6p silutlleU GoD. ·J c; on;. nitie. Ioh.1o fO. 1 Ioh.s.cS. Of the SE No 1 No Sermon 5 , Service, heare the Church rendring glorJ to Go n, receivingbl<jingfro;;-; fhop or Pnefr : by fome of thefe, or all ofthefe, they canRot choofe but heareof hL· HolyGhoft. Thereisthenno faying, forus,Sednequeaudivimsu: Awaywith~ e And fay with Saint Bafii,In hoe baptizamur,there we beginne, Et quomodo '6a :.:r, . nJIIr fie credirmu, • Et quomodo credimt« fieglorifieamm, JEt qHamodoglerifie• 'P 'j;· henedicimtu. So,we arebaptized,in Him; • and as we are baptized,fo we bdee::'."' :J 3 as we beleeve foglorijewe God; and 4 as we glorifieGod, fo blef[ewemen. bl ffi and are bleffed. Thefefoure, they are allthree, and they are not farrefet th~y h e, no curious [peculation inthem, they will ferve for any honefr orgood hdarted c~v~ jfiAn, to refr in, and they need goe no further, than Inqr1o ergo baptizati ejlu. "· Thus, we are referred, and wek~ow,where wearefur~ to krare of Rim. But, if wee flay a httle upon [In quobapts~t•)andlookebet:ermtott,thisisnotall, but we /hall _finde further, not on!~ that fuch an one there IS, but take more pcffeClno. ticeof Hun. Andfirfr, thatHets Go n, And by no other, butbythefame/leps we went before. GoD, firfi. For that, we cannot he baptized into anyname,but Gon 1 ,/,we' the: v!p<1Jledifputes it atl:uge 1 CQr.t. that it cannot be, that it is notlawful! tob~ baptized inroSt. Peters name~ orinto his_, or imo any narneelfe, but Go n 1 'only. Bur,in Htsnarne, we are baptized: evenmthe name of the Hot; Ghofl: that,proves Him, GoD. GoD, fecondly. For we htleeveinHhn. We there profc:ffeir. Et neminiChri– Jlianorttmtmquam dubiumjr1it~ ngs in Deum, noli in CreaturAm, credere(faithv!th•wt. Jisuad Epifcopos Afric.) Never any Chrifiiandoubted of this, thatwebeleevenotin <Any Creature, but in GoD alone. BeleevingtheninHiTII,weacknowledgeHimto bee Go n. , Go n, thirdly. For, ~e aftribetoHimgl~rie. Andgloridsproperto Go.; Mely : So proper, that He fatth exprefly, I.Altmmn dabo, Hewill not partwitbit, to any other. But wee_ render Him gler:f> and With the FAtherandtbesonne, pariter t1gether, He is worfbned andglori.fted ~Therefore, Gon. withthem,eveninthar refpecr. Lafily, Go o,fromblejl'ingalfo : for, thatisoneof G1dspeculiars : Toblelfe in l-1ir name : by putting His name, upon Children, old and yo!lng, and uponthe Congregation, to blelfe them. Bur, with His name, wee bleffe, no leffe, thanwith the reft. Therefore, as they, fo Hee, GoD above aO, as toblelfe, fotobeeblejfed forevtr. And upon tbef'e foure werefi. Thefefoure, 1 TobebAptizedinto Him, •ro6e. ltevein Him, l To afcribe glorieto Him, "To blejfe b; Rim, or in Rir name, Theyare acrs, fuchacrs, as cannot be given to any, but to Go n ondy;and foevidenrly, IVC:C: therehmeof Him,rhatRei.r GoD alfo. Andfucharethetwoaets,intheCmdof Conflantinople, To bee Lord and giver of life, and To J}ealcebytheprophets. S~chare many otherattrillutes, and workes (that cannot agree to any,but Go o)afmbed to the Holy Ghd/; which might bee, and which elfewhere have beenc alledged : Bu~ nowweare to keepe us to our BAptifme, and gocno further. And if we will fray yet, but alittle, at our Baptifme; and hearken well :as 1vee hearethat He is Go n l fo lhall we, that, He is Go" innnilie. For there, weheare but, In11omine,but,of one name. Now,as the Ap<1Jlereafoneth (Gal.p6.) Abrah.e dilt£ Jnnt promijiom!, & Junini ejtH, ~ndicit Seminibsu, quafi in multu; (edtaw– qrwn in rmo,Semini ejm. ToAbrahamand hir (eeJ,were the prornifes m~de. Hefatt~ not, Toth.efeeds, as of many ;buttohi.r feed, as of ont. So we,areblpttzed, t{g~r~ nominibsu, quafi multi< ;fed, in nomine, qu.jittlll: notin thenAmes,as of many;( .u~ in the ~me, as of one. One nameand one nature, or effence. rnrrm Jumm _( att CH" r s T) oftwoofthem:YntiJNju»t, faithSaintiohn,ofallthree, Th1swee heare there. (J · rmrm (tmt; but not N»tu. For,asfrom the tJame, we feduce theNnitie: SodJ0~ the number ('Three) doe wee, the: '[rinit~~! OTJ~ i'! ·''!"!.~ ~d nattlr' ~· _yeb~~:;J!G