Of the S E N o IN a be in our tongues too. That, hath frill a necdfary fervice; and maimed are we · h out it: For,we mufi(elfe)reccive theembalfagefrom G o o, byanlnterpmer ~~~~~: not fo convenienr. But, enough of theelift o{the tongues. ' 11 ·l.Theit di/irt· . • No\V, that this might not prove to_vai~-glory\as it did after, in fome at Corinth) ~i~•g,f,;;":,."'.:. 1t IS v.:ell added,S~wt ded~t Spmtm (wh1ch IS the thll'd :)that they began t1j}e.ke,nor, asthmowne vamry carnedrhem, bncasthe HoLY G nos Tdirefledthem, Their ~fa!. H-1 • to1Jg11e was but thepen; He, theWriter, His windblew the.fire, !laked it, and made it more orleffe, as need was. The tongues fat m them, andHeinthetongtw, holding (as it were) the reinesin His hand ; guiding and moderating their fpeech; makin• them keepe time, meafurel ·and manner: time, when; meafnre, howmuch; manne; how tofpeake. Which Sicut is the gift ofdifcretion; many times as muchwonh~ tkdit, the Gift it felfe. Sure, thefe are two: •Dedit is one thing, the Gift; •s;,, 1 another, theufeofthe gift. Tomany is given to ffealce, but not with therightSirut, Two dif!inct things be they: and howfoever we dot with the one, welhallfinda needfull ufe ofprayerto obtaine the other. Wcmay begin toJleake when wcplcafe: but, who !hall give us our Sic11t? Sure, none butthe spirit: OfHim wemullteceive this, or elfe we !hall never have. Let that fuffice. 4 Thoi< imLafi then, that we milbke not, what it was He gave them to/feah;(for all this ning_, "'''"' while, itisnotfaid, whAt,) That they hega11to ffeakeis[aid; andwherewi;h with :!:~:~;.~:"''· ot~er to11gaes ; and how, tU the Spirit gav~ them ntterance. Ldl:therefore we ~ight m1fiake, It was qutcqmdm b11ccam, any th1ng that tooke them mthe head irskilled not what: he tels us, what it was, in the lafr word; that Hegave them'!m 1 9•rr•,s,,r;. terance, we reade; it is of larger contents, a more pregnant word, andmorefullof fignificancie. They heg•n t1Jleake JU the SJirit gaveth~m, Why not there fiay, what needed anymore~ Ycs: more (it feemcs) needed; there goeth more unto it, than fo. Spea· king will not fcrve the turne: elfe, ,.,.;;,.,had beene enough, and not any wordmore put to it. Heforefaw,that roJlealu,and onely to fpeake,would be enoughforfome, So we goeup foranhoureandJlealu, be it to rhepurpofeor nQ,itis all one. Forrhe common man it skils not, it contents him well enough: But, the Ho L Y G a os' is not content with''"'""' It is not every Jleaking; but, a kinde of [peaking itmuft be, and that kinde is ~.,;Oir,<llui· . The Word, I wilh well weighed. ChryfoHcme, oecumenim, the lnterpretm(all) weigh it ; and affure us, it is no flight, or light word, butverbum tAlenti, a wordof weight, ofatalent weight. To tell you, what it is: You have heard ofAp•phthtgulll; (So cloth bothGreelces, andLatines call wifeand weightyfintemiom j}eeches:) chat word [ Apophthegmes]is rhe rrue and proper derivative,. ofthis;;;;;~~r/-~ here. Such the spirit gave them toutter. Not the crudmesofthm owne brame, idle,loofe,un. digefiedgecre (Go o knoweth : ) No,butpithyand wife{entenm: tho[ebefteut tiedit Spiritm, fuch as the HoLy GHOST gave them. It isafterfaid (in theu.vtrfe) that by verrue ofthis, when they fpake, they fpake Magnali": r..Mag,•ll•, gremnd high Poi11ts; not Trivialia, bafe and vulgar flt1fe, not worth the time it wa!terh, and takethfrom thehearer. Y~tnow, all is quite turned :andweare come toth~, that this kindeofJlealcing isonely from theSpirit of Go o: and the other (faidhere tobe givmby the H_ot Y G_HOST )isjludie,orajfi8Ation, or I wore not what; but,Spmtflt n~ndeelit, that 1s certame. Well, Saint Lukefaith ,:.,,e.-»'.a.u is that, theSpiritgiveth. So faith Saint Pdlll, Tiu 9. _ ,,,-y@-xJ'Ild'~;,[W. Speer:h according to learning : [o Saint Peter, fuch Jleech as may 'Peq. "· feeme,orbefeeme the very cracles of Go o: as may worke light in theunderfland.wg, Ef•y.6. 7 . orfervour in theajfeflion: thofe two fhew it fire. Thefire of the Old Tejl~ment,t~e l 0 ·i· IJUrning coale, wherewith the SeraphittJ touched Efay'smouth, :mdgave h1m (asAe faith) linguam eruditam, a learnedtongue; not one!y a tongue, but alearnedtongue. '(Is thejireofrheold; fo,ofthe ~w~ So(I amfure)was ollr SA v 1 ouR • pro~A~;