Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

o(the HoLY GHosT. THe r:onditionl!ands fir~, as firfr commen.ded to our care. F?r,ofot1r part we ~ad , need have care :On H1s, we need not. And, l~t me fay tlus of1t :No condmon , could havebecndevifed m~n;proper and fit forth1s Feall:: Both parts of lt. Full:, I. Ifyonloveme, Love;and tl11S ts Feflum charttatts, the ~eall: of Love ;and He, whofe Tlleeondi 1; 00; the Feall: is (the Holy Ghoft) Love it felfe, the elfentlalllove and love-knot of the . I twoperfons ofthe God-head, F•ther andSonne. The fame the love~knot between The" Lovr. G 0 D andMan; and yet morefpecially berweeae CH 11. 1 s r and His Church. Proerly as.faithreferrethto CHRIst the Word; SodothLove, totheSpmt, and ~omfo~t mLove. It is theAp41le: Si qt~od folatium charitatis, Ifthere be any comfort, it Phil.u . is inLove. What condition could be more fir~ And rhefecond isliketoit; as fir every way : Keepe my Commandements, For Rom. •l·'~; yee llull reade in Exodm, that, at this Feall: of Pentecojt, the Commandements were given. The very Feall: it felfe infrirute, in remembrance of the Law then giv, n: then very meet they be remembred ofthem atthis Feall:. And the Holy Ghofl fcnt,iiJter alia, chat they may be writ~e~ nor inft41Jt, but in their hearts; not with the letter, but,with the Spiril: and the Spmt not offeare, burlove ;as,bywhomthe loveofGod1s ilied abroad inour hearts. Which love is the fulfilling ofthe Commandemems, and they all abridged in this onewordDiliges. So,whether W<! regar~:he~eall:,orthe Perfon, 1 or the OlliceofHim towh~m we hold the Feall:,the Condmonts well chofen• . Tobeointhen with the firfr: If ye love me, Love is not fo fit here, asifis unfit- ' ting. For~If,is as ifthere werefomeif, fo.medou6rin the matter; whereof, Go o forbid there iliouldbe any. It would bewtthoutif. Thus rather: Forafmuch ,u yo11 loveme,Keepemy, &c. That they and we loveHim, I trufr, iliallnorneed to be put iwHypothefi---Et erat tumdignll4amari: feeing He is fu well worthy our love,that we too blame, ifwe endure any if, any quefiion to be made ofir. It grieveth me to frandlong in this condition ; to make an Ifofit, at P'antecoft. · Take the Feafis all along,and fee,ifby every one ofthem,it be not put pall: If.chnjl~ mM-day; for us, and for our loveHe becamejlejh, that we might loveHtm, becaufe Iohn ~.~.e; like us He tooke our nature on Him. New-yeares day ; knowing nofinne, He wa/ made • Cor. s.>t. finnefor m,fealed the bondwith the firft drops ofHis bloud; wherewith the·debt of ourlinlig~tuponHim. CandlemttSday; He wasprefentedirtthe Temple, offered as a Luko.ia, ltve oblauon for os, that fo the obedtence of His whole life might be ours. Goodfrid'J; made a flaiae facrifice on the Ctoffe that we might be redee;nedby the benefit of Hisdeath, Eaf!er-d•y; opened us the gate oflife, a thejirft fruits oft.hemthat rift a1 c oc. tpo.' g•ene. Afcen{ion-day; opened us the g:;teof Heaven; thither, as our fore.mnnir en-, cered, toprepare aplace for 114, Andrhisday feales up all by giving usfeifia ofall He b~thdoae for us,by Hi£ Spirit Cent downe upon earth. And after a)! this, come ye in With Ifye love rne i' Shall we not out withSi,frrike out(lj)and make the condition ab- ~olute~ Shall we not to Saint P•uls I{,Ifany man love notthe L oR o h sus,let him c , 6 t' •td••tbema Maranatha,Allfay, Lethimbefo~ ' or. ·' ' Ifwe love them that love m ,whatflngular thing doe we, fince thevery Publica/Is doe Mmh.f.f6, ' ~heltke~ That,ifourlove be but as the Publicans, there would be no ifmade of it, - torHeloved '", · . And nor?ecaufeweloved Him, but He lcvedm firft. Et nulla majo~ adamorem provocatto quam pravenire amando: Nii!Jis enim durm efl, qui amorem et{i nolebae im– pendere, nolie rtpendere. No more kindly attraccive of love, than inlovin~ to pre. ve~t ',For, too hard.met~ll is he of, that though helike not to love firll:; will not re~ !\Ulte lt and lore agame, e1ther firll: or fecond; . _. - Specially,