64-z.. Of the SEND IN a Sermon 5• Service, heare the Church rendring glory to Go o, receivinghlql'ingfr~ Jhop or Pneft : by fome of rhefe, or all ofrhefe, they canRot choofe bur heare f ht– HolyGhojl. Thereisthenno faying, forus,sednequeoudivimm : Away with~ e And fay with Saint Bdjii,In hoc haptizamur,there we beginne, Et quomodD '6ap:.:r, . -m11r fie credimm, • Et quomodo credinuu fieglorijicamw, 3 Et qHamodoglorijic 1 'ji henedicimus. So,we arebaptized,in Him; •and as we are baptized,fo we h:t,,:;'.~;~ >as webdeeve foglorijiewe God; and 4 as we glorifie God, fo bleffewemen. bt a; and are bleffed. Thefe foure, they are all three, and they are not farre fer th~y h e, no curious [peculation inthem, they will ferve for any hone!~ orgood h;arred c~v~ j!iAn, to reft in,and they need goe no further, than In q11o ergo baptizati e.ftu. ''· ;,J]'t2"" Thus, we are referred, and we know? where wearefuretoheareof Him. But if wee fray a lmlc upon [In qNobapttZ,atz]andlookeberrermroir, thisisnotall bur we /hall Hnde furrher, not on!~ that fuch an one there is, but take more peffeano. rice of Hun. And firft, thatHets Go o. And by no other, bur by rhefamefieps we went before. ! Go o, firll:. For that,we cannot be baptized into any name,but Gon 1 •lm · the v1p1ledifpures it atlarge xC~r.x. thatit cannot be, that it is notlawfull rob~ baptized imoSt. Peters name, or into his,or into any nameelfe, but Go n 8 'only ~~-----------L ....... :-:.J·""'··..,.... :.....t..._ .. .__...,...t: ..t...,.uA r ... r'-.P- .J -ov~ o-IL_~~~ -Jd ~~-~~-'--:_~~e.-.c.-5-:-- ~.I~~~L=~; -~ ·-'/ , ~~L:P-~~~~ ~~~o/~_--~ ...... ~~~ / ~~ . o~ // e -zL::Y#~. ~ --r . ''blli ·. /.~<.>~~ • • • .:,~o~;b~ <..:ongregation, to bleffi them. Bur, with His name, wee blelfe, no leffe, thanwith Ji!lll!l.6.•r· the rdr. Therefore, as they, fo Hee, Go o Above All, as to bte/[e, fo"beeblejfed forever. And upon thefe fourewereft. Thefefoure, •To bebaptizedinto Him, '1'661· leevein Him, l To afcrih( gloriet~ Him, ~ Toblejfe by Him, or in His name, Theyare aCl:s, fuchaCl:s, ascannotbegiven to any, but to Go o onely;and foevidenrly, wee thereheareofHim,rhatHeis GoD alfo. Andfucharethetwoaets,inrheCreedof Conf1antinople, To bee Lord and giverof life, and T~ j}eakebytheprophets. Suchare many other amiliutes, and workes (that cannor agree to any,but Go n )afcribed ro the Holy Gh1; which might bee, and which elfewhere havebcem:: alledged : Bu1 now we are tokeepe us to our B•ptifme, and goe no further. ·J GoDi: And if we will fray yet, but a!irde,at our Baptifme; and hearken well :as wee ¥•i1i<· hearethat He is Goo; fo fhall we, that, He is Go o insnitie. For there, weheare bur, li»Jomine,but,of one name. Now, as rhe Apojl/ereafonerh (Gal.3.r6.) Abrah~ di8~JM1tpromijlionet, & fe~tJiniejtH. ~ndicitSeminibm, quafii!SmulttS; (edm– tpwn in tmo,Semini ejm. ToAbrAhAmand his feed, were the promifesm~de. Hefatr.b: not, To the (eeds, as of many ;but tohu feed, as of one. So we,are blpnzed, 1\gllt~ ?iominiiJus, quaji muftu ;fed, in nomine,qudjiUWI: not in thenAmts,aSof many ;{~U~ ' !oh.•o Jo, in the ~m(, as ofewe. one nameand one nature, or effence. Ym1m fumi/J ( att d oh 1 · 6 • CH"' r s T) oftwoofthem :rnu,Nfunt, fairhSaint18hn,ofallthree, Th1swee heare there. · rn11m (rmt; but not N1Jm. For,asfrom the ,;ame, we feduce the tmitie : Sod~o~ ·Difli•!l. the n11mber ('Ihree) doe wee, the '[rinit~~~ 011~ ~ .'!"~' <!n.d IIAM' ~· _yeb~~:~~