~~On~3~·--~~-Q~~~t_he~fl~O-L~Y __ G~F~I~O ~ST_.~~~-----6_l$~ ~F.-- ·.nfioriver. He iuntredintothe hily placu made without hands, there by His H b 0 ,g"- "~· £ h 5 . h f - , 7-17· inrerce!lion, to make atonement ore emas mners; w o emnocencie,asanAdvo. ~-·!l Ate He cannot defend· . . _ . . . . c 'And to both thcfc, He addeth a th1rd, at the begmmngofthts C~apter. That His ? I . them 1 ·sbuttotakeu•aplace fur them,tobe leazed ofltmchetrnames;whom . Vcrfez. eavmg ' I · "' · · h · b c · hH' ' - - H ·n cc tainely come agame anu recetveto lt ; t ere, eo _e,or evet wit 1m. eAnd i~ tlieme:ihetime, He will t~keo~d~r, we ~all have fupply of'another: in b!i f His body, tqe fupply of H1s Spmt. That1f welooke up, we havea Com~ for~~~~ heaven, eiren Himfdfe: an~ if welookdowne,we have aComforter on earth, Hisspirit _. andfoareat an anchor mboth. . . For, as He doth in heaven, for us:_So doth the Spmt on earth in us, frame our Roai.s.• s: ._ petitions and make intercejion for ru, rvttk jighes t_hat cannot b~ exprejfd. And, _as Rom.s.t 6 ·~, c, 1 r 5 T is our Witnejfe in he~ven ;_fo1s the Sptnt here on earth, w:tnejJtng rvtth - 2 ~Nr spirits that wepertllineto the a~optton,anda~e the_chtldrm of Go o. Evermore in the midjlof the ('orrowes that aremotw hearts With H1s comforts rifefhmg ourJoules, Yet not filling them with f:ll[e comforts; but (as C H a I s t s Advocatehere on earth) foliciting us daily, and calling uponus, to look~ to Hts Commandements and keepe them;wherein frandcth much of our comfo~t,evenmthe te.Jltmony of agood conflien.:e. And rhus there two; this one; and th1s other; thts fecond, and chat lir!l: yeeld plentiful! fupply to all our wanes; '.. -A Cecond note of dilfetence, is in the tenure they ihali have of this other; that 7Tob•iie[or He ihallftaywith them ftill; which, of C a a I s T they had not. For, thisis rh~ <w, grrefe.; when we haveonethatis durcomfort, that we cannot holdHim : and this their_feare,that_ when they have,a.11other;lhll they !hall be changmg,and never at any ccttamty. chri.Jl,as man, they couldnotkeepe. Gwen Hewa< by the Father>but, g.tven for terme of yeares; chat _terme expired, He was to returne. Therefore Bis abode is (Chap. x. ver. Il'r·) expre!fed oy the word ''""'~"''the _{ettingiip of aTent oi Tabernacle to bee taken downe agame, and removed wtthm a ihorr nme: No t!welling of continuance. But, the Ho L Y G a o s r !hall continue with us fliU. , and therefore Hee is allowed aTemple, which is permanwt, and never to be taken , cor. j.iG; downe. We have inHim,afiateofp"petrtity, tooui:endle!fecomforr. - - ~.,,. Howbeit, it may well be thought; <.Aliumandmanebit in '£ternNm, are not put fa much,for Chriff,tomake adifference fromHim~as fo~ thefefame otherterren£ con· folatiuncul,e,petypoore comforts andfolaces ofthe world: which Gp o harh given us and we may ufe ; but we mull: lookc after Paracletum alirem, anot1mand another ~ manner Comfdrter,\vhen all is done. For;ofthefe,it may be,we'fhall feele fome com– fort, while we be in health and·meetly good efrate, and in ca{e not much to need it. But, let us come into their cafes here, the heul troubled; theminde oppreffid; theSpirit wounded; and then, what earthly thing will there be, catiminill:er any found comfort t,o us ~ !twill not be : we mult neecls feeke for this P~racletum ali"m here, at any h:nd; Whatfpeakel ofrhemind~ Ifbut ache comdnro ajoynr,we know,we have tnedthem and found them, they are not able ro drive away theleafr paine from the leaft parr; And how then, \Vhen fickne!fecommeth, and forrow, and the pangs of - d:arh, what comfortinthefe ~ Comfort! Nay !hall we not findedifcomforr in the bmerremembrance ofour intemperate uling them, and littleregard ofthe true Comfo~ted Shall Went>t findethem (as ~Hound his friends) like rvinter-bruokes, full of !<lb~: •~: !6! ramelOWinter,wHen no need ofit, when it rairies conrinually ; but, in Summer,when needts,not adrop in ehern. So, when our flare of body and mind is, char we can }.ufiameourfe!ves withoutit, then (perhaps) fomethey yeeld : but, when forrow !ob ~-!l ea~~hon the hearr, then none ar all. In the end, we !hall fay to them as hedid,mi- {era (, ~omfmers are ye all. Whereforeanother comforter we are to feekc,that may give :a~a e 10 ourdifeafe of theminde,and in the midfl of all our forrowes and fnffering$ heusm~alldenw, goeawayYe]~y.:tllg. No othetw1lldoc1t butth1S: that,when we ave Hun, we need looke no further. Th~ ~ •