Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

\ 616 Ofth-e sE N o 1 N a s;;;;;-;; ..;,.._ ___ o·-ur-!i::-e::- lv_e_s_-(a_s_B_e_rn_4_rd_w_e_ll_f:c-ai-th_)_q_u-ibc-uf--:v-u-.-.in_:g-_u_Jf_i_JJ_-, ~ there tolhcke fhll; to thmke, 1f we haveneverfo fmalla breath of ir, and rhg, bed onceinalldurlife, chatthatisenough; wcmayfic usdownefecurely, acdra~t Ut milrc thought, but rely upon that,forthac will dcieit : burro afpirdlill,as we~no nearer and nearer, eo this me,fure here; arid know, t hac refletifnnt was not faid :r riething.Which how eo doe,we may cake fome light from the Text.Thetwoty e~r He-camem,bemg bod1ly, ferveto te~ch t!s, we are not to feekeafrer meanes meefd' fpirituall,for attaining it ; but trufr, as here He vifited rhefe, fo will He_us,and chat pi, Jignacorporea (faith Chry{oflome.) For had we been jfmt, and nothmg elfe G 0 0 could and would immediatly have infpircd us that way : but confifring ofbodiesalfo (as we doe)it hachfeemed tO Hiswifed~me m?fr agreeabl~, eo make bodily figner,the mearres ofconveym1\ thegraces of His Sfmt mto us. .And char, now the rather,ever fincethe Holy omHtmfelfe ami Fountame of all holmelfe (C a 1\ 's r, rheSonof Go n )parraketh ofboth bodY_andSpirit ;is bothWordand jlefb. Thus it is:that,by theWordwe arefanflijied, & per lmguam verb• p4trtm (fa1th chry{offome) evenby rhofetongueshere, Joh.XVII.XVII.Bur no lclfe, byHisflefb andbody,Heb.X.X. And indeed, this befr anfwereth the termefi~ing, whic? is proper to food ; & SpiritHie/1 tJltimum alimrnti, the urtermofr perfechon ofnounlhmenr. Inwhtch refpeet He infli. ·aTim. .f 4· .1 JohA6.63. &Cor. U..JJ. " I ·" tuted E.fc4rnjfiriiN•lem, fjiritN•!If~od, to that end : fo called /}irituaU,notfornuchfor that it is rectivtd f}irituaUy ; as for that, being fo received, it maketh us, rogeth(r with it,to receive the Spirit,evenpottre Spiritum (itis theApojlles owne word.) In aword : our Pmttcojl is to be, as chefe types here were; They werefor boch fenfes : •Theure, whichisrhefenfeof theWord; • andtheeye,whichisrhefoofeof theSacrament, vifibile verbum, fo it is called. Meant thereby, that both thefelbould ever goe together, as this day ;and as the typ_ewas, fo t~e tr~th lhouldbe, And, for our example, w~have themfelves and thm pra,hcemthts very Chapter;. who, onchisFeajl, )oyned together theWord (at the X I V.) and the breakingof · /mad (actheXLII.verfe.)And fo let us too: and trull, that byjiUin~ up the meafure of both types, we lhall fet our felves in a good way,to partake thefi•lfiUing ofHis promife, whichis,to be end11edwithpDwerfrom a6ove, as they were: at leaft, in fuch fort, as Hee knoweth meet for us~ Which <.Almighty Go n. grant wee may. [*~*] ,.