Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

6o+ Ofthe SENDINCJ s;;:;;;;- _________________________________________ R I, Ccn.J.i, by,as to doe good with. Therebetongtlesuf Angels (~ Angels, I make no doubt but of evil/; and fo, the Dive!/ hath his tongues; goo . And he hath the an ofcleaving. He fhewed it in rhebeginning, when he riiad rhe ~erpeitt, lmgu~mbijtdfam, aforked tomgue, to fpeakerhar, which \vas cont e to h1s knowledge and meanillg, ThtyJbould not die; and as he didrhcSerpents flahry can doe others. • 0 e in ilea, aswellasinHeaven ;tharj weallkndw. • Onely, in this, they agree nor, but are unlike; his'tongues cannotfit /fill, bur A i1p and dowlieall over the world, and (pare neither Minifter, nor MagiJtrate, non~ Go b Himfelfe. · ' Bur ifwe fhall fay to ourtongue,as Daviddid tdhis,Awake up myglory (that is) make it theglory ofall the refr of our members; it can h~ve nogrearergloryrhan this, to be the Organofd~e Ho L Y G1t o s -r: to fer forth, and found abroad rhe knowledge of CH 11 1 s i,to the glory ofGo o the Father. Andifoufed, itishea. ,verdy; no time, fo heavenly as then; inno fervice,fo heavenly as inthar. Not to inlarge this point tunher, there is no new matter inir. This here (ofrhe Tongtees) is as that before ofthe found; both are to no other end, but to admonilli them oftheir office, whereto they here receive~ ordination : even tobeTonguu, to . 'betrumpet I of the Co•mfe/1gf Go D, and of H1s Love to mankinde; in fending His S811nt to Cave them. , , Here is wind ro fcrve for breath ; and-here areTongues now, and what fl10'uld let Mark" 6 ·' f· them to doe it~ That which before they received in' charge audib/1, Ite, Pr4dicatt· the very fame they11ere receivedviflbly,in this ap'paritio·n,whi):h is after expounded thus; c,.perunt loqui, by vercue ofthele tunguu they,bega'n tbJiealu. i Clovttz. ltHil,lltS. Tongues and duven tPnglles. And that verydeavillg, oftight netefl'atfufe,roth~ bufine!fe inrended. For, that of theirs was busone whole emireco'nguc, rhat cowld fpeake but one poore language, the Syrian, ihey were bred id. Theie was notaclefl in it. So, could they fpeake their minde to nonebut Syrians ;' andby thatm~anes, 'fhould theG~e!/ have beenefhut up, in one corner ofthe world. . . . Tl wlu'""'' is the goodne!fe ofall thatisgood; even the imparti11g it to the good of the common. Tothe end then, this great good of rhe knowledge ofthtGI~eU, might be difperfed to many Nations,eventoevery nation underhe.ven;Tothatend, elove He their tongues : to make many tongues,in one tongue; ro make one manrobe able to fpeake to many men, of many Countries, to every one, i11 hu ownelanguge; ·tfthere mufl: be a falling of the IJe»ti!ts, they mufr have the tongues of th.e Genlilts, Cr.o .• wherewith to fall them. Ifthey were debters,not onely to the ltwes, but to the Gmi•ns; nay, not only to the Grecians, but to the BarbArians tog; then muit they havetheto~t'" lt•m.t , 4 _ ' noronlyofthclewes, but ofthe Grecians and oftheBarbarians too, ropay thisdeh, l>hrk< ·~ •I· to difcharge the dutieof Itc, Pr.edifate, to all. And this was a fpeciall favour from Goo, ·for the propagation ofHisGe[pe« farre ~nd wide, this divifion oftongues: and it is by the ancient Writers(all)recko· ncd a phine reverting ofthe curfe of BAbe!, by this hleji»g uf Sion: fince theyac. count it all one (and fo it is) either, as at the lirfl:, for all men to fpeake one la~ggage; or, as here, one man fpeake Jll. That is here recovered, that there, was loll; and rhey inab-led for the building up ofSi~n in every Nation, to fpeake fo, as all m1ght under– ftand them ofevery Narion. . Rom.sf 6 , But this withal! we are ro take with us: that,with their many tongues,they fpake), Ch•p 4·' 4 ' one thing,and thatV11ivoce. Withune mouth (Rom.15.6.)Withmevoice(Chap·•t-24·. Withdiver{e to»guu to utter one and t hcfamefenfe, that is GoD'sdwm tongilt' that,i,s the divifion of Sion, ferving to edification. · . . With onetongue, ,._quivoce, to utter diverfe-fenfes, diverfe meamngs; that, 15 Mnc of Go o's, iris theSerpentsfirkedtongile, the very diviflonuf Cabtl, and ten· · 'deth ro norhing but confufion. · . ce Tonguudoven,and t~~they h,ulbeen offire. As they hadlmne :tokeepad1ffercn .. !rt thefe (as before,in theWind>) and to fhew, that they were not of <~Ut elemenfi,: 1