,-– Sermon z. of the Ho L Y G H os i. 6ll . · .1'5 r • p "• N, (that is) the wifedumeofcheSpirit. ' . . /Jmtdj r '·ft d G b f p 1 ( 1' . f Alh.6,,o, And, becaufe the 1 eGt ts, an ra~es eo many om s. more omts o this Wind than therebe ofthe Compajfe) and as It were manyJ}mts mone, li>r; (faith' E{ay;) a Ei•r "· 6_. li ( raith b Saint John:) they areall recap1tu1ate.under thefe two. ' Vnder the b Apoc.•·•· even,. " r · h' 1 11 · h (!i !i G 3-'" WiwdisreprefcntedtheJavmg~racc,w IC1a aretQ ave oto erve . oo, that •· h ay pleafeHim ·)as necefbry to all,and Wtthou( w1uc~,we can be no more in ~u( ;:..itua111ife, tha~ we can, without our preath, in o~r n•turall. l'his is gene~all to all. It is faid repletifunt omne~: thehearer mufl: h~ve H, as .w~llas the jjeake~. It muftaireand drieup the fuperflmty ofour narur~; elfe, the jirewzll not l<lndle tri us, butrurneallto}inoke. Ofthis Spmtarethofemnepomts (Gal. V. XXII.) • The Gal.>.». other, (reprefented in theTongues J fet forth U?to us another .ktnde ofGrace! principallymeant and fent for thebenefit ofothers :gtven therefore tnTongues, whtch ferve cote•ch· and in fire, which fervethrowarmeothers: to !hew, theyaregtvenandreceived, 'for the good of others, rather than of themfelves. And oftb.is Spirit are thePointsreckoned up, (I Cor.XII. VII.) And now we know, what it was they were filled with, let us come to the lll.e:i~ h 'i ar. • fure Repleti funt. It was notJPirittu tran.ftens,but implens: awind, not that blew tho.. "i.;tt:{••";:' row'them, (as it doth thorow many ofus, I know not how oft)but, that {itledthcm: · they were thefuUerfor it. Which word [of.ftUing]wanreth not his fpeciall force: · referre weir to their eftatenow, compared with what it was befon;, -repleti (rmt; or to their eftate inthis point, compared with other lince, and namely wirh eurfelves, Repleti funt illi. . 1 With their owne elbte lirft. For, there is no queliion, they were riot em~~ s ktplttif••• tie or void of the Spirit, beforethiscomming. They had notbeene haptizedby c;;mrtdvvith CH • I s.,; He had not breathedo/fthem, and bid them receive the Hoc Y GHOST, :n~; •. om" invaine: If, before this, they had dyed, none would have doubted of the eft:ate of Iohn ao.a~, their foules. This jUing then (firfi) ihewerh us, there be divers meafures of the : Spirit: fomeflngle, fome doubleporti8ns, asappeareth by EL IsH A's petition: 1R.g.>.9. not all of one lize or fcamling, That, as there are degrees in the wind, LAura, 'Vtntru,proeeUa; a lmath, abl'!ft, aflijfegale : lo are there in theSpirit. 0 ne thing, to rmivethc Spirit, as on Eafler.day; another, as on whit.fund4J. Then, but a . hreath: now, a mighty wind: then, bur receivedit ; now, filled with,it. .Sprinkled Iohn >o.ti." before, as witha few drops, Ezekiels fliiiAho Spiritum; bur, now cqmes Ioels EJ!itn· Ezc;"' •o.,6, dam fpiritum (which very Text is alleged ar the X X V ll I. verfe ~fter by Saint loc '·as. Peter) powredoutplenteotifly, and theybaptized(that is.)plunged in it. Imbuti Spiritfl, · covered wi.th fome part ofit; fo were they before: here now, they bee in.duti Spiritfl, clothed all over with powerfrom absve, as CH ll Is T promifcd (Luk~ X X I V. XL_I X.) To concl.ude :the HoLy G Ho s -r came here (faith Leo) cumulan;, ~ounchoarJS; nee novm opere, fed dives largitate: rather, by way·ofar~gmenting the o/J, than beginning anew. Though (to fay the truth) both wayes He, came here, Theruleofthe Fath~ris (Hieromeand cyrill. have it) where the Ho L y G H os -r, w~before,and is faid to come againe,it is to be underfiood, one of thefe two waies: ·• Euherofaninereafe of the former, which before was had. • or, offomenewnot badbefore, but fent now for fome new effect. Breath they had before :breathand wmdarcboth ofone kinde: differ onelyfectmdum magis &mintu: to befilled, is but torecttveonelyin agreater meafure: therefore greater, becaufe their worke was no1'( greater~ Before, burro thelofl Jbeepe of Ifrael: now to all the ftray jlmpe in all the M1ttb. ••·'· mounhunesofthewholeeiJrth. lohn •.6.!6• 1 Blt,befidethat increafe, here is anew forme too. Which is a fignc ofane1• gift, fine~~ wanting in them before; and wherewith now <1nd never till oow, they were rudrm. hed ;htofpeake toall nations;ofall tongrecs under H e~vm. Thus farre, compae Wit t emfelves; · · Iii :t Now