700 u. 0/the SE N D I N G Serm~ You may plainlyknow, it v:as his Inat1guration (this,) or firlt entri~ .ftce, byth~ proclamanonfollowmg, ofopcmng the Gaole, and lttting the Prifon of. ' frte :. 5~ IS (ever)the falhion of Princer,to make the joy generall,of their co~~f'1 to thetr kmgdomes; toreleafe thofe,that ltand committed ;to grant free and gen ng pardons to all, that will fue forthem; to be at the charge of miji'ilia,cenaine~all peeces of coine, to be calt abroad among the people. ew Accordingly, were there this day of theSpiriJs comming, by one Sermonof 5 ,. Peters, three thou[andfer atlibertie, that had beenecaptives before, under Satan A largelfe of new tongues (as it weremifili~) call: downefromheaven. Ageneral· don proclaimed, even for them that had beene the betrayers andmurderersof the s!"'· of God, if they would come in. That it was(indeed) aright day of Iubilte. {;d this, is theSummeof all. 'IbtDivif•"· The parts as they lye, are thefe: 1 Firll:, of theSpirit's being on C" a 1 sr· I. • v.fnnointingHim: JSe11dingHim. Thefethree. · II. z Then, whereto Hew'ils fo •mzointedand fe"t; topreach theGo}}ell, org!adti. dings (glad tidings, or Goj}eH, both are one : )andthat even to thepoore. III. IV. 3 Thirdly, whereof the tydings is :.of an excellent Phyjitian; :aJhyjiti•nofthe he•rt, one that can cure abroken heart. 4 0 f thefehe.rts. 1 How they can:ehroken firll:, and there are three wayes here fet downe. 1 Bybung capttvcs : .' bybe1~gm adarke dttngeon, where their fight was even taken from them: l bybung theremuons, fo as they were evenbruifld with them. Three,able (I thinke) to lireakeany mans hmt alive. ' 2 Then, how they came cured. And that is by good newes. Twoproclan~atiom · (for '"f"~"' toproc!Aimc, is :wice repeated.). 1 One c<?ntaining a particular remedy of thofe three feverall maladtes: 1 Of a pame, onewuh a ranfome, orredemptionfor the captives : 'with anengine,or tog/e,to knocke of!their irons: 3 with thekeyes ofthe 1ri[on, to let them out. Andthisto begin with. 'Then (toconclude with) afecond pmiAmatio.,, that makes up all; of a yeare of Jubilee; and fo,o( reltitution, ofthem to their former forfeited e!l:ates, byG o D's accepting them tofavQur,rhlsam;· table, time. This, is the Summe ofChrifls.ammifionhere read. And indeed, abriefe of His offices all three. 1 In preachivg thegl•dnewes ofthe Gojjdl, of His Prophecie: 'In grantingpardon,and enlarging prifon~rs,of His Kingdome: l Inproclaiming al,bilu, of His Priifi-hood (for,that, the pecuhar of thePmjls Office.) So,all are.m,tharper· taine to C H R I s T. And all, that, to I n s us too: Who lheweth Hunfelfe I,. s u., in nothing fo much,as in being the Phyjitian of abroken contrite heart• . I. VVE can~ot better begin,than with theBle[fedTrillity. In the threefir/! or the spirits words,thethree Perfonsrea!onablecleare. 'TheSJirit: •Jfe,who[e ~HgJ{'i ST. . . theSpirit (Domini .') l He, on whom theSpirit, jitper Ne. . TheSpmt, thatts, theHoly Ghojl. He, whofe theSpmt, Go o rhe hther. 11e, on whome theSpirit, our SaviOt<r chrijl. He, rhe_{t•}'er quem (here.) . . . h Thefe threediltintt: 1 rheSpirit, from the • L oR n, whoferhe Spmt!S : 't e Spiritf rhat was 11pon, l from Him, it was "!on. Yet, all three in one joynt concur· rcnce, to one and the fame worke, the Jubilee ofthe Gljfefl. . eof rpon uuee, is C H It. I s T s Perfon. But, Hisperfonone!y<Jccordtng to onh fi · His Natures; Hish11mane. TheSpiritwasnott~pmHim,butasHewasma.n·. T ,~le three, 'To befont, •robe anomted, ltohave a fl•per wm, favourofmfwonry( ) to the swder, Anointer, St~periMr. And fo (indeed) for us, He b~came low~;;Celfc