Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

AI!:.S.Jl; The part Nar~ r4tivt. - A S·ERMON PREA~ CHED BEFORE THE IZINGS MAIESTIE AT \lVHITE~ HALL, on the XXXL of ."1-!ay, d. V. . Mocxtt. being WHtTSUNDAY. (*.,.*) ACh Chap. XIX. Ver. I,Ir,III. vfnd it came to paj]e, &c. That Paul cametoEpheftu, 11nd foundthere, cettaineDifciples. · dnd faidunto them, Have ye receivedthe HoLYGHosr, Jince yee beleevedl And they foid unto him, wee havenotfo much M heard, whether there bee an Ho L Y G H os T. eAnd Hee foid unto them, Vnto whatwere yee then baptized? andtheyfaid, Vnto Iohns <Eaptifme. is aqueflion. Have yumivtdtheHPly Ghojl? And hereisananfwertoit: 'l'{gynot fpmo<hlll heard, whether any HQ/y Ghojl or no. Ther:!Sno fitter rime, to aske and refolve thisqueihon of His receiving, than this day, the day, Hewasrt. ctived viflbty : nor toamendthisanfwer (1{91, whether any or no,) than this day, cm~vhlch Hec declared Himfelfe to the world, when lt wasboth heardand (tene, that therew:~sanHoly Ghojl. 1 The 'l{arrativt is thus, briefly. Sa!or PAll came to Ephef 114,and there he foundcerta!OeD{· ciplu. Atthe firll: meeting, rhevery firlt quefih rb, firJ1f••- on he askes, is Si recepijlu, Whetherrhey hadrl· lii••· ceived the Holy Ghoft? Markc it well. It is thefirll: poinr,hethinkes meeretobeen~ quired of, or to infonue himfdfc concerning. The