__7_o_~ _____________ o _ V __ rh_e_~_S_&_N_n __ I_N_a ___________ ser~ in his comparry, togoe and torunne with him, and all for the fragrant f~ fede to come from him.. ent they 3 Ris finding. Of which rwo,rheoy/e reprefents the verweof the power of theSpirit . . thorow (but gently) like oyle, The odorm, thefwutcomfortofthcgra!'etcmg proceed from the Ho LT G 11 os T. Nothing, more like. And this for~ that nointing. . s An. Now the fame Spirit, that was thus upon Him, at His Conception to . Him.; was e~ennow upon Himagaine,tomanife{f, and to fend_Rim. Whed ~ 'Aco:t .liAptlfme(ahttlc:beforc.) Not fecretly, as then at Hu conceptzon, but inavijit! Jb " ,;pon Him, before agreat concourfe ofpeople ·: (to !hew, rhcreoughttobea~ 'ft ward Calling:) what time,the Dwe laid that,which in it,is anfwerable to our ha~~ltponHzm. , Not, toend11e Himwith ought :(that, was done before,lona: )bur towunif~ to all,this wasHe; this, thePartie, beforeannoilmd, and now fe;t, rhat'rheym 1 ~ take heed to Hun. It was the HoLY G a os T's firft Epiphanie (this:) Hee Ig t neverfee~ebe_fore: But, CH RI .• T's fecondEpiphanie. Theother,arHi1 b1;;~ or commmg mto the world.' Th1s nowl atHzscaflmg,or fendingintotheworld. That firll:, toenahle Hzm,ts Hr& office : Th1s, todejig11e Hzmto it. By that f•rnijh d for it: by this fent,fevered, andfet aboutthe worke,Hecamefor. ' ' But, before wee come to the worke, let us firll: relle.ft alittle upon thefe: they fcrve our turne; are for our direction. Thefe(botb) were done to C a & 1 11 to the end Hee might t~ach the C~urch, that the fame were to bee on them, who in CH 11 is Ts ll:ead are1mployed wthe famebulinelfe,aaevange!izandum. TheHo. L y GHosT, to beuponthem; upon them, to a11oint them, and tofendthem boch: b-ut, firft toanoiNt; then, to fend them. To be, and in thk order robe. Vnlekether be firl'l: AnPointed, not to beJent ; and, though never foa»nointed, not to fu.rt outof thcmfelves, but to fiay till they be font. The Spirit to beeupon them; the fame, that upon C 11 .. Is T, though not ill the fame, but in a broad and a large difference or degree of being. Vpon Ifimwith. out meAfure; Not fo, onus: bur, on fome, lelfe(the meafure of theHin;) onfome, more (the meafureof theEpha:) but every one, his Gumer at leaft, Some Fwhm of theDove (asit were) .though not theDove it felfe; not the wholeSpiritemire,a; upon Him. On His head,the wholeboxofointment was broken,which from Him randowae upon the .Apoflles, fomewhat more fre!h and full ; and (ever) the further, thethinner, as the nature of things liquid is: but, fome fmall ftreames trickle downe even tom, and to our times frill. This on.being, !hewes it felfe firfi, in that which ll:ands firft (the vinoix~ ting.) . . I lhall not need tell you, theSpirit comes not upon us now, at our concepuonm the wombe, eo anoint us there. No: weebehooverolightourlampesoft,andto fpend much oyle at our ll:udies, yer wee can attaine it. This way, comeweero.our .neinting, now, byboo/us: This Bookechielly; but, in agood partalfo, br:chcuooket of the An,·imt Fathm, andLightsof the Cbllr&h, in whom the fem of this olrilm~lll was fre!h, and the temper true; on whofewritings it lyeth thick,andwe thence !lnke it off, and gather it fafely, You will marke: theanointing is fet, forthe caufc; theSpirit #upon.~ e •. bec~t~fo Re h.th anointedUUe. Then, f.. b1At4 wif!t, and a fenfu &ontrario, the Sptr1115IIOINf' Dnme becaufe Fte bath not anointedMe. Againe, h"au{e He hathanomtedMee, Htl bath fent me. And then it followes, becaufe Hehathnotanointtdme, He~Jathnot. fent me. No [peaking of theSpirits on-being ; no talke of fent by Him: wnho~~· Where be they then, that fay; the lelfe ~11ointing, the more of theSpmt? Id~ er: the mote blinde, the more [,g/d, and fo, the fitterco goe on fame other erran P ~~~~ ~