Ser~t~on 9· ofthe HoLY GuosT; r flriclitAt~~r portio n~Jfra, It may prove dangerous to their worldly efiare: The Ion, d h · f D · ·'" r h 11 h S '/Jemites:Oh[etforwar t atpomto tvl,nttyport en,a t e•haveirourf See G . IC •. db' fi· h n,·, h' l ' ' h J • cD.3P~· wenot,whcncethtswm •owu, tomw at 1 rmtt tsoreAt comes~ fromSpirituo - f/ltlfldi, plain!y. And I know not how, bm as tf ~ H a I s Ts ~outh were fiopped, and His breath ltkc to fatle Htm, the world begms to fare,. as 1f t~ey had got anew 11 m 1 th,todrawbmihfrom; to gove.rne the Church, as 1fSptrttuo Pratorii would doe ihings,bettcr th;m Spirit~~< SanBuartt? and mans lawbecome t.he beft.meanes to teach the fearecf Go v and to gmde Reltg10n by. In vatnethen1sall dusaet of ch,ijls. He might have kept His hreath to H.imfelfe. But, it will not fo be. When all is done: thespiri;mull comefr~m theWor1,and the-H o LY G H o s T from C H R. x s Ts mo 11 rh,rhat ljlull doe thts,governt toe Church. Thtther we mufi,for Sanflum; evento theSanc1nary, and to no other place. And, a certaine note it is (this)rodifcernethe HoLY Spirit ofGov, from the jfirit of what you will. Fr?m CH " I s t it. comes, bee tru~. : Hee hrt.JJhs it. It cannot but:>bec true, 1flt come from Htm, for Hee tS theTruth. And as theTmth, fotheWifed,me of GoD : that, if it [4vo11r of falihood, or folly, , , i came not from Him ; l;Iee breathed it not. :But, His Breath j!Jall not faile; jh~l1 ~·l;;,:.~·.;: ever bee able to ferve Hts church, Wtthout all the lJ'i• '""""''of theprzvateSpmt, and without all the additaments of Spirit~~< mrmdi. And if we gape after them, wee 111ake this v1ccipite more than needs : And if we doe fo, I know not what !halfbe· come of us. _ _ Bur,_thcHoL Y ?uosT may be received morewayesthan<ine. Heehath :Vhici•Zf•J,t many SptrAmma: n,,.~~,, tn many mAnners, Heecomr:s.: Andmt~ltiformttgrat!"• ~'~~;~~:: • Hee comes wtth. Hee and they carry the name of thetr caufe : and to receive -- them is to receive the spirit. There is a gratum {aciens, the faving grace of the Spirit, for one' to fave himfelfe by, received by each, without refped to others: and there is agratudatA(what ever become of us) ferving to fave others by, without refpeet to our [elves. And there is x/.f" Jl""''"'' the Graceof ahsly c11l1ing: Fo'r , cbr;S,f. it is agrace, to be ae~ndutt ofgraceany way. All thefe; andaU from one and the - - · · ' fame Spirit. That, was here conferred, was not the (aving grace of inward Sanlli111Dnil!: they were not breAthed oR, to that end. TheChurch to this day, gives this frill in her ordi11atiom, but the faving grace the Church cannot give : aone but G o x; can give that. Nor, the grati5 data it is not. That came by the tongses, .both rhegifr of fpeaking divcrfelanguages, and the gift of ;,~a<,f<.'l<u, j}eaking wifelj,and to thepurpofe: And(weknow) noneiseitherthebolyer, orthelearneder, by his ordinatisn. Yet,. a grace it is. ~or, the very office it felfe is 'agrace : ~ihid~ttJi ej1 bJec Eph:,. 1 , Bf~- gratta (fmth theLApojllemmore places than one; and fpeakcs of hts officeand no- - thing elfe.) The v1poflle-fhi! was a grace, yet no favinggrMe, Elfe, 1hould 111. d.u have beene faved. Cleercly then, it is thegraceof their Calling (this) where~ by they were[Amd, and madeperfons publike, and their a& authemicall; and they enabled to doe fomewhat about the remifion ofjinnes,that is not(oflike availe) done by others, though perhaps more learnedand vertuous than they, in that they have not the likemitto'Vos, northe famevfccipitethatthefe have. To fpeakewitlt theleafr: As the adof one, that isaP11blike »otary,isof morevaliditie than of another that is none, though (it may bee) hee writes a much fairer ha~d. And this (loe) was thegracehere,bybreathingconferred to them :of Spiritum,a SpirituaH; of Sanct.m,4n holy CAlling : and derived from them to us, and from us to others, to the worlds end. But take heed, wee {uckenoetrour out of this word HolJ; No more thanwee doe outof the word vfnnointed. When time was,it was !hewed,theannPintingw:ts ~o.mwardholinejfe, or ab1litie to governe by, but tbe right of rulingonly. So, here, lt IS no tnternall qualitie infufed, butthe grac.; ondyof tbeir jjirituAIIand (a:red . Q_qq 2. fund1on .