- Sermon 6. ofthe HoLY GHosT. 'Now then as we fee iris but reafonable(rhis Requell; )So is it exceeding fit for h. · e Itis for the Ho LY G H os T : And t111s 1s the H o L y G " 0 s T • 5 t ~;'m I; memioneth His &ealing (for a reafon:) Andthis is (as I may call it) His ::as'eating,·day: rhisrheday; on which the Spirit of Go o lirfr fer His Scale upoa the Fathers'ofour faith, the blelfed ApoHles: <?n wluch He t!lcn d1d, and on which He ever will, though not in like manner, yer 1n hke effect (lt bem~Hts owneday) vi– fit ~Mfrom611 high,if by fome gmvanceor other, weedtfappotnt Htmnot, andfo drive Him away. . . · · A h fi · So, what ealier requeft than thts, · ~/tJecontriflart? nd w at tter nmeto move forthe HoLY G H os T, than upon Hts owne feaft and upon Hts Sealmg– day? AndthisistheSumme, .The Parts fall out evidently two, 'The Partie, r;r ~vhom this Requell: ispre- The Dlvipcti; ferred : •And aDutie, ot (iris not worth making a dutie) rather a common ordina- . ryCourtejietobedoncHim. I. ThcPartit, The Holy Spirit of Go o, b! whom we 4 refealtd to the Day of Redemption. '· TheDutte (or what yee wtll calltt) Z{jltt: &~ntrijl~tri. . . . . In thePartie, twoMotwu therebe : 1 H1s Perfon, and • Hts Ben~fit. I. Hts Per– foninrhefe:TheHolySpiritofGo o. z.His Benefit in tbefe: Bywhomyearefe•led to th6 Day ofRedempti.,, His l'erfon ferforth in the originall,wirh very great energic: fuch, as ourtongue is not able to cxprelfeir fully enough. For it is not rr"""" """e,;-, but with greater emphajis; butthree words, and three Articles, every word Ius feverall Articleby it fdfe,,. .,.,.,!<•·"'"""· ""~''· The Spirit, not aSpirit; and not Holy, but The!!oly; nor of Go o, ~,;-;but of!.~,&-.The Go o, that is, theonely;living and true Go o. All, The's; never an Ldamong them. Then His Bounty orBenefit vouchfafed us ;By whom,we have Mrfealing to the Day ofRedemption. Wherein 1 thefefoure points come to be weighed : 1. OfRedemption. Firft, What and how it is. 2. Then, that it hathaDay; the Day ofot~r Redemptim. 3· That,againftthatDay, weare to be Sealed. 4· That, The HoLY G aosr keep-eth that SealeandHis Office it is topalfe it to us. This is the Benefit• .Now, either ofthefe is aMotiveofit felfe. 1 His Per{on: Grieve not the Holy Spi– rit of Go o, and rhere fray: for, that, ofit felfe, is reafon enough: • Or, leave ouc Hts Perfon, fer that by, and fay,but evcn,Him,Whofe•les tmto you, [o great a favour, asrofaveyou,at the great Day: Him (be He what He will, Go o or Man,Spirit or jlefh, holyor common) grieve Him net. This is reafon enough too: Grieve Him not, for H1s owne : Ifnot for His owne, yet not, for His Scales fake. The Dutie followerh. To this Perfon great, and of great bounrie bclide (to fpeake as Naaman's Servants did to Him) Si remgrandem dixijfet t..ApoHol~M; ifthe t.-1poflle had injoyned us{omegre-<tpeece of Servia, we ough!: nor to have rhoughc much ofit. How much more then, when be faith, butthis, Doe notgrieve Him (and there isall~) which is nopojitive, or afl11all peece offervice, ofpaines, or ofperif! l onely aprivative, ofdifjervice (as they call it) which is ever, as little as can be re. quired : No» contrijlari. · ':}(pn contriftari: or at leafr, !Mite contriftari; for, there betwo degrees_: r. That we do!it not, z. That willingly wee doe it not. That we have awill noc to doe it. Which reading, offirs mmgrace. Fot, much depends upon our wiUingneJ!e or mt wrlltngnejfe to ir• . lnborh which, we have 'firfrto weigh, whether we cangrieveHim, or He 6e $Nevtd: (that [owe may underftand the phrafe, and take it right.) • Then, how it 1bs, wedoe it, and what thofegrieva1msbe; that fo, wqnay rake notice ofrhem,and ecareful! to avoid them. li 3 Laftofal!, the fining it to theTimeand !hewing it feafonab!c. For, by dcca~ 10~_ofthc Per[on, Hi_s Feaft; and by occauon ofthe Day of Rrdemption, the Day of ~ea ;!'~alfowtll fall m; and the intended action with ir. Which (as we lhall lhew) 151 t,eJfe, akindeof SignatMre. Doe it not, This rime, doe it nor: It is Hif owne M m m 4 Fe~f!. I~ I~