Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

ttt#tt ' ttt • $tt~*** ~-~* ~''*'*''''''''' A SERMON PRE· A~ CHED BEFORE THE ICINGS M A I E ST I E A T H A Ly.. RVD Houfe, in Edenhurgh on the VIll. · of Iune 1 rUf. V. Mncxvn. heing WHt TSUNDAY. (*~*) LVKE CHAP. IV. VER. XVIII. XIX: SPIRIT u.s Do M I NI luperMe, &c. The SPIRIT ofthe 'LoRn isupon !!5\1ee, hecaufe Heehath anointed )\fee, that I jhouldpreach the q_ol}ell to the poore: Hee bathfent u~£ee,that I(houldheale the 6rokfn~hearted, th4ti fhouldpreach deliverance tothecaptives, andreCilve– ring ofJight to the blind, andthat IJhouldfet at lihertythe111 that are bruifed. vfnd,that I Jhouldpreach the acceptahle yeare ofthe LoR o, are f.tllen hereupon C R R r s r s !irllSm•o•, preached Jt Nazareth .·and upon His veryText. This, I have read you, was His Text, tAke" ont of the Prophet Efay LXI. CH Hr E n, f/'erfcr. There was no feare, Caa~sr would have ranged farre from His matter, IfHee had taken none ; yer, Hee cooke aTexr, to reachus thereby, to doe thelike. To keepeuswuh,n; not to llie our, o~preachmuch, eitherwuhour, or belides the booke. . And Hec tooke His Textforrhe Day, asts plaine, by His application (verfezr.)'lh!iD•J• iJ tin! Script11re fuljilledinyourCArts. 'ThllDAJ thit. s{ript 11 re. 0ur 011Aflers Scripture was forrhc DAJ ~: So wcn1ld ours bee. For