Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Setmpn 1• Ofthe HoLv GHosT. TheApoj/le (nodo~bt)hoped for an anfwer .ifftrmativefromthem : That they Tbe .. [:r~ir. badreceived Him. Thel!S 15 a Hrangenegatzve : That, nm only they hadnotreceived · Him ;Sedneque, But wcrefofarrefrom that, as they had not fomuch, asheard, whc. ·ther there were any to recetve : whether, thcr~ were any, at all, Whom they fhould havereceived, Him theY. had not heardof. Thts was a great rudeneffe. And yet Difci tes they were,and Dilctples that hadbe/uved;and beleevedagood whtle.fince. And r6ey were lrn/ve(it isfaid at the feventh ver(t) thatts, a fullltme; and yetputthe Holy Ghofl upon their VerdiCt, thar,they returne, is an Ignoramll<. . • T heA•ullle, little looked for fuch rudeneffe, at Ephe{m, the moll: etvtll place of th•.f!l••~ r ~· ~ I " fi d h. h . 1 . e N h quef'""· all L.djla. Thisan,wera mo"po e un; yet, eegtvesnemnotov r. ay, e mufr not leave them thus. Whether one,or no : This anfwer(of forEe) begm ano· therqueflion, to linde where the error was. Difciples they were, andthere~orebap. ti{!d; baptizcd,~nd yet had n~t heardof the Holy Ghofl ?. Hemufeshow ,ortnto what they h4dbeene bapti{!d, and askcs them that. They tdl btm, mto Iohns baptifme, and tht<•[,.lr. funher they had nm gone. Of Iohns Baptifme I will not now ll:and to enlarge: This is cenaine, aBaptifme it was, wherein (it feemes) there was no mention, norno hea" ,;,gof the H•ly Ghojl. Now by this time, their rudeneffe, thatfeemed Cl: range atthe fir!l:, ls not now Th.,rror. !!range when the reafonof it is knowne. And it might feeme infome fort to excu[~ them,in that,they were but atlohn's Bapti{me: and fo it di.d. But yer,to accufe them withall,that they werebut at John's Baptifme(for it was nowmore than twenty 1eares fince Iohn was dead) that, all this while, they were no further; that(as He faith to the Hehrewes) conjidering the time, whereJU they might havebeene Teachers, they had Heb.f., ,; needtobecatechi[ed, in the very mdiments of Religi011, Yet* quencheth he not thu fl•x, though it did but fmoke; beares with them,rates ,Thi trltifjint. them not, but teacheth them; flrll, that as i9bnwas to C H a Is T, [o was Iohns bap. Matth "•'~' tifmetoChriHs baptifme, in manner of aParate viam, or introduCtion, ;, vent;m~m, to onethat w.u to CPme, and they, noorhenvifeto conceive of ir. It was Apollo's cafe (in theChapttrbefore, Yerfez~ .) He line_wnot butiohns bap. tifme neither, atthelir!l:. And.thefe (it may well be) were His Difciples. Butas A– quila, there taught Him : So dmh the Apojllethefehere, th< way of tnotbmmexaltly, Andfo, being raughr, they were baptized with abaptifme, where, they bothheard VerCq.6, if, andrmivedthe Holy Ghoft• . Thus doth end the 'l&rrative part. And therein, heegivesusanexamplein The.Apoftlf: htmfdfe,of his owne rule toTimethee. If wemeet with fuch,as thefc at Ephef m,raw P•1 i<""'· and evil! catechifedChriflians; that we grow not abrupt; bur exercife our office, in • Tm"•·~ anddoflrine :not in.1Joflrinealone,bur in long {t~jfering anddoltrine : For wtthout fujftring, and fuffering longotherwhilcs, all ourdoilrme will doe but lutlegood. Ou.t of all ~h_is,wegatbet the~e points. Flrft,the neceairie of receiving theHoly Th•_P'" dijl GhoJf : mthat, 1t1s lus lirll: care, hts firll que!l:1011 he askes. Of the other Pcrfons in poji1wt. !heGod-bead,it is enough we hcarcofthem and bclecvein thern: Ofthe Holy Cbuft lt~snotfo. To heare of Him,or bekevein Him,will not ferve ; but\ve are toreoeive H,mto~. !oknow,not only J!.!!_'od.flt,that He is; buttocerrifieourfelvrs,%odinjit, thatHetsmtu:ForHefoa!lremainewith yoHandfhallbeinyou(itis C11 a Is T.) Il>a.~t.•7' . . But then, receivewe cannot, unleffe firlt we heare : heare, that thereis one tti re· wv~, or ever we receiveHim. Fir!l:, notice of His being; and then fenfe of Y is re. cttvtng. And indeed, thebearingof HimisawJyto Hisreceiving: For, though, not every one thatheAres, receives: yetnonere.-eives, buthehearesfirfi. So, that ground mulllir!l: be layd • A • . ll' find to lay that ground, no better way than the ..Apuftle here direcrs us to; by ~h recond que!l:ion ;. get us to our baptifme. Aske, into what wee '!'ere lt~pti{!d f · • e ewe !lull not fallc, but refolveourfelves, that one there is : rcm'lle H1m after; ~s wee may. · 111-4 Now;