Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

... __ 6_2_6____________ 0~if __ m_e_S_&_N __ n_I_N_a____~____s_er~ The other iS likewife a difference: offlaying with iu for ever. Fir eve~ poore comfort we have by the creatures here (fuchas it is) we have no hold ~Weak ftayes nor,notfor ever,nay,notfor any long time. There be two degrees in i~· /~/ in.ttermun,that is too plaine;• Nay,nor manent nobifcmn, theyflay not with~ . fion giunt anobis, they llye from USII)any times in~ momenr; as Salom6ns firc.of tho~~ u. blaze, and out firaight. es,a Nlllll.u.l. Nay,if they would tarry wirh us, would they not tire us~ EvenM•nnaitG I£ did irnorgrow l1th{ome! Doe we not find,that when wearereadieto fiarvefor~ e, ger,and have meat to drive it away; if weufeitany while, the meat is asirkfom~n. the hunger was, and wee areas hungry for hunger,as ever wee were for meat~ Th~: wemay not be cloyed,we change them ; and even thofe,we change them for with· awhile, cloy us as fait What !hall we doe~ where !hall we finde comfort ;right~ Ever Perquod fa.ftidio occurritur, fajlidium in~:urritur: fo that,if they would tarry 1 ." mull put them away: the not tarryingof them with us, that is;the change of th;~e is it that makes us able to indure them. · ' Well then; comfort us they cannot, when we need it: we mull pray fot<.Aiium If they could,tbey cannot.ftay:not,forany .If ace; muchlelfe,for ever. Ifthey could• their very flay would prove fafiidious and yeeld us but difi:Dmfort. Se-eing then w~ cannot imreat them to flay with us; and if we could, inth( evil!day,they could not fi~ad us ; but, then faile u> foonefi when our need is greatell ; Let us feeke for 4110 _ ther, that through' fickneife, age and death, mayabidcwithustoallerernirie and makeus abidewith Him in end!cife joy and comforr. ' TbeAppli"· Su~h is this here, ~hich Call I~T promifed, andHisFatherfentrhisday: ••on to the Sa- and wh1ch He will fend,1f C H 11 I s T w1ll aske: and C H 1\ I s T will aske if(no 1 v ~·men<. weknow theCovm4ntandfeetheCo!fdttion) we will fealeto the deed. ' ToaCovenant,there is nothing more requilite,than to put to the Andwe know th~ Sa&ramentistheS~aleof then(wCo'!'enant, as it was of theold. Thus, by undertakmg theduty He reqUI.reth, we «te en~nled ~o thecomfort which here Hepro– X:Iik.!•·•l· m1ferh. And, doe thu, He would-have us, as IS plameby His Hoc facite. And fure, ofall the times in our life, when we fettle our [elves to prepare thither· wards, we are in bdhermes of difpolition to covenant withHim. For, ifeverwe be in llate oflove toward Him, or cowardone another ;then,it is. lfever troubltdi# Spirit, that wee; have not/uP! Hiusmm.mdemmts better; then, it is. If everina vowed purpofeand preparanon,b~tter to looke to it; then, it is. Then thereforeof all times moll: likely to gaine imerellin thepromif(, when wee arc belt incafe, and come n~erell to be able topl(adthe condition. Bclides,it was one fpeciall end, why theSamtment it fdfe was ordained, oumm– fort; the Church fo telkth us; we fo hearc it read, every time to us: He hath ordaimJ the(e My.fteries, a<pledges ofHis love andfavMr ,to our great andendlejfe ,·omfort. The Fatherjballgiveyouthe Comforter: Why Hegivcth Him,we fee: Hon>,He givcrh Him, we fee not. The meancs, f'or which, H= giverh Him, is Chrif!: His in(reatybyH1s Hel>.!•·•4· Word, in prayer; byHisjlejhandblotldinSacrijice: For, HisblDadJfeaket; not, Hrs voiceoncly. Thefe,the meanesfor which: And the very f1me, rhe meanes,bywbich, He giveth theC•mforter: by CH a x s T rheWord; and by CH R 1sr sbodpnd h/Md,both. In tcngses, ic came: butthe t6ngue is nor the infirumenr ofSpeech one!y, but oftajle,we all khow. And,even that note hach not efcaped the Ancient Divines; :flf,l.HB. to !hew, there is not only comfort by heAring th( Word, but we may alfo tajleof His , Cor.u.Jf, good11e{fe,how graciotu He is,andbe made drin/uofthe Spirit. That nor only by thelet. ter we read, and thewordwe hear~; bur by the.ftejh weear,and theblo11d wedrinkeat His rable, we be made partakers of HisSpirit,.andofthe comfort ofir. By no more kind!yway, patfeth His Spirit than byHts.ft(fhand 6/,#d,which are vehicnla Spirit Ill, the proptr cArriagu to conveigh ir. Corpm aptavit .fibi, "t Spiriturn aptaretttbt: Cu •, s.,. firtedo11rhody to Him, thiltHemightfitHt!JfirittoUJ. For,fo1srhe Spirit bcilticted, malic temeable,and bell exhibited to us, who con/ill of both,. . • Tlus •