.-~:_3 ;:__z. _______O...:.if_th_e_S_&_N_n_I_N_G_____s_e_rmon 4 ; I The inconve.. NtnceofnDtz. 'fll11itl. Gc~l.J.i: Gea.t.i. loh.r9.Jo. He&.9.15·; . J. C~r.u.r. ~~! Iudc.vcr.t,-; 1\om.s.,; Ioh.6,63· Rem.8,2.6, We !hallnever fee it inkind,theexpedie»ceof veniAl,theabfolute neceffity otK comming, till we fee the inconvenie~ce of ~on veniet; that it by no me~nes tna b:~ admitted; we cannot bewuhout l!tm. Flrftthen, abfoluteneceffity ltis. inbo h the maine prindpall workesof the,Deitie,all three perfons coopcrate,and haveth t concurrence. As, in the beginningofthccreaiion, notondydixitD.e~wasre ~~~ red, wh1ch was theWord; but ferebatur SptrttJU, themotton of the Spmt,rogiv~h Spirit of life,the life of Nature. As,in theGenefts,[o in the,Palingenefieoftheworlde a like neceffity :not only theWord fhould cakejlejh; but flefh alforecehmhr Spirit' i:o give lifc,even the life of grace to rhe 1'{sw Creature. It was the counfell of G 0 0 ' that every perfon in theTrinitie, fhoitld have his part in both; in one worke no leff~ than the other, and we therefore bapti'{_!dimoall three. · ' But I adde fecondly; more thanexpedient it is,:he work of our falvationbenot left halfe undone, but be brought to the full perfechon; which, With non veniet, can. not be: if theHoly Ghojlcomen~t,C H._ 1sT s comming can doe us no good·when all is done, nothing is done. No,faidnotHeConfi•mmAturneft? Yes: andfaidit truly in refpeCl: of the work it felfe; but quoad nos, in regard ofu.sand making it ours, non confum11Jatm,. eft, if the HoLY GHo sT come not too. Shalllfollowrhe u1ppflle, ~ndhum&ntlm dicere, fPea~eafter the l'!anner of men,becaufe of OHr infirmitie? Go o Himfelfe bath fo exprelfed 1t: Aword IS of no forc.e, though written (which we call adeed) till the feale be added: that, maketh it at~thenticall. Go n harh bor· towed rhofe very termes from us : C HR r .s T is theWord; the Ho L r GH 0 1 r theSe/tie, inqt~ojignatieflis, Eph. IV. XXX. 'lXift veniat, if theSeale comenorcoo tlothingis done. .. . ' i. Yea, the very will of aTeflator, whenit is fealed, is frill in fufpence tilladml-' nil1rationbe granted: Chrift is theTeffatorof theNew Teflament: Theadminiflratiolf is theSpirits, I Cor.Xli. If that come not,theTeflamer;t is to fmall purpofe• 3• Take CH R xs T as aPurchafer: thepurchafeismade,the priceispaid; yet !s not eh~ fiate_p~rfefr, unleffe there be inveflittm, or (as we call it) /iverie andfeift•: that, maketh it compleace. Perquifitio, that very word is CH R r s T s: bur, thein– .":eftitttre is by theSpirit, I! Cor. V. V. If He come not, wdackethat: that,we may notlacke; andfo not la~ke Him. What will ye,chac !fay~ Vnl~ffe we bejoynedto Him, as well as He to us; as He to us, byOtiY (lejh ; fo we, to Him byHis spirit: no– thing is done. The exchange is not perfefr, unleffe, as He taketh ourjlejh,[oHegive us His Spirit : as Hee carriech upthatto heaven, [o Hee fend this downe intoearrh. Yee know, itisthefirfiquefiionche.Apojlleasked: Have yeereceivedtke.HolyGhojl ftnce ye beleeved? If not, all elfe is to nopurpofe: without it, we are fiill (as Iudecal· leth us) animates, spirit11m non habentes, naturall men, but Without theSpirit, And this is a certaine rule, f2!!} non habet,He that hath nut His Spirit, if none of Hi1; chrift profiteth him nothing. . Shall I let you fee one inconvenience more, of non veniet ? As nothing is done for us, fo nothing canbe do,te by us,if He come not. No meanes on our parr,avatle us ought. 'NocBaptifme; for,nifiexSpirittl,if Hecomenot,wellmayirwaibfin!e from our skinne, but no flaine for our foule : noLaverof regeneratiow, withoutr_e· newing~f the Holy Ghofl. • NoPreaching, neither; for, that is butalettrrthatktl· leth, except theSpirit come coo,and quickenit. l NoSacrame11t; we have aplatne Text for it: Thejlejhprojiterh nothing, ifthe Lo R o andgiver of life(theSftrtt) bee away. 4 To conclude, noprayer : for, niji, unlcffetheSpirithelpe ourtnjrmtttt, andmake intercefion with us, we neith~r know how, nor what eo pray. So, the Sptnr muO: come to all: andirgoeth through; neithercanoughtbedoncforus,orbyus withotit it. Away then with neveniat : wee cannot fay it; weemay no\ thmke~r. Wee cannot fpare this firfi. Anotherveniat there mufl: be; a fecondv1d11ent, e· fides C H R r s T s. C " R 1 s T s ·LAdvent b~gins all : this, ends all our fo!emnt· ties. comeHe mufi; and we mufiall agree, co[ay,reni Crwor Spirittff: the•ncon· venience ofnm veniet we cannot endure. llut