Sermon z. of the Ho L Y G H os T. kmrvltdge. So as, he that bath not (cientiam~ lhould not havequem; and they that hemfclveswhom rottach,and havenotfcuntMm what to teach,goc they never fo ~f:tnrothePulpit,it isnot{lcNtdcdit Spiritu.,theHoLY GHosT ga_ve them neither mifionnor cemmifion. He ever taketh order for teplett, befurc He g1verh licence for c!lpertmt loqui. · J ' And t-his for .rheir skiU. Bur, he that reades theFathers writings, !hall findc they , ~~ptrunt 1,;; teferre this c~rpmmt lvqui, no leffe to their boldnejfe, than to rhc1r ha6:1,ty : began, not qur. . • , onely,pojfe, robe able, in refpetl: oftheir skill, but audere, rq dare, mregard oftheir•, cour•ge. Before, ne1ther courage, nor skt~; now, both: th~t ~ny man nught fce,thcre was anewj}irit come inro them. In faymg [they beganJ.1t 1s, as 1f before they had becnetmgue-tyed; had never fpoken. No more rhey had: nevcr,as they fpoke now; never with that confidence. Before, they d1d not fpeakc out, they durll: not ; they fpakeberweene the teeth,hoar!Iy,as ifthey had Jolt their voice. A poore DAm~fe//• 6.6.21 didbur aske Saint Peter a quefi10n, he faultered prefemly, could not fpeake anghr word. Every thing,rhen,rooke away their voice. But,after thismighty Winde, had filled rhcm and blowen up thefire, and they warmed with it;then (faithv.fuguffine) /nomni pr£torio,inomNi Conjijlorio, in every tudgement-placc, in every Conftjlory,rhen, they (pakewbattbey hadheardandfeen, evenbefore Kings, and were nor abalh~d. It confirmed them ;it gave them fides, and firengrh. Which fo Cudden change, from fo greatpufiUauimity, to fo great courAge and confiancie, was fure mntatio de.~ter£ Ex. tclji,achangewrought hy tht handof themojl High. No other hand could worke it.> And(that we may know, that notonely the tongttes wrought in them, but even >Linguu, &e. thecleavingalfo had his cffect)they began,not onely to fpeake; bur,with othertongues : Thm!an~.,~.. other than ever they had learned. For, looke whattong~re focver it was, befide the Syri;ck,it was ~not hertongue, it was not theirs: they had but one till now; any other, they coold nor skill of. But now,ona fudden, Greeke, Latine, drabiclu, Perjian, l'arthian, none came amiffe: yet, never were they taught them ; but came to them, as it were with acleftondy. A great miracle, in it felfe : And agreat inabling to them. For,by this meailes,every .Apojlle, looke how many tongues he wopld fpeake,fo many dpeflles was he, as lerving for fo many fundry men, as mufi elfe have beene ufed for the fl'eaking fo many fundry tongues, ro fo many fundry Nations. Whereby, as thelineofthe Creatoris [aid to have gone intoaU Lands (P(al. I9·4·) fo is rhejo1mdof the Apojllts faid likewife to have gone as farre (Rom. 1 o.) The one, to proclaimerhe Rom. 1o. 1 ~; crwion; theother,rhendemption oftheworld. And fo,by !peaking all tongues,rhey -" havegathered a Church,rhar fpeaketh all roogues;athing much rending to the glory ofGo·n. For,being now converted to CH R r s T, they fend up dally to Heaven, fomany tongue;, there to praife His name; as He, this day, f/nrdowne toearch, to convert them withal! ro His truth. And indeed, it was normeet, one tongueonely fi10uld beimploycd that way,as(before) but one was: le was too poore,and !lender; hke rhe muficke ofamonochord. Farre more meet was it,that many tong,.es ; yea,that •lltongues lhould doe it 3which(as a comfort ofmany infirumenrs)might yecld a full harmony. Inwhich,we behold the mighty Worke ofGo n :thatthe fame meanes ofdwerfet~n<7tlts, which was thedtflro'Ji"" o+ Babe!, the very fame is here made to k l 6 o 'J Gen.u.7. wor etheouitding ofSion : that meanes, thatfcattertd t.bun,from theTower ofconfu1 Jion;thevery fame, eo reduce them, torhe fold ojt~mty · that fo, rhecurfe might be taken away, and a blelling come in place, the confu[ed tongues being united into 1 ° D s glmy ; and therehungneztber f}eech mr language, but Hu-prAife uheard'among (, :t TheNations being once convened to the falth(mo!l: ofthem)this gift is cea- ~·ceafed fo farre,as by immediate infpiration: rhough,inpart ro attaine it, byour ~hi evours?a~d Goosblelling uponthem, is found !till of good ufe. For, ev~n to · ~bt day(, lt tsholdenforreqmfire, there be onecleft (at leafi) in the tongue; and we h~ ~ peake one tongue more, than our mothers rau"ht us. Better yet, ifthecleft, w 1~ Go n hathmade in H1s WQrd, intherongucs gftheoldand 1\j•P Tefl~ment, . Iii 3 be