Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

- SermDn u. ifthe Ho L Y G H os r, -The word for heale, in Efay (where this Text is)figni6es to 6indeup. The cure b . vith ligature the mo{t proper cure, forfaC1tertJ ,or ought that 1s broken. Nay . cgt~S,dl sand ·lll a; appeareth by theSamariran. Thefluxe is fo fbyed, which ift~ Luke 10 l,' tnWO•' • ' · · · lk f h t· I · · · •· continue running on us fhll, 111 vame ta e weo any ea mg. t ts not begun till that Jt ndrunnenolonger. Thefinnethat CH RI s-r cures , He bmdsup,Hefiayes (tdb~ginwith.) IfHe coverfinne, it is withaplaijler. He covers and<"tms together, ' both under one. This word [broken-hearted] theHebrerve; take not,as we doe; we,broken forfin; the , broken of, or fromfirme. And we have the fame phrafe wtth us; To bnakeone oft he evil/fafbiom, or mclmattons? he hath becnegtVcn to. _So, to breake the heart, And fomufl it be broken, or ever 1t be rvbolc. Borhfcnfes: eHherofthem doth well; but both rogether bcfi of all. This done,now to thehealingpart.The Heathen obferved long llnce:;"< ""'""'' i un'>i<'&"''"' the(oules curt is by words : and the Angel! f.tith toCornd.rm, ofSaint How they arc Pder, He[hall fPeake to thee words, by which thor; andthy b<Ju~Joldfba/1be (aved. . ';,;{:, 0 _6 _ · And by no words fooner, than by the found ofgaod tydmgs. GBod nervensgood Bygaodryiing: phyficke [ure (fuch th~ difeafemay be:) and agood m<Jf"ge agood medicine. There is power in it both wayes. Good newes, bath healed; evt!l nerves hath killed many.1 he good newes of Io(epbs welfare, we fee, how it even,r_evivedold Iac9b: And, the evil! Gen. +P7· ofthe Arke of Go n tdkeR, 1t coil: Eft hishfe. Nottung wor'kes upon the heart more ,, forcibly, either way. What are thefe newes, and firfi howcomcthey~By <»pul;"' they come: no fecrer, whifpered newes,from man to m:tn, in a corner: No flying newes. They beproclai- Pm/aimed, med, thefe; fo authemicall. Proclaimed: And fo they h1d need. For, ifourfinnes onceappeareinrhei~ right forme, there tsevdl ncwes cerramly : leerhe Devil! alone with that 1 to proclatme them, to preach damnauon to us. Contrarta cur-antur cgntra~ riif, we had need have Come goodproclaimed, to cur~ thofe ofhi~. Two Proclamations hereare,one in the neck ofanother. Ofwhich the former, in the three branches ofit, applieth in particular, a remedy to the threeforrmr maladies; Is the topique medicine (as it were 1) thelater is thepanacea, makes them all perfect• ly whole and found. Thefirfl:Proclamation. To theCaptivefirll-, That there is one athandwirh a trh•fi-f!Pr•~ ranfome,to redeemehim. This will make him a whole man. '"m""'"' z To them in thedungeon; ofone to draw them forrb thence, and make them ,,.,,;+u,fee the light againe. 3Torhem in chaims; ofonetoflrike offtheir bolts and looCe them,to open the prifon-doore, and let them goe; Mr->i=M-<, to make t.Apojlles ofthem, and fend them abroad into th~ wide world. It is the fruit ofchrijls .;.,;'""'this ,;,,;;,..,; Chrijls ApojllePJip was, and is, to make fuch Apoft!es. . , Now, this is nothing buttheveryfummeofthe Go!fel!: • Ofonecomminowith aranfottJC in one hand, to lay downe for us the price ofonr redemption from Sa~ Rml. 1.1~. thans captivity. • And with the keyes ofhell and death in the other. Keyes oftwo fons: J One, to undoe their fetters and loore them; the orher, ro open theduna-eon andprifon-doore (both the dungeonofde(paire, and the prifon of the Lani) a~ lee them out ofboth. Therecan be no better newts, nor kindlier pbyficke in the world, ' Thanword ofredemption,to captives: 'Than to fee the light againe,to them in che Ltmbo: l Than ofenlargement, to them inbands: but fpecially, than ofadiCmillion, from pri(on, dangeon, irons and all. And this isproclaimedhere, and publifh~d by C " ~ 1 s r in Hts Sermsn at 'l(azareth: and was after performed and accompliJ11ed by Htm,atHis Fajion in lerufalem. This is good ncwes indeed : but here comes better. It is feconded with another ' Tht/'tcond Proclamation., that makes up all. For invery deed ; They that by the firfl: prod.w~J- Pr..-uma~i.-. · R rr z. tion