_64-6 OjtheS END I~o Se~. may know; wehavcrtceivtdHim: wehavchadlaying8it~fh4nds, if we~ , or puttiflg out hands to anygoodworke. aytng ! 1 "·' 1 ·'· .· Asforwhatis in the heart ; .P!!l.!!_ucognofcit illlld? who knowesir ~Notwe · f Ti<.•·• 6 • fdves: our owne hetrts, ofrdective tH, And there is q a ve'rbu corifitem"r,confeffiouy 1 • ~he mMth, ":ithafafli< nega~t,deny wit~ thedttd<: an<J thar~eceives too, Bur rh::~ fGJ;~~~ I· IS : optuftdez,_the wdrkeof fatth,€rom f fides_qu.o •,Peratur, f~tth t~at w~rk1th, that is· , lam"'·''· Satnt P~ulsfatth; that can './hew ttfelfeby hts worlcmg, tlut ts,Samt lames faith ·a J . ther~, may w~ll be the ~pirit'. ~utwithO,\]t workes, there,it maynotbe. For 1~ith· •I•meu. '~· out 11>~rlce~,.~alnt laTnu !s. A~t, ttl~ but " adead J;•tth~ thecarca./Je.of fatth, andrhereis noSpmt m1t. NoSpmt, tfnoworke. For ~<[1f; adeoproprtum eH, operanSpiritui 1 llijioperetur,naft.e: fokindlyiti~, fortheSpirtttobe working, asifitw'ork 1not,i;: hQt. There is none,toworke: Sjeflnzm eH, nonSpirit~«, aAyingjhadowit is, aSflrit it is not, if w~rlce it doe not. And yet I cannot deny, IPor/usrhere maybeandms'tio», arid yernoSpi~i:: as in ;milicia.ll en~i~s,Watclies,,and Iacke,s, arid fuch like. !\nd _a cerraine artificial! thing thereIsm rehgton(ive call1r Hypocrifte) that by cercameplRS and gins, makes fltew ' ofcenaine il>orlus andmotions, as.ifthere were Spirit , Hut furelySptrit there is none in them. Vaine mentheyare, that boa~ofthe Spi,.'t,_~irhout the worlu ' Hypocrite£ they are, that counterfezt the worl:e, Without theSprrrt. You thalleafily difcoverrhefe Verrc 16)11. w~rl:es, that they come not from theSpirit, by the two fignes,iri·I'fa/. L i.!'~l.and M:l',l. •conjant, and 'fte~. They that come from cunning, and ti.or frorri theSpirit, yec !hall know them bythiS, they be every foot out; they are not confl•m, they con. Hoful.•.: tinue not •mi{or111e long, and when~he barrell is about, or the plummetsdowne, they flay. But howfoever, long they wdl nor hold, but v4mjh ltke thecluull,drie•w•ylike the a'e111 ofthe morning,1!;,1NI, nocon.ftan'cie. . S Whethtr rrcejyedthe I!•IJ Gt111. Luke '.f·4J• b.l.tu. 6 . 16. And ye !hall know them againe,by the other riotel:,.:l',l· Whkhmalmheditfe– rence,berweene theCreatures,and theSpirit.FortheCreaturesareproducedft~mwirh· ~~~~ .- TheSpirit doth emanare, proceedft•mwithin.So rhefe,they haveprincipi•m mi– tl/4 .cb extra,that that makesthem goe,isfome thing,fomeengine without;they flow nor freely, they come not lci11dly, as from within M:l',.:l ti.,, wo natural/ motion, Ingmi– i>tu but not ingmuom. In~emtitie and tmj.cncie, the .free proceeding, theconf/antcomi· nuing ofthem,will'feone difclofe,whether they come from aSpirit or no ; will foone thew, they come from theart ofHypocrifie, not from theSpirit oftmepietit• . And thefe will ferve, to know whether from"Spirit. Now, whether that Spirit beHolj or nq. For, •divers rimes doth the Apofile dtflinguith, and fay: Wee have nil received thU Spirit, but that; as Rom. V I I l. XV. ll.Tim. I. V I I. andnamfly, I Cor. I I. X I I. that we have /lot receivedthe Spirit ofthe nmld,but the holy Spiritwhidl is of Go D. This fameSpirit ofthe world, it is Sacer Spiritu. (for there is no touching it) but not s~ntltu. Sacer, as he called{acrafamu: for,fanfla f.cmts he could never have called it. Thatjpirit 1fthe world, be it from policie, or be it from Philo{ophi1, both arem f•rr~ (and {anEI~ alfo maybe,as they may beufed) but of tbemfelves fecular they are,andft~m men : Holy, orfr~mheAven they are not. Bur this Spirit,rhis Wind, muft blowft~m heaven, not from ourcaves here beneath. Andfoyou !hall foonc difcerne it. Doebut marke the coafis, whence andwhither it blowerh,themo– tive and the marke,and you lhall diftinguilh it ftraight. Forif.from aJecolar reafon; if, roan end beneath; virt110 . b im1 it may be, virtue abAit~ itis nor. . For example, I doe forbeare to finne: what is mymotive~ Bem{e(as MuAh faith) it is againfi Omri's.ft4111tes, fame penalllaw; I!hall incurrefuch apen•lllt, b;_e lyable;o fuch an.Aflion,if I doe not : It is well; bur all this, is buttheSpmuftnt world: E Pr.otorio, n~nSanfluari1, bloweth out ofweHminffer-Ha/1, not out of the Sanfluarie. I goe·further, to .1 betterSpirit; Though there were no penall Law,_ I forbeare tofinne, becaufeitis abmtijli thing, and fo againfi reafon : and ignomtmom, and~0 .1gainfi my credit and reputation. Nay thtn, further yet; becaufe, Ilhall th;re Y IIIR4Pglr