Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Of the s E N D I N G s;;;;;;;. !unction. Good it:vere, and much to be wilhed, the~ll 1f they be nor, rhmofficeholds good though. Hethat~~ aSmner himfelf~, m~ Ut '!'tt.finnes for all that, and fave othe~s he may, thou~h huu_felfe be not faved, ~"lt was _not propter fe, hee received tlus power, to ablolve h•mfelfe; bur(asrhenor, word •s)qt~ommcr;nq~~e, any others whofoever. ext Some adoewe have to pluckerhis out: but out it mufi. For, anerrouritis old worne errour of theDonatijls: and bur new drelfed over by fome fanatica!/ a~ rits, in our dayes, that reach in corners. One, that is not himfelfe inwardly 8~1cannot bee the meanes of holineffe to another. And where they dareroo rh1: One, that is not inflate of graceJcan have no righ~ to anypolfefionorplace, F~r,rh~of right belong to none, but to the truechildren of Go n : that is, to none butt~ themfelves. Fond ignorant men ! For, bath t10t theChtmh long fince defined ir pofirivel that theBaftifme, Peter gave, was no bmerthan that which IridtU: and exemplifi~ it, that a jealeof tro~> Will g1ve as perfect a fiampe, as one ofgoldt Th<t asrhc CArpenters thatbuilt theArke, wherein ~·hwas faved, were themfelvesdrowned in rhe Houd : that as thewater of baptifme, that fends thechilde toHeave~, is it fdfe cafi downe the kennell : Semblably is it with thefe ' And they that by theWord the Sacraments, the Keyes, are unto other thecondtlitsofgrace, to make them frueti: fie in all good workes; may we!Lfobee, thoughthemfelvesremaineunfruitfuU as doe the pipes of w11odor lead, that by tranfmitting the water, make thegarden t~ beare both herbes and flowers, though themfelves never beare any. Andletthat content us, that what is herereceived, for m it isreceived, that what isgiven them is given them form; and is given m, by them. Sever the office, fromtlJeme~: leave the men to Gon, to whom they fiand orfall : let theordinAnuofG 0 n fiand fafi. This 6reath, though not into them forrhemfelves, yet goethintoand through every act of their Office or minifiery, and by them convcighethHisSa'!Jing grac-e into us all. Bur,lefi we grow difcontent, that fome doe receivelt, andthatweal\doenotfo (For, this being the Feafiofthe Ho L Y G Ho s :r,and ofnceivingit,itmaygriev.e any of us, togoehiswayandnotreceiveit:) Iwilllhew,itisnotfo. Fot,though as this~reath, we cannot all; and,asthe {iry Tongues, much leffe : (Thefeareburfor fomc fer perfons: ) yet will I lhew you away,how to fayA>>ipite Spiritum toall,wd how all may receive ir. ~ll~h- ~G. 16, Andthat is byAccipitecorpus mettm. For, Ae<ipitecorpm, upon thematrer,isAc: cipits spiritum, inafmuch asthey two never parr, not poffible to fever themonem•– nute. Thus, whenorro whomwee fayAccipite corpus, wee may fafely fayw:rh_rhe fame breath, AccipiteSpiritum; and as truely every way. For,that Body is nevenvJth· out thisSpirit; he that receives the one, receives the other; Hee that, thebody, togc~ therwith it, the s;iritalfo. . .. , 1Cor.1o.4: Ioh.zs.s, And receiving it rhus, it is to better purpofe than here in the Text 1t ts. Better (I f.1y) for m, For, in the Text it is rmived, for the good of ot~ers; wheuas (here) wee lhall receive it, for our owne good. Now, whether tsrhe better, remijion ofjinnes, to bee able to remit to others, or to have our owne remitted? To have our owne, no doubt. And thatisheretoheehad. To_the fl:ablilhing of our hearts with grace, to the cleanfing and quieting our confctences. Which fpiriruall grace wee receive in this fpirituall food, and are made to cirinke (I will not fay of the JPiritr~all Rocke, but)of the Uiritua!/Vinethatfollowh eth us, which Vine is CaR z s r. To that then lerusapplyourfelves. Bot are received, borh are holy, both co-operate totheremijionof filmes. Thebld}' t.MAtthewz6. Thespirit here evidently. And there is no better way ofcelebr~r!ng the Feafi of the receiving rhe Ho L Y G Hos r, than fo to doe, wtrh rewvmg the fame bpdy that came of it at His birth, 3Udthat fromirnow atH•sriftng ngaine. - And