710 tttnt -~*'** '''*~* '''''' ''''''''" A SERMON PR.E'A~ CHED 'BEFORE THE ICINGS MAl ESTIE AT GREEN~ .VVICH,on the XXIV. of May, d. 'D. Mocxvu t. beiJZg WH t TSVNDAY. ACTS CHAPTER IJ. Sed hoc dt, quod diCtum ell, &c~ .VERsE t6. 'But thu u that, TIJbicl> UleuJPok..en by the Prophet Ioel: .1 7. ,And it jhall bein the last dayes(faithGoD)Ill1i!l powreout ofmySpirit ltpon all flefh, and your Jonnes andyour dau,ghter jhallprophejie, andJour . youngmen fhall fee rvifions, andyour old men jhall dreame dreames. ' 18. And, on .my jer-vmzts, 4nd on minehaml-maids, I ll1illpo'!Vre out of my S~~ . rit,and theyjhallprophefie. 19. And IU~ill jhew T/Jonders in l1ea1Jen 11bo-ve, and tokens intheeartl> bematl,; blottd, andfire, and the 1lapour of jinok..e. 2 o. 17Je Sunne jhall be turned into darkenejfe, and the Moone intobloud,before thatgreat and notable 'Day of the L o R D come. 21. Andit jh'allbe,tiJat ll1hofoe1Jerjhall call on the name of the L o Rv,fhaa bee fawd. words may well ferve for aS~t·mon, this day : they werea part of aSermon, preached as this day.The firfl: Whitfon-Sermm,thateverwas~ the fir/! Whit.Sund4J, that ever was. Saint Feur preached it. And this was his Text, out of the fecond Chap. of theProphet Ioel. AsCH R 1 s T, the bfiyeare, out of E{4y:[oPeter,this,outof Ioi!l. Both tookeTexts: both, forthcdJy, and for theprelcnt occafion. The occafion of this here, was alewdfur· mile given our by fome, touchingthegifc of tongues, this day fenr from heaven. It thall beemy firll: note. That!ooke, how foonc Goo from heaven had lent Hisftry t~ngues upon His Apojlles;theDevtl!from hell prefcntly fenrfor hisfiry tongHes, and put rhcm in the mouthes of his Apojlles,to dilgrace andfcoffcarthofeof Go os flnding. Ye