Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~-o-.-------o~{~t7 he~fl~o-L--Y~G=-H-O_S_T-.-----------~7-0-9-- he wasadmittedto the Kings pre[enceand kilfedhim. That made up all, then he had ~lla aine. And that!s our very cafe. . . . Itby indeed, that IS not all. It •S more thanfo: I'<~<Tl< (here) IS m the Text of Efay r1p 1 : and that imports more. For,that word, IS evertumed by '-vJ'oxfa,and rhar is ehriffs owneacccpMtion (In whom I am 1vdfpleafed) and rhe very rerme of ir. And Mlt. , 7 , S• h hat is fo ..-apted, Iknow not what he would have more. et This is the bencfirrhat fell at this rime: and forthis, tlut fell on the time, the time it fdfe, it fell on, is, and cannot be but.acce_ptable; _even eonomme, that at fu<:h atime, fuch abenefit hapned t~ us. And m thts refpeet, it ~ver_hath and evedhall be an acceptAble rvelcom~ ttme, tlm; and holden as ahtgh Feafl : like as the benefit 1s high, that befell us on tt •. Fejlm11, a fcaft, f?rthepardon,. Feftumduplex,for there– conciliatiol>: Fejl11m magu dt~plex,for the bemg perfeCtlyaccepted to thefavour ofGod, ;mdbyit re-accepting againe our prime eftare. . . Nay(laft)itiscalled notonely AnnNsaccepttiS,but Annus Dommtacceptt~s, orac– eepw Domi11o: Not onely, the accept•hleyeare; but, ufthe Lord, or lbtbe L6rd; (for {otheHebrew reads ir, with the figne ofthe Dative; as ifto Go o Bimfelfeit were fo.)And, to Him, fo it is; andto Hisholy t..Ang6ls in he•ven,fo it is. For, iftherecei. 'IJing any oneco~triteJinner, by repentance, be matterofJ•J, to the wholeCo11rt ofhea. tukcts. 1 ~; 'IJeJJ. ifthe rcce!Vlng ofbut one; what fl1all we tbmk ofthe generall recewmgofthe wh;le majJe, which this day was effeCted~. . Now ifrohe.tvm,lftoGodHimfelfe 1tbefo; Toe~~rth, to us, lhal!1tnotbee much mo;e, whom much moreit con~erneth (I am fure ~) G o o getteth nothing by it; we do: He is not rbc better fom; we are: Ever, th~ receiver,then thegiver, Thegiver,moreglory; butthcrecewer, moreJoy. That 1f 1tbe rhqoyofheavm, itcannotbebutthc/ubileeoftheearth; Even ofthe whole earth: /Hbilate Deo om- pf,I.G6.r; ·- . . Theit~bilee(ever) it began with no other found, but even of :1 Cornet,madeofthe Levir.> lwrnes ofaRam. Ofwhich homes they give no mher reafon, but that it was fo,in Iof. 6 1 · referen~eto the hornes ofthat Ram, thatinthet~icketwM caught 6y the honm, andfa- Gen. u. 13 ; erificedmifaacsjlead,evenas CH " Is T was,m ours. To lhew,that all our Iubt!ee hathrdation,tothatfpecia!lfacrifice,foplainlyprefiguringthatof CHRIsT •· Whichfeaftofiubileeb~anever, after theHigh Priefl had offered his facrifice, and had beene in the San{/a f an{/orum. As this lttbilee of C H R I s T alfo tooke place, H b • from His emring into the Holy pl•ces made withottt hands, after His propitiatory Sa. ' ·-'·'!' crifice offered up for the quick and the dead, and for all yet unboroe,at Eajler. And, it was the tenth day, that: andthis(now)is the tenth Jay fince. Thememori•ll, or myfteryof >¥hich facrifice ofchrijls, in our fread, is ever C11put lttiti.t, thetop of our mirth, and the initiation ofthe joyofour Jubilee. Like as a~- ripiam calicemJalutaris, our taking :he cup offalvation, is the~emoriall ofour being l'fa,~, 6,, 1; 4Ccepted, or recewedand taken agame toSalvatton. Wherewith let us alfo crowne · -· this Iubileeofours. That fo al1 the bendirs ofit, may take hold of'us: fpccially the r<d-inttgrationof thefavour ofGod, and the alfurance orpledge ofour reftitution to thofejoyes,and that Itehilee, that oncly can give content to all ourdefires, whenth«. time Jhall come ofthe rejloringofaftthings, R.rr 5 A sEa.;: