Sermon 4· Ofthe HoLY GnosT. Himfelfe, exptdit mihi; as, all rh~ worlds reafons~nadinrvard. No: bur expedit vobiJ, for them,their profir and henefir,rarljerrhan H1sowne. Wefiude one betore, in this Gofpell (Chap.rr.•) and Hnvas the Htgh Prtej!, that made H1s, fi'omexpedit; Chop.n. f~; bur, it was e.~pedit no6is : fo reafons. Carapha1, ~h.ere. Bm, C H a I s l' ourHighPrie.ft taketh it the other wa:y. ~doe1t, becaufe It Is expedmu for you, that I d_o~ ir. And, rhe Ap<>f/lefollowerh H1m 10 that too : Heb.r3. rfeyottr Rt~!er.s, (your fpmtu. all Rulers) fo, as rhey may doe their office wltb JOJ, not wtthgmfe i 'AAu,7;M'~, for Heb. 1 j. 17 ; that in1otgood foryo" ... n_or, joryo11 (heai'e you) and let them go~. Well, cerratne!y hereinisequitie; herem IS mtldnelfe, mthefe t:vo firlt wor~s. It was, :oHu Father, andro Hisglorie, He went: He would not do.eit, butac.quamt them Wlth rhereafon of it:and rhatreafon was, He would notdoeir,butthatlt was for thetrgood; I have enou~h from thefe three,if we learne to avoid 1 Hophni's nonvult enim,tomake our 'll!llt gu; enim; And the • Corinthims lbnding with him,upon his licet; l And frame our Rtlle, byexpedit: and that, not Caiapha< expedit no6is, but C H R 1 • Ts expcdi~ v8hi! : foryos, it isgood; you the Difciples: and make that the rule of ourgomgottt andcomming in. This for Expeditvobi>. If it begood, andgoodfor them,they will nor hinder it 1 '}{!moimpedit, quodexpi- . I I. tlit : That lelfon will foone be learned, to yeeld to that, which i~ for our behoofe. ~~~'~"~£";;; All the matt"er will be, to bring[ expedit vobu]and [tit ego abeam] together : ro un. ~mier. der!l<ind that good; how [Egg a6eam]can beexpedient for them. Indeed it is hard to conceive. This we cJn well conceive : Expedtt vobu, ut ego veniani, expedient it is, that I come; and fay with thev1pojfle, Etiamveni, yea,. com.eLord; come quickly. Apoc.u.zo: And this we can alfo, Expedtt vo6u, ut ego maneam, expedient Jt Is, that.I tarry, and fay with them (L11k.z4.) mane nobifcumDomine; yea, tarry withusgood Lord. Iris Luk.•t·z,: more than expedient, forthee, fo to doe. Bur. Expeditwbu tit ego abeAm, expedienr, lgoemy way and leave you, Duruujl hie fermo, it is ahardfaying and who can en. dureit, Thaticlhouldbegoodforthem, orforany,tohave CH 1\ rsT goefrom them or forfakethem~ . And fure, the propofition is not fo hard, but the reafon, that inducethir, is as bard, andmore, if more may be: The Comforter willnot i:ome, Be it fo: let Him not come; llay you. Inte fatu nobiJ, we are well enough, we defire no otherComforter. And the other moveth not neither,unlefTe Igoe: why,mayHenor ll:ay, and He com.e nmwirhfiandiog ~ What hindersit,but we may enjoy borh together ~ Two dilliculties, which mutt be cleercd, or we can11ot proceed. . 'JX..9n veniet, that may bee anfweredwith, 2'\f veniat, But, Hee is aComforter.' Nocomforterto CuR r' T: nololfefogreat, astolofeHim: ifweemaykeepe Htm, wee care not : 'l'{sveniat. Stay His <.Afcenjion, weefeare not Pentecojl. Bur Hee is in earncfr, and tell~ us for " truth, It is altogether expedient, the Ho 1 ; GHo s T come : So expedient, rt expedit, t1t ego a6eaw, potim quam illeneveniat: Better I gu, than Heenot <ome; .of the twaine, better! fpared, than He. So it muff bee; elfe, Hee faith nothing : elfe, the ballance hangs even; one, as "Ood as the other; they may take which they will; fay, they were well enough, ~s they are. Butwetgh the Feafis together, <.Afcenfio~t, andPentreoft; the rxpedienceof Egoabe– am, and theexpcdtenceof Ille vemet; better C" a I s T depart, thJn the Ho 1 Y g 11 os t fray from us. This fets before us and fl1ewes us thegreatnelfe of this ayes benefit : confequenrly, the highnelfe of this Fcall:: nor onely, rhat it is e}.ua~ to any ofthofeprecedem; (that the Ho 1 y G" os T isequall tochrijl, e/ ould wee bee at anafrerdeale, andchangeforourlolfe: No,Saintv1ugu– f/.ne praycrh well, Domineda mihialit~m te, alioqt~i non dimittam te, give us another :tg{.od asyGurfe~i'e,or "ewill neverleave thar, or confent that you!eaveus:) Bur, blat omelllequahry there is; elfe they mightll:and, as they:zre, feeing they lhould .C ee,never the be~rer ; but fure, as the cafe ll:andeth, more forrhcir behoofe, rhan 11 l 1 s r H!i:J,elfe;