6p .. Ofthe SE N o 1 N a Sermon 6, Feafl, now; It is ~it SeAling.D•y, this; Now then, N~litecontri.Jlari, Thus! eth Pans. Of whJCh, that whadhall be fpoken, &c. Y e J; TWo forts ofperfons there be, that (if we be w~ll advifed).we would beloth Grim not, togrteve: 1 Grcdt Per(ons; • and fuch as carry the reputation of being GODd. Nor Great, in regard oftheirpower : They may doe us a difpleafure: Th: motiveoffeare. Notgood, in regard of their 6ormtie: Others are, and we maybe' the better forrbem:The motive ofhope. If Hee be Great, though Hee Sealeusno: thing, no wifdome, to o!fend Him. If He be toSealeus a favour (though otherwife He be norgreat) for Hts favours fake favour Him fo much, asgrieve Him oot. Ether ofthefe available; but where they meet, there is vittmita. Specially, if we adde In quo vos; rhat our parts be in it; and Signati '!fli<, that either Healready bath or i~ ready to doe it for us: The motive oflove, and ofrhe greatdl: love, the love~£ our [elves. Then it comes home indeed. Thefe three meet all in this Partie. 1. Hee is,o,.,.;;f<"Tii;<ov.;;;~,ii. z. Sigi!tumhabet. 3· I.~ quovos. 1 I begin with Jl!!_antm, how great. Heis The Spirit ofG on. And wereitbutthe Not the spirit Spirit ofmanour owneSpi;·it; Sinnes ofthe grearer fize, would be forborne, as for of G 0 D. other dtvers, fo even for thts reafon, that they be gravamina Spiritfl', grievances a– gainll: our owneSpirit; which, every one feeles,whofe confcieoce is not feared. And if.theApofllehad faid, Efchew them, for that they brecdsingttltum& (cmptilllm cor– a 1 Sam. >!·3'· du, theut.hracdtngoryexmgofthe heart (as' Abtgatl excellently rcrmethit;) or (as bi~ous. If. b Salomon) vt~lmuj}iritm, the wound, 0rgall ofthe Spirit; or (as cE{ay) comttmc1io. dll!;,;;~~~~. nem, thepricke or fling of confcicncc; or (as ourdS AV r ouR Himfdfe) awormc which once bred, never dies, nor, never leaves gnawing: he had faidenough. llut this, even the Heathen could have fatd too. The Spirit of GOD. c Iohn 4. 1.4, bBf,YfS·'~· Iohn 3.8. The ApoJlledoth like an aApoJlle ; tds us rruly,thereis agreater matter 'l6ngsro itthanfo. There is a farre higher Spirit rhan ours, than any in man (our Spirit isno– thingto it) the Spirit of Go n: they begrievances againl1 it. To fpeake then ofthe Spirit of Go o : ' G o o is a Spirit; and b Go o hath a Spirit. Hath many, created, in His power, and atHis command: but hath one,one above all, uacreated, intimnmfubJfanti£, ofHis owne fubllance: Knownc ever, by the article Tl, (as Saint Bajil ob(erveth)TheSpirit,rhe Soveraigne Spirit: Styled ever, with thisadditioa, Hit own~Spirit; the Spirit not ofany Sainc,in concreto or inaij/N· ao, but even of G 0 D Himfelfe. OurS A v r o u .. CH 11. 1 s T teacheth us, to take notice of Him, as wedoe of theWind; By His effect. For the wind: it is a body ofaire, but fo thinneand Cub· tile, as it is nextneighbourto aSpirit. We fee foule rule here in the world fame– times, houfcs blowne downe, trees blowne up by the roots. When wefee thts, we kaow firaight, this cannot be done withoutlome power. And thar pow~r (we are fure) cannot fubfifl: of it felfe ( it is an accideat:) mull: ( needs) have hts mherence in Come fubllance. That fubll:ance, ifit be viGble, we call it abodie: if invifible~ a SPirit. So our SA v 1 o u 1\ tells us, SpiritU< eff qt•i f}irat. It is theWinJdtdthis, blew all rhefe downe. And even [Q,oftheSpirit of Go o,when (as upon this day)they thatcouldfca~ce fpeake one tongue well; on a fudden, were able perfetlly ro fpeake to every Natro~ u 11 der heaven, every one in hit owne tongt~e :This (we know) couldnot come to ~affr, but by fome power. An~ fure we are~ rhat power mull: hav~ for His SubjcCl:, 0~: J 11 bJlavce: And not any vtlible.or bodt!y; Then, fameSptrtttt mufl: be: And no Sf rit in the world could effect thts : Andfo, theSpmt of Go n. , But the relation ofrhefe tongues, depends uponS.Lukescredir.There was after~ a more ll:r;tnge and famolls operation, which in all Stories we finde.The Temp~ Is r.yO, •