Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

52 Of tlfe NATIVITIE. Sermon6. may doe it too,which is the type orabfiraCl:of the veryWord,orwi(dome of GoD and that is theWordwhich is preached unto us. That Wordwemay,and are toincar~ nJte,accordingtothis dayes patterne.That we (o doe. That Word is then incarnare, tjii41'Jdo verhmn in opm, Scriptur,u in opmu convertimu;,when we doe what is fpoken, or written ;and turne the vocal/ Werdimo areai/Worke.The Word, with us,turneth to I,meo.,s. nothing but wind: To give it 5' Iohnsjlejb, and S•. fames vidimtu, make it both be Ioh.P.fs,49 Jelt andfeene. Efpecially, fince our Saviorer Himfelfe faith, He reckoneth of this as · · His fecond birth; and, of every one that fo cloth, eficemeth as His Mother. That is the C!utie properly belonging to this Day, the Day of His birth, , 3 Poh.J .~ And to looke alfo tohabitavit, afwell as faElt~m e.ft. Fit fometimes, fometimes fomewhat is done; but nonhabitavit, it vanilheth againe,it liath no fiare in us,it con– tinueth not in us, nor we in it. That it benot only,butremaine. Byfoith faElum e.ft; n,velt, byperfeverance, the true free-hold indeed. And that this we may, to provide forrhe fourth: To ufe meanes, to draw from Him that,whereofHe hathfuch plenty,graceand tmth; Thebrtfls, that arefull, have as great pleafure in being drawne,as thechitde that draweth them.Affure our [elves, it isfo here. There is majm dejiderium deplendi inHim, thanreplendi in us: more, in Him,to part with,thanin us to receive. And what m~anes are thofe ~ To goetothe Wordandjlejh together. The Word itfelfe cloth well; and,of thetwaine, d1eWord bath leffe caufe to compbine; But,this, at other times. But, atthisnow, we are not to content our [elves wirh one alone;but,fince He offereth to communicateHimfelfe both wayes, never refiraine Him to one•.)heWordwe heare, is the abfiraCl: of rer– btlm: TheSacrament ;is the amitype ofCllro,Hisflifil. _What better way,rhan where thefc are adually joyned,acrually to partake themboth~ Noc,eitheralone,thew~rtl or {lejh :but,theworda~jiejh both/01:they are bot.h.•, Ifw~ regardhAhitavit,this is a (ureway,we have a plaiQC text for 1t;.f<!9mandup4t caxnem,tn 1?U manet & egoin illo,' Beabide~ in me,and I in~im. If it oe Grace 4nd Truth~e refpeCl:, how may we bet·. rer efiabhlh our hearts~·rh Grace, or_fettleeurmmdes mtheT~uthof His Promife.' than by partaking thefetheConduit pipesof His Grace,andfealesofHisTruthunto usf' GrMeandTruth (now) proceeding,not from the Wor~alone, but even from the jlefo thereto united; the fountaine of t~e Wordflowing intothecijferneof Hisjiejb, and from thence deriving downe,to us, thi§ GraceandTruth, to them that panakeHim aright. · But,fetting them afide,the day,theWordwas madeflejh ,it is moll kindly,that ame,.' moria!/be kcpt,afwell ofthejlejh as theWord.O,n theFeaj! ofrhei~ union,they would be united: The day, they were joyned by Him, they would not be fundred, by any: but we to celebrate both,in honour ofboth. For, judge with your felves how.incon– venient it is, to kcepe a Feafl in honour ofHis takingjlejh,and even that day abandon Hisflejh,and never once take it. rerbultl & caro(ifever)to be j<;>yned,this Jay, thedaJ of their joyning. Accordingly then, as well by the aCl:, to tefiilie and reprefent the Words making fldbl as to procureHe may dwellinm ;and dwelling repleni{b us witlt His Grace 11ndTruth. And lailly,that wemay hold this Feaft aright, and do.ethedu– ticthat properly belongs t'O it,let us by both doe honour to both,rhat fromboth we may receive the fruit of both<, Grac,e, toenable4s; Trt~th,to&uideus,tothe hope of glory. Notto that,in t.he Parenthejis; -th~t i5rbut vidqnm quafi :~ but, to the other, videbimmficuteft, rofeeHin}~sHeis,andby feeing, to bee tra~sformed into the fame ' Image of G/orie. ; . ,j .. ' . •••• f '.· ~ ·A SER.. ' l ... ! •I ',\l \ ;' l