Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

6u Ofthc SENDING ~ he will admit. Tocruel/me»(faith He) thereJball bejudgementwith 1 ut~ lheweth, jHdgememwith mercie ihall bee to fomcother, to whom Hee will w tch ~~ ~ . And thus, it mull: lland uponMea, and Man11 Mediatorri,and thcthr.,eof or dfc, even thofe here (the<.Apojlles) it will goe wrong with them, they will hgr~,, bee releeved in their claime of a{'omforter. For, within twemidourehour~r a leife,itcame indeedeoan If,their love: They loved Him notfo well,butrhey! an M>ttb. >6. ~~· their ownc fafety better: fdl away, andfledaway, anddeniedHim; ,even he,tha~la~~ f'' heloved Him bejl. ' And what, kept they HisCommandements? Sinned theynot~ In I'I'IHltu,om I&m.J,£ (faith Sr. lames) inmany things, all : andif theyfbould (ay otherwi(e (faithSt. 1 ,;':) that they had nD Jinne (not, they werefomewhatpro11d, and there were no h•milit' 1 !oh.1.8. but) they >verever1liers, andthere were no truth in them. So that, keeping the ComH,;: demtnts, andhllvtlfgof {tnne, mufr frand together,orelfethey kept them not, But, this they kept(and fo may we too;) they weremJJb!ed, their hems were troubled for nor keeping them : and at the throne of grace, that was accepted. and the not keeping not reckoneda breach of the Commandemem, if wee bee tre~bitd for it. Againe (as, well faith St. <.Auguftine) Amongfi HisCommandementsthisis one,which we mull:Mt faile duely to keepe ;and that is,the Commandementofdai– ly praying Dimittenob/4, forgiveuseurnotkeeping, whichhelpesallthcreft Wte Mar. 9.~t· keepe (L~rd) helpe our not keeping, as well as I beleeve (Lord) he!pe my tm6eleefo, A true endeavour with an humble repentance (forfo he refolves) and then omniaman. data {afla deputanttJr, quando q:Jodnewfit ignofcitur : All are accountedas kept, when whatisnot,ispardonedout of His mer&ie; and fothe reibrewardedoutof ffis6ounty M3tth. •!·~' that alloweth a daies wages for an houres worke, as to them that c11111e at the tlevtnth houre to the vineyard, that is,atfive of the clocke after noone. Thiswill it be with us inhope :Thus was it with them. For, the Covenant held, and the Prayer went for– ward, and theComforter camcnotwithfianding. - I I· _ Now to CH 1t Is T s parr: Eogabo l'atrem& dabit .-that C a " r s T ivi!Ipr'J; Th c; ·, n{ and His Fathergi·Ye. And there is nothing more effccrually iheweth, they were!horr ' • "' 'intheirConilition,thanthefetwowords, 1 Rogabo,and • Dabit. The Father {haHgivt: It is His freegift, not due debt, upon deferr of the former. AndDabit rogantigivei< to chrifls prayer, rather for Rogation weefw fake with Him, th~n for any workcof Supererogationwith them. But, it commeth from Go o s bor1nty, and C H RI, r• tntreaty ; without which, our love and com11wzdemmr.fmping would not carryit: They are not fufficientto weigh it downepondere meriti; it mull: comerogatNCI~rij/i, or not at all. Then, not to leane on them: C H R Is T ·it is, and His intercifion, wee take ro. Not, you jha/llove, and krepe my Commalfdements, and then myFather !hall bee bound; I.>m, and then C a " I s T ihall pray and the F11ther willgive, if chrifl pray; and not otherwife. Bur, a doubthere arifeth : May we love Chrifl, or keepe HuCommandtments, be– fore we have theHoly Ghojl, without whom firfl: had, it is cerraine, wee can d?e net– ' Cor... :J. ther ~ How fhall we love Chriflor l:ee!e Hu Commlmdements,rhat wemayrecetVethe .tloh.•.:.. Holy Ghoff>when unleffe wefirfi: re.,·eive, we can neither love Him norkeepethem,nay not fo much as fay, Ie{ru u the Lord, but by the Holy Ghoft? Nay, norfo muchas ~Co!·H· thinke that, or any othertbot~ghtthat a good? How faith He then, Keepe, and!wdl give, when He mull:giveor we cannot lmpe? . Mauh.tJ. u. Thisfcru~le will foone be removed byHabentidabitur. A promifemaybemade · ' · tam habenti q11am non babenti, as well to Him that hath athing already,as to Htm that hath it nor at all. To him that hath it already, in a lower or Jell(':; may be promrfed to have 1rin amore ample meafure ormore high degr.ce,than yet he hath: or to lum, that hathit in one kinde, that he mayhaveirinfome other. Toall (favechrijl) rhc spml