Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

GftheSE N D .I.N a Sermonp · ~hey fer~_<;t~em.1but asSAlt{P,keepe rh~m;that they rot not. The:,: t0 have~· fello\yllh~_ 11) tlll;s bufine!f~ ;.mecre n4t!ftAIImen ; noSpirit in th~!ltat all. So~e1 ~or there 1~ to_~ee 11;1 us, mqr{!tpana n~turall foule. onething: '~:,.n<is ana~ at Sprne tn[f!IJngneeds; (o.mewhat of. A~~ip.ite. . 1 ~ . • ,, , '" t er. ~Not tlit . c! 4 ~;ly,(ai,d\SaimJ~l,':Beey~ertnJwe~ in thefpirit if y~~r..mindes. Forth minde. mzpde ,IS -.non ;ti.l: Nor .men .to thm_kefo, tftheyonce have getitruepofirions ' e Gltttxi!"qintqeirmind<;,,then all is well. If the SpiriP beLn0t aiforenewed ~rue n_othing;,,, .c . . I ' ~,~ ·; > lt IS ;;;:_•• ani•~ 5 The,.Spirit; not an h•hite gotten with practice; and lofl: againe with.d'f- r, ( a~1are rhe Ans _a~d moral~ venues) agai~fi the Pfiilofophe~s.,-., For, thoug~ t~ be~ vertue, yet 1t IS not vmmex ttltg(thts.) No httbztuall, bur afiirituaUvmue -· tlus. , · ;...,. . r '~..,,.,~~)• INotaSpriee. 6 spiritus, non fpetlrtm~: for thatisaRying!ha,do.w voidofa<flion- dorhn thiqg. Bur rheSpirit, the.firft thing we reade ofit, ir didhoveqodhat,h'and ma~ G•P-~- fruitfu/Jthewttters, and fitto bring forth fomething oflub!!ance.,• 7 Not Htro's 7 Andi<Jf\(which is by writers thought to be chiefly int~nded) C" a 1 , r Pnr•masi«.. Spirit, not Hero's PneumAtica; nor with fome fpriog ordevice, .tho~gh within y~ '"''. . from without; ttrtificittft, not naturall: bu_t the veryp~iwcipium-~tJOIHftobeewlthin. , Of our [elves,,to move: notwrou~htto, lt,byany gmne,orvtce, orskrewmade by art: El[e;we!hall mQve but whtlewe are wound up,'for a certainetimerill the plummets be at the ground, and then our motion ·will aeafe !lraiglit. All which (but thefe la!l fpecially) are again!l: theAfltomttta, the!fec1rtt,thep11ppets of religien ILypocrites. ,, ~ith fome [~ring within, ~heir eyes ~re. made to rowle, and their lip;, .andthe•rbrefl:tog1~e afob: allJ~ but Hero s Pn.ellmAttcA, a v~zor,n.ota very • Tiln: 3 :r; foce; aa~utwM"d}hewifgodlmejfe, but no znwttrdpower of tt At all. It!S not v{,,ipite . _ Spiritum. ' _ , , , • · - · . "JJJ:~"'" s4"( Thirdly,I (ay It would be kn?wne further, whatSpirit :For, Accipiteitmaybe\ · foJ,newhat they; may have taken; tt, ~ Spmt. But, whatfoevenus, It IS not yet home, unle!f\:_S;.cnt/um come too.S,znf1tlm it would be, ifit beright.Tobeaman ofSpirit (as we call them,that be•tliveand fl:irring in the world) will notfervehm, iftliat beall,Jr I have formc:rly told y9u, there isaSpiritumwithout SARCium; Spi. ·, 1'«.•-•o; rit apd holy ate two things. Two other. Spiritscherebe befides: and theywcUac– ,! Cor.s.u, cepted of, andin great reque!l. • One; which Slinr Pettr ca!s the pri'IIAteSpirit: •The orhet, •that SaintPA.ulcals the Spiritsftheworld: Which twowillconfo~ well together,. for thejr owne turnes, and'for fome worldly end : bur neither ofrhcm wirhrhis. For,theyareoppofedto the ·Hu L y GHosT both. . . , Not spiri· , Th~priv,ttte Spirit fir!l:. And are there nor in the world fomewhere, fomc fuclr, ••mf•m•. :jS ,willreceiv.8-nilne,admit ofat notiand no other HoLY G a os T bur rhcJrowne gh~JI, and the Idol/ oftheir-owne conceit, the vifion of their owneheads, the mo– tions of their owne flirits 1 and ifyou bit not on that, that is there intheir hearts, reject it; be it what it will: that makes their bre!l:s theSanCiu•ry; that (m clfeCl)fay with the old Don•tifts, .f!.!!,odvolumt.s Santl11m eft, That, they will haveholj_,t!hoiJ, Col.uS. and nothing elfe t Men(as the Apoj/le fpeakes of them) ,·aufelejfe ;•ft Nf"ttli t!mr flefhly mind~ ( His wordis to be marked: 'v•i~"'''there;~,;.,.,,, hewtnJ!"'.'• they 1 4 f jlati, t~7fe: T~eyptljf~d"f• thefe infpired. If Jr ma~e t_o fwell, then !Sit ~ut_wtjiN~ ' thef!mt cloth Jt not; tnj}rrat, nonznjlat. The word IS tn[ufflavzt: therCIS,IO •1 jl11vit, a[ji1b] rhat beareth dowoeward, and carries not up. So spmtNm (anCIHm, is not ~irit11m {rmm. · • · • . ,. >Norspiri• ,_ NorSpiritusmrmdiisnotSpiritus Cn" Is T '· ElfedothSaiorPa•lwrongto ,.,. .,undi. oppofethem•. ~Ut is too fure, fuch aSpirit there is as the Spirit ifthe world: a~d rl~; the areate!l: part ofthe world live andbreath, and move by ir: and thant donw . - ron:etimes;butwithoutany reference to God, or· CaR'l s·'r, or H 0 L y G H ~~t: For eventhc·atfrs they doe ofReligion, are our ofworldly reafonsand refpefls; 1 Ails ••·l· >g. rod/rea[on Vid:ns qui,tp!a~eret po;ulo;faW, theworld.woutdthlll WAJ :-Demetrrns 5 r· 2. 1. \l '\ .. on1