~-------~~~~~--~~----------------~--~ Sermon 5· Of the HOLY G H os r. 6+3 b eene theml'elves. DiJ!inc1in member, as in our baprifine. The Father, Sonnc, ;:;v Ghojl. And that number, difiinCl: ro the fenl'e,as at Chrifts Baptifme, the Father inrbevoice, the sonm inthejloud, theHoly Ghofhn the lhap.e ofaDove. And that /hewed to be, a di!hnchon of perfons, m Chr:Jfs promlie. 'Ego the Perfon of ro&nx 4 .,6. Chrift : , Patrem the Perl'onof theFa_rher, l :md Parac!etum, the Pcrfon oftheHoiJ Ghojl. TheHoly GhDjl (I fay) diftmclfrom the Father, The Lord and Hts Sptrit hath ~~h~,;~~;s. (ent me, E[a. 4 s. 1 6. From the Sonne Par&c!etrem alutm, byaltttm, the Sonn~one,He a.Co•.J.•r· another. And difiinCl:, as a I'erfon : For (to om1t o.rher perfonall aCl:s,wh1ch pro. ;~as" , erly agree ro none but a reafonable naturedetcnmncd : As 'To be theLord, b To , i. :: ~ k •teach d reprovc,comfort,' be awtt!1ejfe, 1 place Bijhops,gmake De,nes mcormcell:) c 'Iolun. ,,; /rea e, ' f 'fi r b d H. . h b d lohn ' t6 Thatwhichwebcareo atourBapn me, a1cn e to un,teconcewet e tlll~anena16~;,s: Jure of chrift, is an aCl: foperfonall,as,mpropnety of fpcech,canagree to none,or be (Mts '"· ,s _ affirmed of none, but ofanimire Perfon. Tlusweheare. g 'r. •3. A Perfon then, diffinfl by Himfdfe, yet _(as a pcrfon) nor, o( or from Him• 4 Proceed'"~· ftlfe. And, this wee heare~ from the very rerme lt felfe [of Spmttu.] For even asjili~M ai.CIIjru, [o Sptrttm, alteii]U<,efl, ab altquo: proceed from H1m,whofe Sonne; or Spiritthey are. So theSonne of Go o, andSpmt o( G o o,. doe from Goo : G 0 o of Go o, eith~r. Eo ipfo then, that He IS Spmtu.r Domtm, Heproceeds With– out more adoe. Proceedr: and fromhoth. , from the Father, theConf!antinopolitan Councell, from f F,,. tht F•' theexpreffe words,tvhoproceedethfrom thefatber: ' From theSonne; The Councell ~be~ "'''d ''" of Toledo the eight, from rhe vifible figne, where theSonnelmathed on the LApofiles, ~~f,';:·, 5 . ,6, 2 nd willed them, from Him to -rereivethe Holy Ghojl. AndNon a femetipfo loquetur, Iohn ' 0 • "• fed de meoaccipiet, fhewerh fully as much. Briefly: Sent by theFather, Iolm. 14. z6, John 16 ''3; 4 ; Filioq 11 e, and by theSonnetoo. John I 5· z6. And fo, theSpmt oftheFather, Matt. Io.3o. Filiique, and oftheSonneroo. Gal. 4.6. . _. . . Proceeding from them ; and not by way ofgemratton: (That IS Cfmffs proper; 6 Bteath·wif•• Hee isofrmtermed, theonely begotten, andfo,none but Hee) but by way of,Emitte · Spiritnm, Emiffion, fending it forth: that is (out ofthe very body oftheword./}irit) l'fal.to+-Jo. bJ ffiration, orbruthmg. Onebrtathing,yctfromboth:cvenasthebreath (which - - - carrieth the name and rcfemblance of it) is one, yet from both thenojlhrils, in rhe body naturall. All the .le are exprcffed, or implied~ in our Baptifme. And now lafily (to returne home to our purpofe)proceeds from them, to come to us : is breathedfrom them, to inJPire us: Sent, by them, to be given us : Fer Spiritum fanflrtm qui datuf eft nobis, . by the Holy Ghojl which is given us : given to receive, andfo, tobererdvedof us, Ro,.s,r. Which openeth the way and maketh the paffagc over, to the fecond quefiion, fi retepiftiJ, Have ye received~ Andfo, ~as we fee) t~e two parrs,follow well and kindly, one upon the other. For, tlus now,1s the lafithmg to be heardofHml; that, iris not rnough, to heare of Him: but,that.we are to receive Him alfo : and to give account to Saint Paul, that we have fo done. So then, wee have now cleeredthefirfiquefiion, atourBaptifrrn:: and have beard. I. That fuch aonetheteis. 2. AndthatHeis Go\). 3· Gon, inrmitievf n.tme. 4• Yet, in nmrnber, diftinc1; and difiinet ao aPerfon by Him(elfe. Aperfon by Rlmfelfc, yet not of Himfelfe,butf'ocuding. 6. Proceedingfromhoth.Perfoqs; that fiand before. H1m, the Father and theSonne. 7. And that breath-wife. And Co;wec havedone w1th that. But yet, \_ve ?~venot done, though. For, the other quefiioa mu!\ be anl'wered too; no remed1e, 1t1mporrs us. For, as good not beare of Him at all, as he.re, and not receive Him.· · ) '~. .. "\ thef< Thithert~en,i come. Si recepiflis? HaveY.?received the.Hcly Ghofl? Wh~rein 1t.' 1 f .ethhree pomts. r. That weare liableto this ouefiion and to the affirmative part The feco,nl, o 1t t t h r n . · ' · par:. li'I 4 rve ave, ~ndtOareboundroreceivcHim.: Forfo,·fi 1 prefuppofeth. ,, If we 0 1a.ve,howtokno1vir. 3· If wchaveno!,howtocompalfcir•.· • How.