Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 'f• Of the HoLY G H os T. ~tdowne, iikeftrie tongues,upon tACh of them. Or of their folemnemeeting v d Jo,mfelt at Iert<falm:, and Decrees there, the tenor whereof was, dIt feemedgood d 'Jrlt!:e Jlol GhBft, and,,., Or but of the flrange~nd, that hapned to lAnania:s, they 10 uld no?choofe, but have hear? his offen~e told ~im , by Sr. Peter, Heehadlyedto Aa:q. ~he H 0 ~ y G H 0 s r. : and ftratght upon lt; hee had lyednot to·man, b11t to G 0 0 direClly. All tl . he mioht ; yar;· this he aid not, but takes a plaine co"urte,fends them to • i. ' liS, . "' ' . • b C B ;r: h b . d At B•pu(me their bapti{me, (i!illfuppo.fingtt 5 to e. HR 1 s r s, aptt;me,t eywer~ apttze •Th"o"'; • · h the only true Bapufme; And;fwng rhe ApOjlle, upongoodadvJCe,tooke tbmll. whn fi' r the bclhvay ·we cannot follow a better direction: and fo~ let us take it. We t at o ' 'fi B . h A d . .meane not (I trull) to renounce our Bapu me. y tt, we are, t at ~eare. .n '.aq~; thal lnotfaik butheare Thereioa!loly Ghojl. Exprdfemenuonof Htm,tsdtwe, ' ' ·fi r ·b db S redly given in charge,in the [et forme of Bapu me,preJcn c your A v 1 o u" : That all fuould be(as we all are)btptized, m the rMmeof the Father,tpeSonneandthe Matth.>8,,9; Holy Ghojl. . • • · r . . Yea Iaddefiirthcr: He couldnot better referre them, than tohAptt{me. For,afpeciall prerogative harhtheHoly Ghoft, in ourbaptifme, above the Q[her two Per- . .. fons. That Laver, isHisLaver properly; where, we are not 09lyto be bapt1zedm- T,<.J.s. toHim (as imothe other two) bucalfo even to be baptized rvith Jlim: which is proper to Him alone. For, befides theWater, we arethere, to beburlteanew of the Jloly loh.;.s:; Gh'o;l alfo, elfe is there no entring for tu into the kingdome of God. . This for Baptifme. But let mee alfotell youa faying : It is Se. Bafils, andwell 7; worth your remembring. Hee beginneth with, In !Toe baptizamur, and proi:eede£h, ca.r.E•nom.l, three degrees fitrther, all riling from thence naturally : they bee but thetraine of ;.~:R"Y: baptifme, . · · . - ,; Fir!l:. Et qllDmo(lo h•ptiZ!IIIIIr, ita & credimtu. As weareb.rptized, fo webe– leeve. As isour baptifme,fo is our beleefe. And our 6eleefe, is there (at our baptif– me) repeated from point to point. ·A, poinrwhcreof, is, I beleeue the in Holy Ghofi. And, rvee dejire to bee baptized i11 that faith. There Hee is now againe, at our bAptifme; . Yea, before we come fofarr~: even~t chrijls~onceiving;there weheareof Him fir!l:, Who 1114! conceived by the Holy Ghoft._So·, three feverall titnes, we thereheare of Him. 1 Whirhw.uconceived by the.l{oly chojl• . •I beleeve in the Holy Ghoft, and 3ln . . the nameof the Holy Gho(f. Atourbaprifme, all three. And in the mouth ofthmwit- tCod;.i;· neffes, ts e11ery point fufjciently eftabliflud. . . z. Saint Bafilproceeds. Et quomodocredimm, ita & glorifii:amtJr. ,As from Bap• tifme,to Beleefe: So fi·om6eleevingtogiving glorie. And there, he flatly avoweth (which all the Chriflianworld knew to be true,nor was there ever Heretikefotmd fo ~old as todeny ir) That the,.,~,.,,,., (as they call it) that is,the ~fe of fa:ying, ct:rifl: betothe Father, the Sonne andthe Holy Ghojl; this forme of conchidin" Pf<tlmes . and Hymnes, and Thanksgivings, was ever received, and retained itrrhe"Church from theb~ginning; as with us, frill it is. So was Baptifme, fo was thankes forthe'bapti;– zed panic (the newmember of the Churd;;) fo, all concluded. So that way, wee heare of Him there, again~. A 3· Yet one more, and it is Hislall:. Et qMmod~glorifi~amm,jic qr henedicim~.' bt: wee glorifie Go o, fo we btejfem~n : As wegtveg!me to Htrfl: .fo we receive ~mg from Htm. How~ theformetsoften heard, and well knowne, it is the A- . JID.h'f/ ~/ The Grace df Chriftour Lord, the Loveof GoD Ilir Father; Commtlnio,and •Cor.q. 13: t e I eilow". f h H l h fl '- h c . . 5 . J"'P• t e oyG g ·' .tooervit m, So,aiterBaptifme; So;afterS.en;non3 ho, tsthebcongregatiopever diiiu.ilf~d. Theri, there weglorifie Jlim, And in Him we t thereare leffed, Andfo, wecheareof Him, once more qribdji .et, that a Holy Gboj m~ ' . fiill ~p.b"themarter: noBapti[.,l, noBeleife, Gq o noglorie, men nobiejing,.but c '"'if Hun, Soas,~t any but fee Bapti(me,hearebut the Creed,bcat th~ datly • Str7./ii:e~