Sermon+· Ofthe HoLY Gltcisr. that is, whether anyWhit-fltntide, or no~ The queltion of Hiscomming grew out of another,of CH • I sr s gomg; whether belt CH RI s r goeor 1 not goe: That is vhcther any AJcmfim-day, or no. The v!'pojl!eswereallmamlyagamfl:Hts 8 ;-,:g and [ 0 oppofed hard againlt the Afcen.fiolfJ. But CH R I s r here refolvetll ~l:e p~i~t thus: If they were againft thevf[cenjion,they loll: Feftr!mparac!~ti,a feall:; which they might not nulfe out of thm Kalendar : and fo wnhpt;omtfing them this perfw.1dcs them, to bearc Wtth that; to yceld to theafcenfion, mhope of Whtt: [tmtide. d l · ; f.· H. · Which two Feajlr are both in theText, an. t 1e two mame p01nts o 1t: ere.ts nnabwn, agoing; andhereisaveniet, acommmg: CH R IS -rsgomg, thattsthe Afctnfion; TheHoly Ghoffs comming, that is Pentecojl (the day whtch wee now cele– brate) as it were i•1•'"1'""'"•oneto make amends fortheother. And yedhall obferve, it js uli1all. Anon after chrijlmaffe-day, and the poore~fl:ate of chrijls birth, thete commeth the Epiph.miewithaJlarre, andgreat mens oblattons, as by way of compea– falion. Prefently after Good-friday,and the forrow of H1s paffion,Eaj/er-day follow– cth flraio-ht, the day of His triumph, to revive us againe. And even fo here, upon His vff~nfion, or going from us, there infueth Whit.frmdaJ, the mends together withal!. No impedit, without anexpedit : tloabeam, but amitf41n : nogoing411MJi to bring a lolfe; but acomming too, to make a fupply; . . lhe truth is : v!Jcenjion-Day, though to Him it were a day of glory; yet; to them it could not be, but a dayofforrow. It wasagoiwg,toHisFather;bur,it was ~going, from them. Goin_g from _rhem, they were to lofe ~im; and lolfe breeds iorrow; and a great !otic (as thts was) great forrow. It dtd fo : the very nexr words before rhefcare,To11rhearts are full offorroJV. And good reafon: r. To verre~; parr with, to forgoe any friend, is a griefc. Not withoutfomegriefe, doththe · • LApoftle recount, that evenDem-Mwas fallen_off, and had forfaken Him, z. And, if JO)' friend; how much more of fuch a fnend, as C H R i s -r was to them~ • Tim+ ·~~ lt was a Fejlwafl, all the while, and they the Children of the Bride-chamber, {o long as Hce was wtth them. To forgoe fuch an one, mult fi)l up the meafure, a ~•ttn., .•11 good way. 3. Bm rofill it full; if to part with fuch an one be grievous,at any time; then, to' parr wirhHim; then,He to leave us,and we Him, when we have moft need of Him, when troubles areat havd, is above meafure grievous; Andat hand they were (ver.2.) per(ecutions to ri(e, and they to be iri that cafe, that they that cut their throars,a1ould thin~e they did Go o good fervice. If needs He would leave them, He lhould fray; nllfaire weattler : Now, a tempefiistoward; then,to belefr,is the worft time that may bee. . Now, joyne all thefe, ' of a ffiend; • of (tech a friend; l at fuch atime, to bee de~rived; and tell mee, if there were not great reafon, ut trijlitia impleret cor eorum, thm hearts a10uld bee f11ll offorrow, for Hisgoing,. Nonexpedittlt abeM. This for them. Now for C H R Is -r : wee lhall fee, ,quam incert.t providenti"' noflr«. It falktb. out many nmes, men are grieved with that, which is for their good : and earllellly arc fet on that, which is not expedient for them. It was their cafe, in defiring~ CH RI s r m1ghtnorgoe. All was out ofmiltaking. Therefore CH R I s r begins: But I tell you the tmth : (as mu~h rofay) you arc in an ertmrr all this while :jour hmts befull of(orroJV,becaufe your heads are full of errour. You conceiveof my ftay hsbenefiwll to you, bur falily: I teftyo11tme, it isfo far from that,as,impediet,it will 1 mderyou,turne to your lolfe. You apprehend mygoing,as an hinderance; but erre. d. Itelly•u tme, expedrtvobis, ir will be yourgaine. 2. Thisgaine, and lolfe, are fet owneboth:_• The lolfr, m rhe notcomming,. , thegaine,-inthecommingofthe ~~'i{~r~er, th1s day•. 3· This commingor not cornming, depends uponChriJtsgoing> -Spay. 'l(gnvcmet nifi, 1f Chrifl goenot,He commcth not: vemet {i,1f CH R I s T io~Hil><of,"mtth. Seeing then,yeH1all be lofers by my flay,and gainers ,by mygoi~g. e not iJrmy fiay: <.M'yftaywilldepnveyouof Him: nonvemet. Bcnotaga,nft Ul/1