J Malice. lJ)'the S E N D I N G Sermon 5, (we know) is aclea11[er. To kcepe our [elvescleane, is a meanes; to powreour fel out into riot aad excdfe, is a barre, keepes Him farre away from us. ves . Burrherhirdis,txtota.fi•bftantia,againlhheHoL Y GHosT :andtharis,the fpmt tn m,that(as Samt lames Catth )luftetb after envte:afrer envte,or malice,or wh foever f.woureth ofthegaflofbitterneJ(e;inwhich whofocver are,S.Peterfaith pla~: '!>1\s!, , 3 , ly,they havenopart or(eflowjlup, e:thermgzvmg, or rece.vtng the HoLy Caos The Ho L Y GHoST, as, in tl;e body, Hciscxpreffed by r~e breath, and in rh:~ fol'megtven by C HR I s T: fo,m thefoule, by muruallor rectprocall love, whichii (as it were)rhc lives-breath of.thefoule. So is His Nature; and fo is His Ctgne: the Dovebrought anolive branch, and rhar is rhefigneofloveandam!tie: and fois His ojfice, to j/Jedabroadlove m our hearts : And how can that be receiVed, if malice be Gen.S.tt. Rom.f.5· Aa '·l· nor firfl: of~~~ voided out ~ They arc as oppofire, as Saint LuleesJi;e from b,..,1~, and l•nm 1· 6 • Saint lames sJire fromhefl : one muft bcq11enched, orrhe other w•li not b~~rne. >. Theufing Now, rhefe being removed, 1 Pride, •LNft, and l Malice, andfoa place made · •hcmm<s. we arc ro invite the Spirit, by all good meanes Hce loveth, and as it weretogathe; wind as much as we can. To .that end ro get us to the place, and to vifit it ofr, where th1sane brearheth ' and;thatts(as wefinde, 'JI{gmb. XI. XVI.)thedoore8ftheS•n– Eiuary. Ifany beftirring, ifany beto be found, there it is. No placeonearch,which f:xod.rp.•J· the Holy Spirit more frequemeth, hath duer commerce with,.than rhcHolyplaces . where, the remembranceofHi6 Name isput; for,tbither He wiflcometom,andbfeJ!i 111 ' 'J Praytr. 'f:tl.I19·I) [, 7.a~h.a.lo. with his blefing. ' Being there, iris but an eafieleffon, yet Da:Vidthinkes meet to teach it~s, byhis example; os metlm aperm,,& Spmtttm attraxt, foopen cur mouthand draw Ltin. And tharopcnil•g, is byprayer. Zachary callethit Spiritum precum ~ theSpirit, that is the attive infpiration, or attraflion of it, where we expreffe our defirero draw Hi~ in. Which very arrrattion or dcfire, hath a promife, by the mouth ofour S• vI ou It Luko ,.., 3 , CultisT Himfelfe;rhatHisHeavcnlyFAtherwillgivetheHoLy GHOST '"""' . b/lv to them that will make petition,feekeand fue, open their m011th, andpr•y for it. oTh< word. Then fecondly, looke, how the Breath and the Voice innaturalibmgoc rogetheri b 1~;:::';~;!: even fo doe theSpirit and the Word in the practice of Religion. The ' HoLY <tPct.l.•f· GHOST isC H.. I sT'sSpirit,andbCH 11 Is T is theWord. AndofthatWord, theWord' that is preached ro us, is an abftracr. There mull: rhen needs be, a neare· neffe, and alliance, berweenethe one and the other. And indeed (but by ourdefaulr) 'Ef•J 5~·"; TheWordand theSpirit (faith Efay) j!Jafl neverfaile, or everpart; but one be mei· ved, when the other is. We have a plaineexample of it this day,in Saint Petersau-. ditory (Aflsl !.)and another,inCornelimandbis family (Afl.zo.) even in the Ser~ mM-time, the Ho L Y G Hos T fell upon them, and they fo receivedHim. Yea, we may feeirby this, that, in the hearing oftheWord, wli.ere Heisnotre~ Alt.>pGceived, yer He makerh proffers, and worketh fomewhat onward•. VponFelix,toeke, him with a{baking, and further would have gone, but that he put tt over ro aconvem~ 1111.~~ g, d tilt time, which ccnvenient time never came. And uponAgrippa likewife, (omewhat tC didmovehim,and more it would, bur that he was content tob~ a chriftian, "-'"""' to take his religion, by a little(as it were upon aknives-point) and was afraid tobe a ·Chrifl:ian in multo, toomuch a Chrifl:ian. . That wee fee not this elfecr, that with the Wml the Spirit is not receivedastr wot)ld be, the reafonis, it is no foonergotten, thanit islofl:. Welhou!dfinderhts effecr,ifaftctwe had heard theWord,we could get us a little out ofthe n01fe about us, and withdraw our[elvesfomewhirher, where wemight be by our[elves?Thar,when l'&l.Spo, wc have heard Him fpeake tom, wemightbeare what Hewottldfpeake mm. When Ef•y 1 o.u. we have heard thevoicebifcrelu, we might heare the other bebinde M, ll4C eft 1114 ' Jo~ •·•~. When,the voice thatfoundeth; ·the ocher ofl#b, vo.cem aHdiviin {llentio: there,jihtaJ: Him, reprove, ttach, comfort us, within. Vpon wh1ch Texts are grounded the 1 11 · quies, tlie conlmuningwith our owne jpirits~w_hi~h are m~chpraifed by the Anc~ertts;~~ this purpofe: for, enmedttattoneexArdefctt •gnu, by ahttkmtiflngor me~·t~t1?11~hat pr,l. 3N ; · "fire wouldkindleand be kept ahve,wh1'h oth~l"~Yiie wtll d1e. And mtatnelCIS~aoy