620 ·,John ~ . t. lohn •5· 13. Rom. ~.JO, Efay.r.4. 1lohn 4. 10, 1 Iohn 3· J. % Thcir/rttpiltg fia Comman– •tllft1flS, Of the S E N D 1 1'1 G Sermon~. Specially, lince His love was not litile, but fuch as Saint John mai;;;;;'i qr~antam charitatemof,feehowgre4t love! How great~ So, as none greater, Fcce greater lwe hath no man, than this, togive hu life for hufriends. No man greater br, He: For His was beyond. To give His life,is but to die any forrofdeath. Bur~118u: tecrucu, to dieas He died, that is more. And, for fuch as were His friend; is rnuc/. But,c~tminimici ejfem.u,is agreat d_eale mor~. :'\nd yet is it If? Put it to theProp he~; quelhon, quiddebuit f.cere? And adde to tt (tf yee wtll) qutddebntt pati 1 What fhould He have done, and what fuffered ~IfHe did it not,ifHefufferednot,rnakean JfofHislove: but, if He did both, our with it. But the F11btican will be the Fubliw1, and the world the world : theirlovtis mercenary f.1le ware; ji m!Jtl •ttuleri<, no profir, no love. To take awaythatiJ: even thither He will fol_low us,and apply Himfelfe tot~m.Andifwe will rnakepon: [ale ofour love,andlet tt goe by who gives more ;Hewtllout-btd all. All, bythelafr word, In 4termtm. For, whatfoever we may have here, if it were a kingdome it is notforever. But this Comfortenhatlhall abide withus, is but apledge of that blilfe and Kingdome of His wherein we !'hall abide with Him eternally. Lmnyoftet more for our love, and carry it. Verily, Bom•m, {i non amatur, non cognofcitur, faid the Heathen. But more trueof CH R 1 s r, Ifwelove Him not, we know Him not. If we did but know, what He is in Himfelfe; what, tons: what He bath already done, what He is ready to doe for us il:ill, wee would take it evil!, :tcafe fl10uld be pur, and yeeld to ir without mote adoe. Why fo we doe : take it evill, an if is made : yeeld to ir, welove Himall: Yetgreatreafon there was, we fl1all fee, CH 11 I sr lhouldfoputit, beingtoin• ferrcrhe fecond. For, atthat, there will be fome flicking: which wouldnot be if we were not defective in this former, oflove. If our love were notlight,HisC;m. mandemmtnirouldnot beheavy. If!ove were as it fl1oulilbe, nmhingisheavy to it. t.Amor embefcit nomen dijficultAtu, Love endures not the name of difficulty, but lhames to confdfe any thing too hard for it. De internu Ajfirmare tlltum(faith the Heathen) It is lafe affirming ofany thing, within us, where no man can convince us; for, none is privy to it but our [elves. How many !hall we heare fay,! havewer<ffi· fled, wifhedyouwell, borne yougoodwill, and never a word true. Forafmuch then, as there be two loves (faith Saint John) one in word and tongue, and that is fained; and anorher in deed and truth, and that is right : and thatCH a I s r conditionah not, Ifyefay ye loveMe; but if ye lovemce indeed: Wee muil: come to Saint 14/f!tt affay ,oHendemihi, fl1ew me thy faith: and as well,lhewme tloy love, by [omeoHen. live figne, So did C a 1t 1 s r to us. Eccc qualltamcharitatem oHendit! Beholdh01v grcatlove (not, He verbally prordl:ed, but) really jhcwed ! and fo, they todoerht: like 1 to !hew it. Why, thus they !hew it: He is going away,and they bevery (adfor it: which lhewerh, they leveHim, and would keepe Him il:ill. But, that may be a ligne, they love themfdves, in that they arc to have fome good by His fiay wirh them. That may deceive you. But, will you have a figne infallible~ Takethis :His C•mmandements. H1s Word. He thatkecpes it, loves Him: true iorhea!lirmauve. He that keepes it nor, loves Him not : true in the negJtive. This then is the fecond condition: If yee love Me (nor, keepe Me frill; but) Keepe c..MJ CommandmJl/fiS, Let your.heart be troubled, not, if yee keepenot Me, bur, if you keepenot them: No:,ifnot Mee ;Me, tharis,Myfiejh : but,notMe; Mec, that is,MyWerd,where· of the Commandements are an abll:racr. .The Word is the bmerpartof Me, better than My flclh: firive to kcepethat, be troubled, for not keeping thar; and then, your love is pafi If, true indeed. And is this the other part of the condition ~ This fomewhat troublerh us: for who can doe this, keefetheCO!tll11andemmls? as good condition with us, to~~&~: