if Giving the e••fmer_, lll.Aii61htr e,.•fo•"': l~ !oh.•-•-· J 'Apoc. ~:.. 1o. Ofthe SE N o I N G Sermon~· [Anflifie and ··gmfort them (Ch•P· XVII. XVII.) This was His prayer. and H. praye~ prevailed_: as good as His word He was. H~s Father lhould fend, 'Heefaid~ ;~ndH1s Fatherd1dfend, and theHoly Ghojl came: w1tndfeth1s day. ' Andtame in thatfort,He underrooke :even in that kind,whereof they had m fl: need : (mofi welcome to them, as their cafethen fiood :) under the terme of P<rac~ tiM a Comforter. If wee aske, Why underthat terme ~ To lhew the peculiar end for which Heewas fenr, agreeable tothe want of their private efl:are, to wh 01 nH,e wasfent. · If they had beeneperplexed, He would have prayed for the Spirit of truth, If i~ :my pollution offinne, fort~e.fa~flifyin$ Spirit. Bur th~y were (as Orphans) caft downe andcomfortle!fe : Trijltttatmplevtt cor eornm, the1r hearts {r1fl ofheavin<jfi, no tim~, to teath them now, or framerheir'manners: they were nowrobecp•tin ht•rr. The Spmt of truthorholllfejfewould have done them fmall pleafure. It W3S e/JJI1fort, they wanted; aComforter to them was worth all. Many good bldlings come to us by the f!oly GhoHs comming : and theSpirit in any forme,oftruthorhglmef[e(orwhat we will)by all meanes worthy to berceeived even all Hisgifts : but agift in fe•{ongoesbeyond all; carriethaway the mmefro~ all the refi. . _Every gift then, in his time_. When troubled witherroneo& opinions, then the Spmt oftruth: when alfaulted With tentattons, thenrheSpirit ofh•lineffe, but, whenopprelfed with feAreor forrow, then is the time of the Hot r Guost rhe Comforter. S_orrow dothchill, an~make the fpi~its congeale: therefore Heappm– c:th mjire,to gtve themwArmth; and m atong11e themfirument ofcomfort,by mi 11 iflring ,. wmJinaile.fe•foh ; andclwen, that it might meet with difmayes of all [ores, anil ~omfort them agaiafi all. . And fo did it: and that appar~ntly. For, immediately uponthe receiving ir,they were thought to be f•Uofnewwine. Thar, was but anerrour :but fo .-mf•mdthey were, asbefore being exceeding fearefull, they grew exceeding full of courage and SJirit; fo as, even when they were fcourged piteoufly, ilnmtga11dentes, they wem a. way, not patiently induring, but even lenfiblynjoycing; not as men evill inrreated, but as perfons dignified, having got a new dignity, to bewmtedworthy to Juffir [11, C H ,.. 1 s T s ~rne. AComforter then: :mdtwo things areadded: •vflium, and •qui m4ne/;it in<tlr: Hllm. ' .Anothercom{mtr,and' thatjba!lAbidewiththem forever. Both whichare verified of Him, even in regard of C H a 1 s T : but much more in regard ofother earthly, llelhly, worldly comforts and Comforters whatfoeve~. Another: which word prefuppofes one bdides: fo that tworhcrc be. l One they have already :aod nowanothenhey lhall have (which is no evill newes.) For thusin fiead of afingle, they finde a double comfort. Bur both they needed, This fers us on worke to finde the firfi : and we lhallnot need to feekc farre for Him. Speaketo them ofaC6m{orter,and they underfioodit not but ofC H • Is t: all their comfort in Him : ioteHim and lofc all. Indeed, C " ._ 1 sr was one' was and is mu. And theverytermeofPArAclettu is given Him by Sainclohn: a~d though irthere be turned anAdvoc4te, upon good reafon; yet the word is the famem both. C H a 1 s .,. had been their Comforter, while He was their Bridegroome and they thechildren of the Bride-chAmber. Bur, expedient it was, Hefoosldgoe, for, ex· .p<:dient it was, they-had oneinheaven;and expedient withal!,they had oneumrth, and foanother in His fiead. . For the firfi: even now abfent,Heis our Comforter fiill, that way, wenamcdr 0 1ght now: that is, our .Advgc&tt, toappearefor us before Go n, there to anfwerthe a~· derOtiS allegations of him that u the accuf er of tuAndo11r brethren. And acomfort 11 is, and a great Comfort, to have a goodAdvocate therc,inourabfence: For, then IV~ be fure, our caufe lh~ll take no harme. . fr Bur fecondly. Ifl(S an A'(Jvocate, He cannot defend us, becaufe the accufauon ° falleth o~o~t te be true, lf 0'i6fes aocu[e m too; yet a fecond comfort there is~tba~~b