708 OjtheS E N DIN G Sermon 1 o, ~------~~~~~---~~~------~- 'tsonwereforeleafed,forallrhat; and afreralhhat, wharwere they, b~ poore fnakes, turned out ofthe gaole, but have nothing to take to~ Comming th' ther, they weremr_ncdout of all that eveJ they had•. Tl~at, rhdrcafe, thoughi~b~~ lejfermferable, yet IS miferabldhll: the lAnguor morbt lhll hangs upon them. . We lack fomerellaurativeforthat. Here comes (now)phyflcke,tocure that and make th'm perfectly well. A fecond "'fJ;., t.hat they !hall be rellored, .to all that ever they had. Howfo ~ Forharke: here Is the acceptable yean; that is, a luhiiee proclaimed. A[ld then; even of courfe they are (by force ofthe !ubi/re) forok The namre of.the Jubilee was fo, you know. The.n, not oncty all hnd fctfiu; allpri. . fons (for debt)[et open; but belide, all were rqloudthen, t.6their former mort-gaged, forfeited, or any wayes afimede!lates, in as ample manner, as ever.rhey hall, 01 held them at ~ny time before. A rellirurion in integrum; a re.invejling them in what they were bornetoot were any waycs po!fe!fed of: that,if they had Iold themfelves our ofall, and hyin exccurion for hugefum~es(as it might be,~en thotifandtafe~ts ;) the~, all wasquiq they came to all agame ; 1B as good cafe, as ever they were m all their live!. There can. be nomore]oyfu!t nerves, nomore cordia/!phyficke, than this. The yeareof lu~ilce ? why,that time,foAcceptable, (ojoyfidl, as it hath even given a denomination to joy it felfe, 1hel]eight ofjoy is Jubilee; the highcfr tetme to expreffe it, is jubil•te: th~r goes beyond all the \Yords ofjoy wbatfoever. . , And this comes well now: for,the Jubilee ofrhe Latvd~awing to an end and this very yeere being now tt:e !all, CH ~I s T s jt•bt!ec (rhejubilee oftheGofp/ti) came fitly to fucceed. Whcrem, the pnmmve cllate, we hadmPar•dife, we are re-feifed ofanew. Nor the fame,inJl>ecie, bur as good; nay better. For,if forr1Jeurreflria/J Paradift by thefloud dqlroyed; we have a~el~fli•ll, we have our owneagaine (Icrow) with advantage. · . A yeare it !s called (to keepe the terme flill on foote, that formerly it went by.) Onely this difterence: the yeare (there) was adefinite time; bur here, adefinite is put, for an indefinite. This yqre is mQre thantwelve moneths. In this accept•blqtare, the Zodtaqt~e goes never abour; On this day ofSalvation, theStmnenwergoes dow"e. For in this, the jubilee of the GefPe/1pa!ferh that of the Law : that, hdd bur for a yeare, and no longer: Bur, this is continual! ;lalls Uill. Which is pbine: in that, di– vers yeares afrer rhis of C Ha I s T , , the Apoftlefpeakes ofir, as !till incffe :Even ~Cor. 6.>. then, makes this proclamationHill, Bcholdthu iothe day, Behold,>:orv ;, the acctptablt time. Whereby we are given to underlland, that CH a I s T s juhifu,rhough it be– gan, when CH R ' s T firll preached thiJ Sermon, yet it ended not with the endof .RmL 4 .6. that yeare (as did v1ar011s) but was EvangeliMJJ £termtm: As alfoperpetuij•M•i; Everlaf/ing goodnerves ofaperpet11alljubilee, rhat do'h lall,and fhalllall,as long JS the Go(pclllhall be preached,by Himfelfe, or orhers[ent by Him to the end ofthe world, ,.as l·••· thetime ofrefloring a!lthings. . , It is calledacceptable, by the rerme ofthe benefit, that hapned on it, whichwas, o1,1r acceptation. For then, we andall mankinde were made( nor J\•7<", that is,ampta· Ue,but as the word is)A•7l•,that is, actuallyaccepted, or received by Go o. Out of whofe prefence we were before call, And being by him fo received,we did ourfdves receive againe, the earne(/ o[o11r inheritante, from which by meanes ofthe tranfgreft• l!phcf. 1.,.. on,,vewcre beforefallen. . . There is much in this terme[accepting.]For,when is onef~id to beaccepted?Not, when his ranfome is paid, or theprifon fer upcn; nor when he is pardoncdh1sfault, or reccnctled, to become friends: but when be is received with armes fpread, 3S was Luke 1 f. 1 o. the lojl chtld,in theGo!Jell; ad f/olam primam(as the terme is,our ofthat place.) Three u. degrees there arc in it; 1 Acceptedto pardon, rhat is ,.,,.r,~-~", >Accepted to rmnnlt– ation,that is ,.7"1•""' and furcher, lAcceptedrorepropiti•tion,that is i'M<i<~,to asgood ~Sain.r 1. 19• grace and favour as ever, even in the very fulndfe of it. Thev !hew it, by threcdi· 1 i·•l· Uinct degrees inAbfalcms receiving : 1 Pardvntdhewas, while be was yet in Gejhrtr: •Reconciled,when he had leave to come home ro h1s ownehoufe: ; 'ReprvJtftate,when · he