Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

ofthe HoLY GHosT. 6xcSermon z_. ----=---:-:--:----:----:---:--::-:--------"- _..,---b 1 0 ; -'~ rapientiam,He would give themamouth and wiftd•me. .Not amouth . I)aui<J8 1 DJ' ;r.J, p h {( l , · h . Luk< u.lf} ondy,bur,a mouthand ''"Jk.t ome. hut r. e. erw 6 .oroget 1 0 edr, amkout anhdwi(dm~e,> and -- -- /(p·md tMgut, and you ·now, w at IS"""'' ~ ')'}".3w, a you noww at 1s m~ant by, a ,/'ere Forfirecannotfpeakech'!ffe, 1t confumcs lt(wefee;) therefore ifit· ~ atBngueeJ '' • ' h fb k . ' buhaffi, irisnojirytonguet atJr•• eSlt. . . ,, · And whereiris reqL!ired,rhar not on_ely the tong11e havethtsjire, but that _1tjitand b'd b s. fure it is tfiatvo!ubt!zty of tltterance, earneflnejfe of a[/sOI), ftratmngthe i _e .Y~ p•fionated;liverie, Phrafes andfigures, thefe,all have rhcir heat,butthey be. botcb;~zes It is rheevidenceoftheSpirit, in the foundndfe ofthe fenfe, that leaves t~: true i~preJlion :that, is the tongree,rhat willfit by us; that, thejire,th~t wilHeep fiillalive. The rdt comes in pallion; move forth' prefenc, m~ke ils a httlefermon. ,.arm<forthe while;but, .after, theyfl!t-and vamJh, aucl goe their way ; true~arke• leave they none. hisonely ver6afaptentumclavt tf<tith the Wtfe-man)thewt(dome E«lcC.r~_-iTI ofthefpeech, that is thenaile, the n•ile red-hot, that leave1h a l!latkeb~hinde,tha~will r never begot out. Eno11gh(1 rrufl:)ro Cervethem that doe~·~•~"'' attbetr urvnefpmt; . 1 , from r!teJI!thatdoe~.:'J?"Il<u,Mthefpiritof Go o giveththem : :jO)j rofl:op·their mouthes fot ev<:r, that call it not [peaking h the Spirit, unleffe never a !Pi/<word bee fpoken. So have we the (j lof!eof the tDIIgue>·: ' The tonguesrhemfelves inc,.pertt!it loqui: • cloven, inlingu~alirl: l jiuing,in t~e Spiritsfieut: +_Fire, inm;9•':>-f<.&.,_: the truth anfwering rhet~pe,mevery pomt: lhewmgus,whatwasm them ;and what they-, fhould be, that hold t11cir places; able to[peak; morctopgues tham·one;,>9fpeake dif: treetly; and cofpeakekarne~!y. . , . · : b· _ 1 And now, to draw to allend. L~t ~.s-rettlrn~to· our Pmtmf1-duty; to gl~rifi~ The Appfie•: Go 0 for the Ho L r G H :os T thusfent, thefe twow.aycs: • As the Spi~it (wir~- "'"' in)jlllng ; • As the tongue~ Gw1thout)ulfel:'ing. Theungues, they area peculiar to one kinde ofmen,though all now invade them,ahd talke ~Vel\too much. Of them firlt. Where the LApojlleexpoundeth that ofphe Pf•lme [Going ut on high, Hegave gifts liph<C 4 . 8. unto men ;]he tells us whatthofeGi{fs were: He gave forn.e <Apoflt~s,Come Prophets, " · Come Ev•ngeliils: and he fiayes not there,but tells us,that part of that Gift were P.<. ;;: jlors,andTe.:,·hen,whereoftherewere nooeat CaR r s T s v1fcmjion, but they were ordained after, for the fucceeding ages. Intending (as it feemeth) a part of our PtntecoftalldRty lhould be, nor oncly to givethankes for them,Hefirfl: 'fenr,on the very day; but even for thofe, He fenc ever fince ; and for thofe, He Crill fendeth, even inthefedayes ofours. Torhanke Him, for tlie Apoflle.; thankeHim for the ancient Dofiors, and Fathers; thankeHim forthofe we have, ifwe have any fo much worth. And~retheferheGifn,which C" R rs T [entfromonhighrwasS. Paul well ad· vifed( Mufl: we keepe our fentecofl in rhankfgiving forchefe ~ Are they worth fo much, trow ~ we would beloth to have the Prophets way taken with us (Zach.XI.) z 10 h. u.ri: that it lhould befaid to us, as there it is: Ifyou {o reckon ofrhem indeed,let uo fee the --– "'•ges ,youvalue them at; and when we !hall fee,it is but eight poundayeare ; and fuaving once fo mqch,never tob~capable,ofm<Jre.,_; t,:~ay n:,>t then the l'rophtts fpcech~h~re Well be taken ilp: Agoodly price thefe high Gifts art'v4lt~ed4t by jou ! And may riof HeJu!Uy (in fl:ead ofZ.:chary,and fuch as heis) fend us a fort offoo!ifh jJ,epherds; and fend us this fenllefneffe WJthall,that,fpeake they never fofondly, fo theyfpeake, all is well;itlhall fcrve ourruroc as well as thebefl:of them all ( Sure, ifthisbea part of ourdt~ty,thisday, to praifc Go o for them, itistobeaparrofourcareroo, they may be fuch, as we may jufily praif~ Go o for. Which, whether we !hall be likely tofclfect,•b_y fome courfcs as oflate have beene offered, that leave I eo the weighing 0 your Wife confiderations. S But leaving this, which is peculiar butto fomc, let us returne to the Ho1~ P 1 K 1 r commonro all, and how to beji/ledwith it. A point whichimportetb every one of us : this day efpecially ; when tirft, certaine it is, _weare not to content I ii 4 ou~ '.