom above; ifwe ferch ourgrottnds there,dec.,l,,fromheaven,fromReligion,fromthe SanlhMry;it is this wind: but chofe,chat comeJtom earthly rei}ells,; and thatthereisnothing but nat~~ral in chem.This windcame thence,eo makeushta· .c.t.p; 'tHinly minded,"(apere 1""' (t~rfrtm,rofetour ajfet:lionson things heavenly, 0 andto.f•me oPhil.l·' f· therrtles of or1r conver(ation agreeable rmto Heaven. So wee lhall know, what wmd ~3,01. 01,, 1 . blowes; whether it bede ca?{o, or de bominibru :. whether it bedeftu:crucrzli,orexh•~ latio terr.t; from heavenor ofmen, abreathfrom heaven, or a terreneexhalation. 4 ltfiUtd cbat And like to this is the fourth :It filled thatplace where theyfate. T,hat pltce, where pta<_eonoly. they: That place, not the places about. That place it filled: the orherfe~r it nor.And thisisanocherplainediffimily, Toblowbt~tinone place: and !hewethitto bemorc than ordinary. The common wind, all places within his circuite, it atrerh all ahke; one as well as another, indifferently.This here fcemerh eo blowEleflive; ~Ift~ere werefenfe in it, or it blew by difcretion. For, it blew upon none ofthe neigh our houCes, none ofrhe places adjacent, where the{e men were not. That, and onely tM roome it filled, wherethey werefitting. . And this [of blowing upon one cerraine place] is apro pert~ very1\Tell fitting lohn 3 .s. · the :Spirit, vbi vult j}irat. To blowincerraine places, where it fdfewill; andup~n cercaine perfons, and they !hall plainly feele it, and others about them, not ar :h There lhall be an hundred or more in an auditory; one ji111nd is heacd., one '~e doth blow :at that inftant, one or tWO and no !liOrC ; one here, another tlaere; al]j