-~ SERMON PREA~ CHED BEFORE THE ICING$ MAlES TIE AT VVINDSOR 0 N the XII. of .?!,!ay. eA. V. M r> c x l. - - •-' ~ei1~ WHITSVNDAY~. (*. .*) 10HN Chap. XVI. Ver. VII~ Sed ego veritatem dico vobis: expedit vodis, ut Ego va: dam: fienimnonabiero, Paracletus non venietadvos; fi au tem abiero, mlttamEurn ad vos. -- - Yet 1 teU you the truth : It i4 expedient for you, that I goe a; way: ,For, ifTgoe not away, theComforter'n!iUnotcom~ untoyou; hut, ifI depart,!wil/findHim unto you. r 7' ifigDe ,Iwill fendHim toyor1. AndHe didgoe,and He did fi»dHim; and,this day,He did fend Him. So that, betweene this TextandthisFeaft, thereischat mucuall reference andreciprocatioo,th~t is,bwveene promijfio mijfionu,and mifiopromifioni;;chepromifl of the finding,and thefending ofthepromife: Thepro· mife of the finding, thefub!bnceoftheText;and the .finding of the promife the fub!bnce of the So· lemnitie: It being the folemnicieof ltJitwn, and•l(f niet (both in the Text)thefendingandcolllmmgo the Holy Ghoft. . C H R 1 s T s words they be : andall is nothmg or demonl!ration of rhe 'JVuvmiet : Of1101JVemet, the not commiog, and Exper!it the Expedie11cie of C H R t s T sgoing,and coriequenclY. of this Ftaft. • ; :_rherefecmestobe aqudlionhere,whethct be~,the Comfir£'~ ~ome,or "-'t &l~~i ..,