Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

6o6 Of the S E N n 1 N G Sermon 1, ----~~----~--------~----------rfal.68,,8,t9· . The fame our Sa vI o ua is, this day, 'faid: Th~tafcendil•gonhigl-;:-;;;--· ·· · gifts tint~ mm : and to what end ~ that the L o R o their Go D might dwell gave . them. Markcthat ;Dwell: not, might flay and lodge for:1 night, as in an In;;'"Jg Hoflry, and then begoneinthemorning;but, Dtvdl (that is) ha<.Je s,; habit ;or take up His rejidenceamong them. 4 ton, The Go o, or that Perfon ofthe Deity,He theref.tith,fhall dwell,istheli l'f.I.fl_.xc, G HosT :One of wh~fe chiefe Attributes (in the Pfalm_e) is, that He is l'~~ ~~~: conjlant Spmt: (and, tf Sanflmcomeof Sancta, there tsas muchf.ltdinthe Latine word as tn the Hebrew :) Conjlant, not defr•ltory: andHtsfire not hke the foolifl 1 Lcvit.!- ~· leor, now in, now out; butpermanent fl:ill, like thefire on the Altar. me. . So in vigour, as His vigour is not bnmts onely, or fl:arrs, impetm;but, habit"'. that it holdcth out hAbit-wife. Not onely like thefparkes, before,which will mal; a man fiirre for the prefem; but, leaving an imprelfion, fuch an one as iron ndh 1 leaveth in velfels of wood; afire-marke never to be got out more. Such doththe l'fJ1: ''~·93· Ho L Y G H o s T leave in the memories: In £ternnm non ohlivifcar, llhall neverforget tt. . And fi1ch did it leave in the hearts of the firll: Chriflians, that could neverbe got our oftheir hearts by their perfecurours, till they plucked out hearts and all. l>l.lrkcH.l>• ' With thi• S,dt, as well as with thatfire (faith C H R r s T) mull: every (acrijre6te feafoned : Nor onely with thatfire, to fiirreit up :but with this {aft, to prcletveit· By thi5 v ertuc (inrhcformerverfe) thcyweredifpofedtotheSpirit: andno 1 vhere' you fee againe, by the Spirit, they aredifpofed to thiS vertue : And not onelydi(pifrd to it, but rooteJ, and more and more confirmed in it; that we may learne to dleemc ofit accordingly. , And rhus have we (as before, he,~rdwhat theformd, fo now)feene, whatthejight can !hew us, even all foure: r, Tongues, that they might preach: 2. Cloven, that they might preach to many: 3· Fire, that theymightdoeit ejfefln<liy; 4· And Sitting, 'that fo cffedually a5 notjlittingly, but that it might be an efficacic, GUnfrant, ~biding, and'fiaying ilill with them: Sofmiblc, that continuAl!. Noware we to know, what all this amounts to ; what is the Signatam or thi~g figniftedofboth thefeJignes:What was wrought in rhem,by inward conmrrencewith this outwardrefemblance. And that followeth, in the fourth.verfe; wherein, there is a Commentary ofthisWinde,andaGlof!e ofthefetongues. Of theWinde, in the fore· part : They r11ere allfilled with the HoLY G HosT. Ofthe '!"ongues, in thelamr; ?:hey beganJofpeakewit~other Tongues, M the Spiritgave them tttterance. Bur, the time being already fpenr, I will not fo farrc prefume, asto enter imoic: It wouldasketooJong a treatie. . It remainerh now, that firfl:weeoffer up -ourduepraifeand unfeignedheame tliankes, givingto Him that is afcendcdtpon high, for fending, this day, thisblelling upon that His Church, the Mother ofus all. Thdruit whereof, eveu of this W:nd, and ofthefe tongtus, in the effect of them both (thehiswingofthe one, and the.Jpea– kingofthe other) we all feele tothis d<!y, fof~rreas chrirtendome is wide. It IS the dutie oftheday. . Firfi then this : and then withallfecondly, toendevourthat we may havetht_s ·aay fome feeling ofrJ:tis dayes benefit, our [elves; and fomemay findeout felves Y 1• 1ited with the fameSpirit. · . I told you, after this firll:, there is no morevijihlemnmingtobelooked for: but that, after his accuftomed ufuallmanner, invifibly He ceafeth not ro,ome flill, nor will not to the worlds end. ' \ 1 . h· Even in this booke; aftertl:lis time here, three feverall times ( intbe fourt ' renth and pineteenrh Chapters;)' and at three feverall places (Ierufalem, c£jart•, Ephe]us) The fame Spirit came upon thefaithfull people, and yet nothing_ heard no; fcene; onely difcern.ed af~er, by the impreffioll, it left behin4e it. And c!,1s cul?llllm~