A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE ICINGS MA~ I EST I E AT WHIT E-H d L L .0 N the XX Il I. ofMay, .A. V. Mo c x 1 11. . being W H I T S U N D A y, EPHES. CHAP. IV. V.ER. XXX. Nolite contriilari, &c~ rufnd grie1Je not (or, be not willing-to grieve) the Hovi S P I ~ 1 T of G o o ; by rPhom yee arefialed unto the Vay of~demption. IS Reque,'t, or Corm{ell, or Catttim, or Pntlfl (or what yee will call ir) ofthe v1poJI/u isfurc very rea{onable : The H o 1 y Cs Ho sr, by whomwe arefealed to the Day of Redemption, chat ws would not grieve Him. Not the HoLY G Ho s T , He is theSpi– rit of the Great and High Goo.: Andfo, for His Dignities fake. Not Him againe,asby whofe meanes wee have ourfsgnar~re againfl rhc great Dayof Redemption: And !o, even for H1s bentfake. Thefe two, •For His Greatne/Je, ot •for His Goodmlfe; Grcatnejfe in Him[elfe,Good– neffe to us : For either of thefe, or for both of thefe, we would be fo refpechve of Him, as ~ot togrieve Him. '1\!t togrieve Him. Hee might well, and (as one would thinke) thould rather have [aid, yeeld Him all caufe of joy andconWJtment : I~had beene but reafon, fo. Now, that, Hedoth not move: oncly this; that wee would not minifler unto ~{,m any caufe ofgrievance: And what could He lay le!fe 1 To fuch a Ftrfon, an or fuch aBmejit, it is but even a [mall pleafure. If not rejoyce Him, y.et Gril'le I! till not. And iris fo reafonable, Heenot how well it can be denied Him. Now