s;;;;:~u·~----:-=--of--=t:-:h:-e-:-H_ . ~o_ .. _v-:-:G --:-H~,~ s=-T--=:_. ----,-----6_o.:..3_ ~1c Spiri~, !ball be affeC!ed, and t~ucbed wit!?it fenfibly : i weu,ty on th!s iidethem, andforne onth~t, ljlall not fee)57 1t; but fit. hil,becalmed, and goe their omore moved than·tbey came. v/u vnltJJrrat, 1s mort u,ue. . wayAnd tba,t vbi is not any where, bw;w,Eere the{e men /ate; that is;'i~ ls a peculiar , Wind, and app.roP.riate tothat place where the Apoffl~s.~re, tpat 1s,tl~~ eh~~eh : elfe. , where to feekeit,isbut folly: The place? !tblowetl11n, IS Szon :~nd, mStOJJ, where men be fo difpofed,as we·!bewedere-wh1Je·.>that 1s,wllCI;e there IS concordandunity, mt,! f-4; thedew ofSion,IGi IIJal}d•<llt,JJo'{'tn':f &en;dtc1tonem ~ There,Go.o fenqeth ~h~s Wmd; and there i-kfih~erh H1s blefing_With t!]IS!Vmd;wh!C\1 n~ver leaveth us nll1tbnngeth us w iife forevermore, to eternall hfe. 'So cloth Sdlomon defcnbeth~ natp~~ ?f Ecclcf.•.~; theWind: Thatitgoethforth. and thattt.wnyajfeth round•bor1t, and then 1~!1:, That:~ rewneth, Fer circurtm(uos: So dpth tlus,.n commeth from heaven, and 't, blo'Yetli into the charch,~nd tho~o,w, and thoro:n it, tojll1t w~ththe. bnathofhea~m ' ,an4 ;sjt camefrom /;eavento the c;,~rtrch, fo .'t !ball rerurne frotH tb~ Chu~cb, ~nto beAvt~ againe,percircuitm{uos '.an.d•wnofe lades lt bath filled With that wm~,,_ll !hi!ll c~r~ rywith it alongper circ.~<tt~-fo~s ;. even tg fee th!geodnejfe oft/1e Lo 11. p zn the Lanil 1( the living, there tohv~·w1t,h. Hnn and Hts Holy Spmrforever.. ,, , : . , ·. So we have briefly thc;.foll!e proper~ies ofthis Wind, and ~:>f t~ .sPirit who(e ;Type iti~: 'That zt uJuddf!!,,m the fir!l: ,cornm.mg ; 'Tfm .:t 1s mtght;e mproce~ din"· l That it commeth from heaven; 4 That !t commeth znto the <.:h~rch; ro fill1t With,theSpirit,of heavm, ~nd to carry itthith~r whence lt felfe commeth. Thus .much fortpefecond, The (id.l7YP'· . 1 • • • • ·' This wing brought dow~e with it lfpgtus; even im_brcm lipgitariim, awhole 1 To be s;,.,i 'fhower ofthem, which is the.nex_t point, Q:fthejheJVwhich appeared. By which ap- There 'PP"" · ·· 1 1 · 1" h. h m· J c b r 1 I b c rcdTon,;utr, ~a.nng,-1ta,ppearet1 p a!p,y,t· att. 1 e "'· ca,menot~.ort ,em1e vesone y, ut ror &c. . • .o:>hersrq9pelide: In that_l}ere is n9t only. fenr,a Wiifd, which ferv,eth for their owne ' · in.JPiraiion; but th,re be alfo fejlt to11gues. ~ith i~, which ferve for eloqrJution (that i's) tOl'!JfAYI the benefit.tO more than themfelves. : ' It!beweth,thqtthe Ho,L y G H0 $,T CO!Ilmeth and is given here, rather as gratiagratit dat~, to doeothers good; than asgratia gratumfaciens, tO benefit thenifelvcs. charitM dijfufain corde would ferve them, Cbaritypo\vred into their hearts fo Rom.r.r: burgrati• zlijfofa in labiq, <;racepowredinto tfeir lips, that is not ne~dfull forrheni- Pfal.i!->• .felves, but needful! to make oth.ers,belidcthem, partakers ofthe benefit. TheWind alone, dwisto breathe withall; thegrace ofthe Ho L Y G Ho s T whereby our fdves live: b,ut, the WindandTongues ,that is.1:9 {peake withal!; thegrdceofthe H o- . ·L Y G" os T, whereby we. make others live, and partake of the f~mekimwledge .to hfe. An union ofthe WindandTongueh,ere on eanh, exprelling the ur;tity of the ,Spirit andWord in Heave!'): thar, as the Windor breath in us is to fervetheTong11e:t fo is the Spirit given, to fet forth tl1e Wortf, and the Ho L Y G 11 os T to lpread abroad the knowledge of C HI{ r s T. . . Where, iris not unworthy your obfervin.g neither, that as in the natural! body; .one and the fame breathofo\lrs,is orga~on. b 0 th vit£andvocts,is the inftmmmt both ·oflifeand voice; the famethat.we lire by, is the fame that weJJeakeby: Even the 1 ..very like is, in the body myflica/1; and both the 'v#a!f breath, and the vocaH, conie hoth(as we here fee) from the HoLY GHosT, . This alfo !l:andeth of foure parrs, as did the former. Por, there 4ppea;til, . · 1 Tonguu, • cloven, 3 a1 irJVere~ffire, 4 ji(ting upon eAch ofthfm. The tongue is the fubjlantj.ve, and fubjeCl: ofall;he re!l:, It is [o: And Go 1> 1 t•>q;~~<t\ · ~an fend fromHeavenno bettenhing; not the Divell from hell no worfe thing, than n. Thebefl member,,ve h•ve(faith the Prophet;) The worff member, we have(Caith the Pral.xos ,; LApoille:) ~oth, as It 1s 1mployed. . . x.,.,, 3 .i. T~cbeji,,f!t be ofG o o'scleAving; ifit be ofHislightningwith thejireofliea- ·· ~en j' ltbeonethat will fitjtfl, ifcaufe be. Theworft, ifit come from the Dwels d~ ~·. For, bee, as in maby other,fo in the fending of tongues, !l:riveth to.be !ike > asknowmg well, they are every way as fit infirumen_ts, to workemifch1efe .. !fhh 4 by~